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Vancouver Slalom Race!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 9:44 am
by Dan Jackson
Finally! Vancouver's first big slalom race in years.

This Friday night 11pm at the Chan center, UBC.

Michael Brooke from Concrete Wave will be there.
Looks like there will be a big turnout.
Longboard hockey too.

Come on out!

Re: Vancouver Slalom Race!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:19 pm
by Wes Eastridge
Here's your chance, Erin.

Race in Vancouver, tomorrow (Mar 19)

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 9:13 am
by Pat Chewning
Good to hear that there's a big race in Vancouver tomorrow night.

Didn't see this on any of the calendars, so its a big surprise.

Are there more planned?

Vancouver Race tomorrow

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 4:20 am
by Dan Jackson
Hi Pat
The race was posted last week on
so a bit short notice - outlaw style.
To my knowledge, perhaps the first organized slalom race in Vancouver since 1986. The turnout for last season's opener (mass start downhill) at the Chan
was over 100 people. It's indoors in the parkade so any rain won't spoil the fun. It seems alot more people are interested in slalom this year so I'll stoked no matter what. I've been slaloming since 77 with a large break in between - like most old schoolers.

I'll post a report and some pic's when it's done.

There will be more races for sure, I've got 60 cones and I'm looking a getting a timing system.


Dan J


Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 9:01 am
by Dan Jackson

The race is SATURDAY night - March 20

I hope no one is up there right now - I'll be missing the fun if so.

Dan J

Vancouver race/gathering

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 5:40 am
by Dan Jackson
Vancouver's first race in ages was a great success, lots of stoked folks came out to participate. We set several courses for all ability levels to keep it fun, with a dual tight (6ft.) for racing. As we didn't have a timing system of any kind, we just ran head to head, with Daniel, a Swiss rider living in Vancouver pulling the fastest, cleanest runs. There was also a little dude maybe 10 years old named Steven who was cleaning the course fast on his first day of running cones. I also got to meet Erin and her friend who have been waiting to race as well. There was easily over 100 people there, both spectators, racers and longboarders. The spectacle was definitely the longboard hockey, a sport unique to the Coast Longboarders with a crushed beer can for a puck.

Many good connections were made, insuring more Slalom racing in Vancouver in the months to come. Special thanks to Bricin and the Coast Londboard crew for putting on a great show.

Dan J

Vancouver Scene

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:13 pm
by Claude Regnier
Hey Dan!

Congrats! Sounds like you all had a blast.

I tired to post this the other day in response toa previous post. The last race in Vancouver since the Worlds in 86 was a PSL/CASA race in 1990 at UBC.

Talk to you soon.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 6:32 am
by Erin Riffel
Hey Dan,
thanks for kicking off the new generation of slalom racing in Vancouver!
We had a great time running the cones, allbeit a bit slow - in true beginner style. Too bad we had to leave around 1:00 am - the downside of not being much of a night owl.

Nice meeting you and the other 'Dan' and very inspiring to watch you two streak through the TS run. Your speed was amazing and a few times it caused us to avert our eyes when you reached the wall at the end of the run...yikes.

But all in all, an amazing night at the Chan and more skateboard energy in one place than I've ever felt.

Ok, now that we've all warmed up, we need to schedule some daytime slalom .....

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:03 am
by Chris Eggers
Dan, I pointed my good old friend Daniel to the race.
He is german not swiss :-)

he wrote me an email this morning telling me how cool the race was!
Great job,keep going.


Vancouver race

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:00 am
by Dan Jackson
Hi Chris

I realized that Daniel (Knopf) was German the next day when, quite by chance I was at looking for some rollerskate wheels when I saw his name and picture. I didn't realize he was a hardcore vert rollerskater as well! It was also cool to try out some european gear especially the Airflow trucks. Thanks for alerting him to the race, he was the only other skater I've seen in Vancouver with 3DM wheels so I knew he was serious :)
Perhaps you could pass my email on to him so we can get together and race some more (

Thanks again
Dan J

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:14 am
by Chris Eggers
No problem, Dan, I just talked to Daniel on the phone. I am sure he will get in touch with you. say hi to him, he is a real good friend to me, I miss him over here.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 9:41 am
by jeff bonny
Is Daniel still in Vancouver? A few of us are running cones regularly and would love to get him out if he's so inclined.