Fountain Head AC/DC

Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Maria Carrasco, Brian Parsons

Rene Hayden
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Fountain Head AC/DC

Post by Rene Hayden » Tue Jan 18, 2005 5:15 pm

I know this is a cross-post, but I thought I'd make it its own topic not related to any "Gathering" stuff.

what about having a low-key start-up Atlantic event in March at Fountainhead anyways as a warm-up to the Gathering--call it the Rathering or the Gaithering or Atlantic Convergence Downhill Classic (AC/DC) (or Atlantic Cones and Downhill Convergence) or "The Head" or something. If it's in March it won't conflict, and the DC scene could use a bit of slalom/downhill synergy, no?

If the GSL isn't bombed into oblivion by then, we could even make it an annual charity event for GSL or other worthy causes--rape relief, whatever--get some donated schwag and all entry fees to the org.

I don't know--we could start off with a one-day event geared towards good times--you could have beginner speedboard and GS runs a la Gaithersburg P&R in the morning with more serious racing later in the day? Maybe the beer fairy will show up with some 5 gals of homebrew action? I'd be willing to volunteer some time to make it happen.

Anyone know if this is feasible? Anthony? Ohm?


Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:09 pm

I like the idea. I think if this is gonna happen in march then someone should have started talking with park authorities like....before christmas? And you know that me, Danny and Jimmy will be down for some speedboarding and me and danny for slalom now that we both have some real set ups for running cones. The only concern i have is that fountainhead and the p&r are just really far away. Why not just have it at fountain head and run cones on every hill but the back hill where the speedboarding would be? I mean if theres gonna be speedboarding youd need to get some time on that hill and work up some confidence with that hill and that bridge and haybails too. Falling off that bridge would be a doosey.

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Sat Jan 22, 2005 3:55 am


nobody get too excited about this, now.

Mr. Flis, I appreciate the feedback. Anybody else want to make this happen? If just me and Anthony race, that's fine, but I think Anthony would get a little bored of beating me.

watchall think? Doable? not doable? Interest? no interest?

do I need to break out the poll?


Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:24 am

I think you need a certain code to communicate with these guys but you know how I feel about it.....tell me when

Ohm drew first blood on the idea, so Mike what's up?

Brian Gilbert
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Post by Brian Gilbert » Sat Jan 22, 2005 9:00 am

im down for what ever, if that matters at all, i just want to race, lets get it goin. down hill slalom, i dont have any board set up for downhill but ill make shift it, i just want to race and have fun.

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:54 pm

I'm in

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Sun Jan 23, 2005 2:02 am

I know some longboarders in the not too distant areas from silverfish that would be in too. Lets set a date. If we build it, they will come guys. I mean what else does everyone have that they would be doing? I want to race and have a good time and i dream of fountainhead so lets do it. If we do downhill everyone should bring at least full pads and a full face. Hittin that back hill without a full face is asking to get your brains knocked out your ears or eyes.

Brian Gilbert
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Post by Brian Gilbert » Sun Jan 23, 2005 4:33 am

hmmm i think i can find a full face, sounds good im down for eating sh*t goin really fast. hahahaha

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:57 am

Does anyone have a date lets say next month to propose? I have many people that say they are interested in this and it could be a great way to really get the stoke of this area going. If by the next time i check here there is no date proposed ill go check a calendar and figure out what i have and propose one to all and see how it goes over.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:31 pm

Alright since no one decided to propose a date for this adventure I will. Fountainhead opens on March 19 which is the third saturday in the month. I say we shoot for March 5 with March 12 as the rain date. What do you guys say? I got a good response from guys on silverfish about this who are just waiting for a date for me to tell em to plan ahead.

Brian Gilbert
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Post by Brian Gilbert » Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:05 pm

i can do that now someone has to tell me where it is hahahahaha later guys

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:22 pm


Way to step up, Anthony.

Anything I can do to help?

Where are all the old fogies on this board, dudes? It's been snoozy time lately. Too busy carving le powderre or what?

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:54 am

Just to let you know I have some people coming from VA beach and that area and a guy coming from North Carolina too that saw my post on silverfish about this and they're psyched for it. This could be huge. Me and Danny and maybe even the guy from NorthCarolina are gonna go to fountainhead in febuary some time to scope it out since its been a year since weve been there and it would be nice to have some others there too. I want to get pictures to post for the silverfishers coming too cuz they want to see what theyre up for. I also emailed Jeff bozi about coming and Doug Dupin. If anyone has someone they think would want to come get the word out. I should get back to my research project now.

