Fountain Head AC/DC

Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Maria Carrasco, Brian Parsons

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:15 pm

René, you sound like you have some big hopes. As far as I can tell, this is outlaw. Mics and shuttle don’t really fit into the equation. Bringing in haybales will be pretty difficult, considering it’s at least a mile between the locked gate to the back hill. I suggest you take a trip to check it out so that you know what is up.
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Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:07 pm

By "mic" I was referring to walkie-talkie.

As for the shuttle, doesn't someody own a Segway? We could shuttle people up on that, or tether them to my dog.

I know this is outlaw, I have no great hopes, just that everybody races, has fun, and doesn't get hurt (seriously). I'm not going to be responsible for the downhill program. They can do whatev, hay bales or not. I was just volunteering to be a radio (walkie-talkie) man/timer if that was the only thing stopping them from doing a proper race.

Anthony Smallwood
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Rene "Media Whore" Hayden

Post by Anthony Smallwood » Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:23 pm

I like Rene's attitude. Sight unseen, he figures we can do it. Sometimes I think we forget he's Canadian, meaning he'll find a way to get it done. Canadians are some of the toughest son-of-a-bitches I've ever dealt with, right behind the Koreans. But I think he's gonna have a tough time overcoming the slackers.....I don't want to haul haybales and I don't want to run back up the hill in my leathers as I advance ha ha ha

Again, I'll be happy just to skate and watch others skate

So, has everyone seen the shot of Rene in today's Wasington Post? It's a feature on the GSL in the District supplemental section. Also a good shot of Chris Nostrand behind the wheel of the bobcat.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:28 pm

Rene, we can't race the gnarly right side due to the fact that the turn is gnarly as hell and the possible consequences are not worth it for an outlaw race. No one wants to call in for a helicopter. We can race the left side of tehhill without bails of hay or anything just full pads and full face helmets cause you never know when youll clip someone or freak out or whatever. I say if we do downhill race with brackets then ill bring a stop watch and walkytalkies thats fine BUT we need someone to run that because this is something I really wanna RIDE at. It will be really laid back and just plain fun. Here is what I say we should do as far as a tentative schedule:
9am - everyone starts arriving and scouting out and just checkin it all out while someone starts setting cones on that middle hill.
10am - practice and running cones and courage building and mingling starts full on
11am - qualifying when you are ready for downhill
12 - qualifying should finish up and brackets drawn and up racing commence
when the downhill brackets are done with everyone free to mingle and ride the other side of the hill or try their hand at slalom and just cruise the park until it gets dark

It should be a no pressure, laid back day of fun and grudge matches with trying new things and meeting new people gearing up for a new spring season of awsome progressing skaters and some degressing cuz theyre jsut getting too old :) ...just kidding but yeah

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:39 pm

Sounds good to me.

Just as long as the slalomers aren't in the way or on the side of downhill runs, that's fine.

I'll be available to walkie-talkie or we can just do a switch-it-up. In fact, maybe that should be the race stakes. Last two have to man the talkie-walkies.


Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:26 pm

Rene, if you can you should get out to fountainhead this weekend so you understand the layout of the park.

I think this will work out.
We just need two walky talkies, one at top and bottom of the hill and we call if from the top then record times at the bottom and then the person who just ran runs the walky talky at the bottom and records then next persons time and so on and so forth.

Now lets say we all meet or try to start arriving at 9 oclock and get practice in before qualifying. We'll start qualifying at 11 and try to finish by like 12 or so. Give everyone two qualifying runs and their best of two will determine where they fall in the bracket. Someone will need to help me out with how you determine the brackets however because that is one thing I dont know how to do. Then we will do two man heats till one is crowned and then we should open up the right side for trying and grudge matches and stuff at your own risk if you arent pissing your pants over that turn.

Slalom however...I think the cones should be set and reset through out the day so that can stay interesting. You could do brackets in that too since there is only a limited amount of people who would want to do both downhill and slalom. The only people that come to mind like that are me, Danny and Anthony S.

All in all I think that non of the racing actually matters. It's more about meeting new people and trying new things or improving on old things so if the racing thing goes down the tubes i wont be dissappointed and I dont think anyone else will be either due to the fact that there will be a lot of awsome skaters there and skating is fun especially with a lot of other people like you.

Rene Hayden
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poop affirmative

Post by Rene Hayden » Fri Feb 18, 2005 11:41 pm

Shit Yeah.

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:18 am

I was thinking the same thing Tony. I just didn't want to type it.

Jeff Boswell
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Post by Jeff Boswell » Sat Feb 19, 2005 4:43 pm

WesE brought up a good point. its pretty far back in there where y'all are planning on running the downhill. You might to come up with a plan in the event that someone gets hurt.

If I show up I'll bring my slalom cones. If I don't, have fun, be safe and God Speed!!

Dan Mitchell
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Post by Dan Mitchell » Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:33 am

If there is a slalom race, I'll be there. I have 50 cones but no timer. I might be able to bring walkie-talkies also.
I'd also like to see some speed on my Bozi MBII, but not so gnarly that I'd need leathers and a full-face ;).

Come on slalom pussies, step up or shut up!!
Dan Mitchell, aka PA Dan

Mike Ohm
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Highway to Hell

Post by Mike Ohm » Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:29 pm

Rumor has it that if the weather holds for the 5th the DC Outlaws will be out in force as well as a few out-of-towners. I am sure there will be enough cones and at least 1 timer available. Brooms and possiby a gas blower would be essential. The authorities have seen us there before so there shouldn't be a problem. Getting Fountainhead or another "alternative" hill for a legit race is in the works. Please clean up and respect the park.

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:56 pm

Mr. Ohm brings up a good point that I forgot about with the brooms. Last time it was pretty twiggy and it would mess up your skating and freak you out so put a broom in with everything else you're bringing.

I'm so stoked!

Aaron Morris
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Post by Aaron Morris » Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:41 pm

Me and my Dad will be there.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:45 pm

Nobody likes to listen to me bellyache, but I'm gonna do it anyway!

Here's the deal. I'm watching the weather and will probably decide as late as Thursday night or Friday morning to come up. Right now, it looks REALLY DICEY for next weekend. Highs are only in the low '40s and you've got freezing stuff off and on for the foreseeable future.

If it rains next Wednesday or Thursday and washes away the snow and salt and then it's very dry Friday and anticipated to be dry Saturday, I'll head out. If it's gonna be another deep freeze where I can't feel my toes again until Monday and the wind and water makes skating a joke, I'll stay home and go to the beach.

I'd really like to come. Sounds like a good crowd and the fundraiser Saturday night would be cool. But y'all know the deal: you can walk to Occoquan while I got 500 miles of interstate with a distinct possibility of icey bridges. That ain't my idea of a quiet ride in the country.

Noah Heinle
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Post by Noah Heinle » Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:25 pm

Last year, I think about this time, you guys has a session at Fountainhead (or Occoquan, wherever) on a day with highs expected only in the teens. I opted out because the thought of driving 400 miles to hang out in the woods a mile from my car in the freezing cold with WesE didn’t sound too appetizing. The day after, I was pissed that I wussed out. I saw pics and heard stories that it was a great time and the cold wasn’t that bad. I was even more bummed to learn that WT toughed it out and made that session!
13 and I skated last weekend in sub 30* temps. It wasn’t bad. If the weather makes the road unmanageably dirty or wet, bummer. But if it’s doable, I’m stoked. I’m looking forward to seeing you guys. (you too Wes….both of you) ;-)

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:30 pm

The Fountainhead race last year was January. That weekend wasn't too intolerable. In Feburary, we moved back to the P&R and I ended up fighting off frostbite. It was sunny, windy, COLD and the snow was still piled around on the grass. We didn't actually get to skate til afternoon because the snow runoff went underground and seeped up into the course through cracks in the road. Thought I was gonna die.

There's a reason I live in the South and it ain't for the sweet smell of magnolia blossoms!

Oh, in March, it was pretty much a repeat of February. The only difference was in March it finally warmed up a little by 3:00 in the afternoon. That made it much more comfortable for that guy living in his '70 Barracuda in the parking lot.

Rene Hayden
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snow fig

Post by Rene Hayden » Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:17 pm

don't forget the rain date is the wkend after.

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:25 pm

Hey WT and Noah, glad you guys are considering coming up/down. If the weather holds, it should be a good time.
I'm having a hard time getting Saturday off (I'm off at 11:00am) so I'll probably miss the slalom portion, or some of it. I'll have to go back to DC to get the writer and photographer, so if we miss the "contest", keep the course up for some shots.
And please, no wipeouts on the big hill until the cameras are ready!

I have some extra space in my ghetto loft if any body needs a place to stay. Of course you do so at your own peril. A friends wife is leaving the country for two months and he has a huge mansion by the zoo, so I can probably get some folks in there, if need be. Because everyone's coming to the party, RIGHT??!! ha ha ha ha (I'm sure there will be one or two bold surprises)

I'm already working on another fundraiser in April. It's going to be in VA at the hotel pool that's been discussed on these boards. Stay tuned

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:57 pm

OK, I'm confused here on the two threads, the "AC/DC" thing and the "GSL FUNDRAISER":

Is it a slalom race starting in the AM, then a ramp session w/ bands for a GSL fundraiser in DC that night?