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:40 am

It seems like it's on.
Is it going to be outlaw or legit?
Who's in charge here?
Are we pack racing? That might be a little crazy. Balls out, individual runs are heavy enough. Either way, good luck and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

I'm going to hit it next week if anyone is interested.

Aaron Morris
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Post by Aaron Morris » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:51 pm

When is it? Is there Downhil and slalom?

Rene Hayden
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Date and format

Post by Rene Hayden » Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:55 pm

March 5 (March 12 rain date) as per above.

I'm sure there will be slalom if I have to set a course myself. 'Course I only have beercups. At the thought of this double horror, I'm sure one of our fine gentleman or gentlewoman course-setters who actually know their stingers from their offsets will step up to the plate and set an actual GS course.

If not, I'm sure the downhill will keep everybody busy. But it sure would be nice to have a repeat of the fun of Adams-Morgan days.

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:37 pm

We should stagger it a bit. Have one or two people go down and then wait a couple seconds and another goes. The most people going down at once should not be over 4 I think.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:05 pm

I guess Rene and I are in charge? We'll definately need some cones set and lots of video. I was thinking at most two man heats down that back hill cuz i mean...its the back hill...its gnarly as all hell and i can't wait. Anthony are you really gonna go hit it next week? If so email me or call my cell phone 703 501 5447 to let me know and ill get danny and maybe jimmy and possibly some other guy out there. Im really excited for this. Maybe itll be annual? We'll see i guess...

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:09 am

Ian Comishan of Canada is due for a visit to DC in late Feb.
It would be great if he could hold off a week or two and come race with us. I'm calling him tonite so I'll find out.

In case anyone doesn't know, Ian is one of the top Speedboarders in the world. Not only can he tuck and roll, he's a supreme slider at high speed. We'll be lucky to have him.

Maybe I can even get O'Shei to come back for a visit and make things really interesting.

Either way, I'm spreading the word.

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:00 am

Wow, this thing is getting pretty big.

This means that we're gonna have to find a backup spot if for some reason we get kicked out or something.

OCC is pretty close and if we get some people to drop people and gear off at the insertion point and leave no cars we may be fine but it would probably be best for the backup spot to have almost no bust possibility. How about Oakwood?

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Fri Jan 28, 2005 4:19 am

This is getting big and I just learned today that i planned the rain date on the day i have band festival...i swear if it rains or snows or something so that we have topostpone it ill be so very upset...I just noticed in Renes original post he said what about having a LOW KEY start up event...its real low key now heh heh heh

Rene Hayden
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Hi ho hi ho

Post by Rene Hayden » Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:36 pm



Now, seeing as I live far far away, and have never skated Fountainhead, I really wish that someone who has been there and skated that could inform us re: the bust factor.

Ohm, Slappy, Brian, Wes?

Is it better to broach the subject with the rangers, or is it best to do it outlaw? Personally, if there is going to be a lot of folks, I would rather at least try to be kosher with the authorities. "Like, uh, is it okay if me and a couple of my friends skate the back hills, or do we need a permit?"

Are none of the slalom peeps interested in attempting a GS somewhere in the vicinity of the downhill?

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:11 am

From what I remember the park was kind of out of the way to get to so the cops don't really have much of a reason to be there in the first place. I also remember that there were a lot of people going through the park and it didn't really seem to be closed.

I think it would be fine to do it outlaw style and then use oakwood as a back up spot? Or maybe try and find a way to skate Occaquan(sp?)?

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:52 am

Outlaw is the only way to race at Fntnhead without at least buying insurance. Even with insurance, I doubt they would ever let us ride there, since the park is actually closed. A back-hill race should be outlaw if possible. I don’t know what the building is back at the bottom of the hill. Is it simply just a boat-rental building that is closed during the off-season or something, or is it actually a ranger station? Last time I was there, there were park staff using it for something.

Anthony Smallwood,
Are you still planning to check it out on Saturday (Jan 29)? I gave you a call but your voicemail box was full.
Join Folding@Home for the good of humankind, or at least for your loved ones (whatever species they may be). It's easy, free and fun, too!

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:03 pm

Hey Wes,

Not going to make the 'head. Skated a transition in a warehouse w/ Seth and others last night and took a nice beef. Can't be sore and stiff while trying to conquer that run.
I'd run it any day during the week if you can get away.

bad news report:
Doug Dupin said he's not having anything to do with the race if we're running anything other than individual timed runs. In his experienced opinion, it's one of the most difficult and dangerous courses anywhere and he doesn't think it's a good idea for beginners or even experts to run with more than one person at a time. Anyone who doesn't have high speed sliding skills shouldn't hit it balls out. If you come off your board at speed on the bridge, well, we're all going to miss you!