Is it a slalom race or a downhill race?

Is it a downhill skate session?

AC/DC? Is that Vlad skateboarding in his speedo?

Can a thread be started with a break down of the days events, times , location & description. The thread could be titled "March 5th Schedule of Events". I'll be out most of the day on 3/5/05 but might try to catch-up at some point.


Anthony Smallwood
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another boring weekend in DC

Post by Anthony Smallwood » Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:10 pm

All day and all night.....skate,skate,skate

It seems there's a slalom race starting in the AM and there is a downhill session to follow at Fountainhead. I guess we'll be finished around 3pm?? The GSL party follows starting around 7pm. Then for the hearty (or foolhardy), a late night bomb down Mass. Ave or the left side of Normanstone. Early AM grinds @ the Diner, then some sleep.

Then Sunday sermon at the Church of the Round Wall

"Blessed are those who walk on vertical walls"

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:47 pm

for saturday I said it should be:
9am or so set all the shiznat up at fountainhead (cones and all that jazz) and me and danny are gonna get some speed estimates on the back hill using a speed trap method
10am start doing the slalom thing like usual with the qualifying and then racing when thats all said and done.
1130 - 12 or so start doing practice on the back hill for those non slalomers
12/1230 start doing some qualifying for downhill if theres enough people/interest in it and once that is done then the racing will begin
once that is done the park shall be a free for all until everyone gets hungry or decides to go to DC for the party.

hopefully there will be plenty of camera's and people

Wes Eastridge
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Post by Wes Eastridge » Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:18 pm

I don’t know of anyone who has volunteered to do slalom. I can probably bring Brian’s timer (if it's OK with him) and set it up, but my courses are too rudimentary to be worth travelling for.
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Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Fri Feb 25, 2005 9:20 pm

Speaking for myself only, I definitely have no interest in running an actual race in the back. I'm just riding, but if everyone else agrees to the regimentation, I promise I'll stay out of the way.

Noah Heinle
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Post by Noah Heinle » Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:32 pm

I have the day off from changing diapers, so quit trying to bum me out.

Personally, I don’t care about racing next Saturday. I don’t care if there is a timer or not. I don’t care if the day is centered around downhill or slalom. I wanna skate and hang out with friends, so just bring your pretty smile.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:50 pm

How about we all just meet at fountainhead around 10 or so and jsut have some fun? set some cones race some grudge matches get some pics and video and just have a good time? I dont care i just want to ride with everyone and go fast down hills on my skateboard(s) so it is all good. But, I want one race with you Anthony on the left side of the back hill. Straight up, balls to the wall. I know you will beat me but I wanna see where i stand in comparison to someone who has run with the best.

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:10 am

Now we're talking! I'll race you on the left side but only if we race balls out on the right side too. The ride side will tell the true tale. I'm really interested in sliding that left across the bridge. I wanna experiment.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:17 am

Noah Heinle wrote:Personally, I don’t care about racing next Saturday. I don’t care if there is a timer or not. I don’t care if the day is centered around downhill or slalom. I wanna skate and hang out with friends, so just bring your pretty smile.
Sounds like Noah's buying? Personally, I prefer a quality German Pilsner! :-)

Mike Ohm
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whole lotta rosey

Post by Mike Ohm » Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:18 am

Flis, well stated, Smallwood, experimenting can lead to heavier things, Noah see you friday nite, WT we are all thankful you are still Bellyaching, WesE, don't worry, I'm setting the course.

it's on

Anthony Smallwood
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lab monkeys

Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:58 am

Yeah, I was thinking after hitting the right side balls out, we go hit the left side switch, then we randomly exchange boards and go back to the right side, then we.........

Brian Gilbert
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Post by Brian Gilbert » Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:05 am

sweet , this is gonna rule can someone help me wiyh directions on how to get to fountainhead from Bmore?

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Sat Feb 26, 2005 3:12 am

Anthony, I will do the right side with you if you give me a little bit to warm up to it. That is a scary ass hill and its the only hill that has scared me in any of my adventures over the past year but hey you only live once and broken bones heal and if my board goes in the water i can always buy a new one. Switch eh?....hmm....maybe not but the switching boards in mid ride would be exciting for video....OH BRING YOUR CAMERA PLEASE the more video the merrier. Me and Danny have been wanting to do a video for so long and this is the perfect venue for everything. I will see you all next saturday!