It might be a better idea to just have a session there and maybe a race a Van Dorn.

Of course, I'm in for whatever

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Sat Jan 29, 2005 7:54 pm

This is why I want to get out there next weekend or soon so that I can see what can be done or can't. Doug is probablyabout single runs and I know I dont feel like taking a swim in the river. I haven't ridden there since last year which was obviously a lot different from my ability level and now i have an actual downhill set up. So I think that Ill get danny to go with me next saturday and whoever else wants to come ride it with us be my guest so that we can figure out what to do.

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sat Jan 29, 2005 9:59 pm

I understand most peoples need to feel like the King, but sometimes sessions are more in line than contests. Most riders with no downhill experience should be stoked just to survive a fast run on such a hill. The idea of anyone pushing their ass off from the top, tucking it and making that turn maching out, is almost laughable. But it is possible. The line is there for those worthy of the best!

A slalom race makes more sense, with a downhill "session" to precede or follow.

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sat Jan 29, 2005 10:13 pm

Anyone up for trying to ride occaquan again? I think if we're more careful than we were last time we can pull it off and that hill is fast and long but not technical at all. We'd just have to find a better way to get into the park.

I wouldn't have a problem going one at a time down fountain head either.

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:26 pm

what about taking the run from the other side (...? I don't know, I've never been there), as some folks suggested a while back?

Would that be better for beginner racing/pack racing/slalom?


Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:14 pm

Rene Hayden wrote:what about taking the run from the other side (...? I don't know, I've never been there), as some folks suggested a while back?

Would that be better for beginner racing/pack racing/slalom?

Taking it the other way is a lot safer and we'd be able to race together.

Rene Hayden
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Given [sic] the dog a bone

Post by Rene Hayden » Mon Jan 31, 2005 4:36 am

WEll, why don't we plan on having the first half of the day say break down along this schedule:

10-1 "Rock and Roll ain't never gonna die" GS slalom quals and finals on "back hill" (time abbreviated dep. on how many wigglers will show)

1-2 "Let me put my love into you" Beginner and/or pack racing on "back hill"

(notice those are the two downtempo songs on back in black)

2-3 "Highway to Hell" Crazy people timed trials on "the crazy people hill" --iwell that broke up the back in black theme, but what the hey, it's Bon Scott and appropriate. Just as long as you don't do a "Bon Scott." The peeps will be warmed up, the pack will be culled and who wants to attempt it gets to.

Sound good? That way Doug's happy, I'm happy, and everybody gets to race it up in a variety of formats

Also, Wes, so if we race, are we gonna be on the wrong side of the law of the law?

Hmmm. A bunch of rowdies hootin and hollerin all day at one spot may seriously increase the bustage.
Last edited by Rene Hayden on Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Mon Jan 31, 2005 5:46 am

I'm cranking "Hells Bells" before my downhill run. That song will get you amped!

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:02 pm

Rene, Thats a really good idea. I think you just nailed it right there. That gives everyone a chance to try everything and have a lot of scary wicked awsome fun too and the ACDC theme is great.

Next saturday who wants to go ride fountainhead? Me and danny are gonna go check it out for the first time in a year and would love some company. And if you are lucky you may get to see my new slalom board which is in production stages now.

Wesley Tucker
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Downhilling Attitudes

Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:09 pm

That's strange. Whenever I think of downhilling, I'm always reminded of "Y.M.C.A" or Frankie wailing "Relax."

But, that's just what I think :-)

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:22 pm

Strange indeed, among other things....

Coming up WT?

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:58 pm


Let me see if I got this straight: Fountainhead, March 5, 10:00 AM: Giant Slalom.

If that's the case, then I'll probably head that way. If I'm not reading all these ideas and surmisings correctly, then I don't know. I'm not exactly sure what I'm coming up for?

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:45 pm


Sure. GS at 10 sounds great. Uh, bring cones.

Seriously Wesley, I really can't say what will happen regarding slalom.
Haven't heard from Ohm, BP et al, but I imagine something will formulate so STAY TUNED!!

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Tue Feb 01, 2005 12:16 am

Could we run the GS on the front hill like we did last year? I have a feeling that some of the people won't have GS setups and wouldn't be interested in doing it so then they could still ride on the back hill while the GS is going on?

John Dillon
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Post by John Dillon » Tue Feb 01, 2005 6:11 pm

Sounds like u guys r working it....good on ya! Rene, I like the AC/DC theme....that works well. Keep it up guys!

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:17 pm

Would Ohm, Parson, Vlad, or WesE chime in here with recommendations regarding which hill we should do the slalom? I'm workin' blind here and I ain't no coursesetter....

WE could call this year's event "Run to the Hills" -- oh, wait, that's Maiden.....

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Sun Feb 06, 2005 2:41 am

Run to the hills is still a damn good song tho...anywho me and danny went and rode there today and we forgot how gnarly those hills were and it was the first time ive been nervous about riding a hill in a long time. Well after halfway through the turn we realized it wasnt as big a deal and started tucking it with no foot breaking and i started moving up the hill but danny wanted to stay safe for his date tonight. The left side would definately be "raceable" and then after that we could open up the right side for the idiots who just want a challenge and are ok with putting their lives in danger.

Slalom could work out on the hill near the entrance or we could run slalom earlier in the morning and do the speedboarding after it on the back hill. I definately want slalom to be a part of this for people to try and experience it for those who have never seen or been near any wigglers in their life. Plus ill need to try out the new board im shaping tonight taht i pressed last weekend.

Keep riding fast everyone and stop getting hurt too so that me and danny will have someone to ride with next time we ride there. Anthony S, if you go with your son there tomorrow jsut bring a board to ride to the back on due to the large amount of snow melt but the back hills are fine pretty much and the turn is dry just twiggy.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:07 pm

Hasn't been any talk here in a while so i thought id stir it back up since its about two and a half weeks away till this little shindig. I was wondering what coneheads are gonna be there? I know that me and danny are itchin for some slalom after us each setting up new boards we built for slalom. I think slalom should definately be involved. We just need someone with cones and the desire to set a course and having saturday March 5th free.

Rene Hayden
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Race race

Post by Rene Hayden » Mon Feb 14, 2005 11:22 pm

Yeah, what is happening with Ohm, Vlad, Wes, Brian, Eric, Slappy et. al.? Haven't heard from anyone 'round these parts except the roundwallers/longboarders.

Have ye forsaken these boards for the NCDSA or what? Moved out of DC? out of slalom?

I would cone it, but I've got no cones, much less a timer. I don't think my beer cups are going to cut it, and they are a bit dangerous in that if you hit them wrong they stop your wheels. If there's no slalom interest, I'd just vote to turn it into an all-downhill blast.

And what is up with the outlaw season?

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:07 am

I really hope the DC Outlaws come out and run cones on the 5th. A writer for a well known magazine is going to be in town hanging out with the DCDC and ECRW preparing for a story on DC's alternative skateboard scenes, of which the Outlaws play a huge part. Not sure if it's "dead" as some say, or just in really deep hibernation, but they have made a mark and need to be part of the story. And the fact that my friend, who charges a five figure sum for a days worth of work has agreed to photograph the story for free, means tons of good photos, many of which will be included in a future art show/fundraiser for the GSL.

BTW- There is going to be a fundraiser that night in DC hosted by the DC Downhill Club/Friends of GSL. Don't want to miss this one folks. Should be a classic day/night. More info to come....

GBJ- call me 202-607-1495 or email me. The writer will be in town from the 3rd-7th and I'd like for you to hook up with us at some point to discuss the Gathering, historically and currently.

Geezer X-call me, your shades are in

Aaron Morris
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Post by Aaron Morris » Tue Feb 15, 2005 2:12 am

I Think I might be there.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:21 am

Well as far as the downhilling goes we gotta figure how we are gonna do qualifying. We have like two weeks to put this all together. Should we have like an hour or two of practice then do qualifying in order of peoples names on a sheet or whoever wants to go and how are we gonna time it? We'll need walky talkies to make sure of a clear course as well. Anthony what do you think would be a good way to do this since you have race experience and know the terrain?

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:00 am

Realistically, there doesn't seem to be anyone showing any initiative to organize, and I don't blame them because I want no part of that myself. The slalom guys might show but who's got a timer? For me, it doesn't matter. I would like to run cones for fun but I'm not interested in competing because at any time I might feel like bombing the right side....or the left side, or take my super tanker on a hand dragging low-pivot surf run. Point is, if someone organizes a downhill, I'll compete, whatever, but I'd be stoked just to take a slew of approaches toward the whole complex in a free and timely manner. I just want to ride.

Brian Gilbert
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Post by Brian Gilbert » Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:13 am

oh crap please let this be the first of many fun runs for the dc/baltimore year. i want to run gs because i have a gs board, i want all you guys there, it will be fun, and sh*t, it will be a good way to start the season. lets all support this for a first fun way to start things. brian, ohm, vlad (if you can), john dillon(again if you can), Wes E, all the younge guys , seth, nino and all come on guys we can do this. im gonna drive from baltimore to where ever this is. you guys have all helped me so much in my newness to slalom, id love to see you all there. i mean i still owe mike and brian for my bushings, which helped my racing so much plus i might have an axe by then. come on lets do this.

And you know what? lets take this one more step. lets do a 5 dollar entry fee that all goes towards green skate lab, i missed the party, but lets keep it up, these guys need us , and those of us who do more then wiggle down a street, we ned this park, vans is done we need somewhere to skate tranny, so lets make it all good for all. SK8 OR DIE!!! no mater how you skate!

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Thu Feb 17, 2005 3:38 pm

Anthony Smallwood wrote:Realistically, there doesn't seem to be anyone showing any initiative to organize, and I don't blame them because I want no part of that myself. The slalom guys might show but who's got a timer? For me, it doesn't matter. I would like to run cones for fun but I'm not interested in competing because at any time I might feel like bombing the right side....or the left side, or take my super tanker on a hand dragging low-pivot surf run. Point is, if someone organizes a downhill, I'll compete, whatever, but I'd be stoked just to take a slew of approaches toward the whole complex in a free and timely manner. I just want to ride.
I agree. It'll be too much of a pain to organize this. Lets have groups of people racing or just bombing for fun. Lets make it so there's no brackets or anything and just have fun racing people or just having fun bombing.

Me and Tony have been organizing a lot of this so this could mean that we would most likely be the ones responsible for timers and the walkie talkie stuff and I just wanna skate!

Rene Hayden
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Free flow

Post by Rene Hayden » Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:42 pm

What's so frickin' hard to organize?

You need two walkie-talkies, two volunteers and a stopwatch for downhill, right? And maybe a shuttler? I can be one of the volunteers, since I don't own a fullface, and only a leather jacket. Maybe one of the other slalomers or significant others will volunteer to be the other person on the mike, or we can just switch off like we did at DC/DC. As for format, I'm leaving that up to the downhillers. I think as long as you have the equipment, you can improvise on the spot depending on who/how many show up--i.e.: brackets or "jam session." The only problem with a totally open-ended jam is that people might cross paths and run into each other.

We are going to have slalom, according to Vlad, so that is a bit more complicated to organize, i.e.: we need a reserved clear hill, a timer system, a runout, and a record keeping device (i.e.: pen and paper). It would be bad to have somebody take a spill and then be run over by a speedboard at mach 3.

I'd be happy with reserving the non-gnarly hill (or a hill in general) for slalom from 10-1 and letting the downhillers have at it for the rest of the time in whichever way they think is best.

However, in the interests of safety, I'd ask that if the downhillers are going to take the gnarly hill, that they secure some hay baleage for the guard rail. There's no sense in one mistake resulting in the possibility of serious injury or death. That would be a serious bummer on the day.

Could the slalom community *****PLEASE***** let us know who, if anyone, is going to show up, and what resources you can bring (timer system, cones, spandex-clad hard-bodied youths) so we can plan this thing properly? Is there any interest in this event out there besides me, Vlad "the Ankle" Popov, Danny, Anthony F, Petitbois, and B. G.?

I don't know about an entry fee for GSL, but I'll bring a jar for "entry fee by donation--all proceeds to GSL (or the NHL player's fund)." I'm also willing to make official AC/DC trophies.

How about this:

9 AM Set-up for slalom and downhill bales as needed--course set after consultation (100 cones 4ft. straight w/ 10 ft stinger at bottom--ha ha).
10AM-1PM warm-up, slalom quals, B&A bracket racing (slappy and Jeff sweep the podium)
1 PM-2PM downhill "jam session" or warm up
2PM-4 PM downill racing
4 PM presentation of trophies and general carousing
4 PM -?? drinking of much beer at fine neighborhood establishments, and a moment of silence as we remember the magic and the memories of the NHL.

We could also throw in a slopestyle/sliding jam session from 1 to 2 and bump downhill warm up from 2-3 and racing from 3-4 or 5 (I don't know how long racing takes).

I will volunteer to emcee and shepherd the scruffy skaters to their assigned spots.


Any way you spell it, AC/DC spells FUN!!

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