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sat Feb 26, 2005 6:33 am


Don't forget, not only have I raced with the best, I'm bringing the best. Ian Comishin is truly one of the top riders alive, and the hill doesn't do him justice. His local run in Montreal is called "Devils Toy" and it's Fountainhead X 3. Plain scary.
Ian is a super cool guy so feel free to pick his brain about speedboarding. We'll run a heat with me, you, Ian and Dupin. That'll be a good one.


Do a search and see what pops up. I know the directions were posted for a race last year. I think you take 123 past Lorton. I'm posting directions to the party this week.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:32 am


Not to be a pessimist, but things ain't looking real good for Occoquan this weekend. It might improve a little later in the week, but who wants to lay odds on it?

Here's my question: can anyone get by Fountainhead on THURSDAY and check it out? The way I understand it 10 inches of snow takes a LONG time to melt. So even if it's bright and sunny with an expected high in the '70s, will our hill still be worthless from melting run off?

From what I remember, I can imagine both sides being surrounded by blankets of snow just leeching water out into the street for days to come. And that even assumes the Parks department even bothers to plow. Maybe a closed park is just ignored and the snow is both on the grass and the asphalt?

Is anyone nearby the park who can check it out later in the week and give us road warriors an update?

Mike Ohm
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Post by Mike Ohm » Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:38 pm

Wesley, 9:15am Monday. Snow just started. NOAA report looks like we might dodge a bullet. I will try to check the condition of Fountainhead the end of this week and post.

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:02 pm

Fountainhead does plow for some reason. Last time me and Danny went a few weeks back there was evidence of plowing and there was a good deal of snow melt in a few key places but nothing too bad that a good broom couldnt solve. We'll just have to see how things play out. It just started snowing hard here and its 1:00.

Rene Hayden
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Snow schmo

Post by Rene Hayden » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:32 pm

College Park--it's 1:30 and it's been snowing since 11:00, with little to no accumulation.

As long as temps stay above freezing in the day, snow will not be a problem for this weekend unless it snows later on in the week. Then, we will have tobboganing.

Even then, it might not be a big deal.

And Brian, I don't think you'll have a problem finding a place to stay in D.C.

Brian Gilbert
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Post by Brian Gilbert » Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:20 am

sweet thanks

Anthony Flis
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Post by Anthony Flis » Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:36 am

With the snow pretty much melted away due to our "awsome" weathermen and their brilliant forcasting skills. The weather channel site gives me hope. For my zipcode there is only a 30% chance of snow showers on saturday and it will more than likely be a less chance at fountainhead but I am too lazy to find its forcast.

Rene Hayden
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wether the weather

Post by Rene Hayden » Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:52 pm

The weather forecast according to as of 10:47 Thursday morning was 30% snow/showers on Sat. The zip for fountainhead/fairfax station is 22039 if you want to check.

Brian: the address, if you want to mapquest it to get a general idea of how to get there is:

10875 Hampton Rd Fairfax Station, VA 22039-2753

However, I have the feeling that we will be meeting at a specific location away from the main entrance of the park. Would somebody mind offering directions to park and walk to the site?



Brian Gilbert
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Post by Brian Gilbert » Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:00 pm

I regret to inform you guys, but i will not be able to make it this week end to AC/DC, i gotta work cause i need money, so im out but i will be at the party that night , have fun dudes

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:43 am


we're just going to have to park in the area before the gate. It works fine. If you can carpool with someone then do it because I guess if there's a big enough turn out space me be a factor. ... code=22039

There is the mapquest thing for it

The big hill is in the back near the water.


Bummer, hope to see you next time

I may get access to a video camera and will be taping when I'm not skating and I'll put together a little movie of it and get Silverifish to host.

We're going to need an AC/DC song...which one?

I'm stoked to the max by the way. Snow is close to gone...

I may not be able to skate as hard as I want to. I got marathon madness at school the night before because my band is playing. Its like 9:00-6:00 in the morning. Hopefully a buttload of Red Bull will help with that!

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Mar 04, 2005 3:07 pm

Gentlemen . . . and Parsons and Ohm,

I'm gonna have to bag it. I'd love to make the trip, but it's just too much of a risk for an Outlaw get together:

Saturday: Mostly cloudy. Rain and snow showers in the morning. A few rain showers in the afternoon. High 46F. Winds light and variable. Chance of precip 30%.

It'll probably be dry as a bone all day, but I can't take the chance of having to hit the road with frozen stuff. Plus, the thought of getting iced in somewhere in DC for the weekend isn't all that appealing. Sorry I'll miss the party but y'all have fun.

Rene Hayden
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Post by Rene Hayden » Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:26 pm

Gentlemen and gentlewomen;

It looks fairly probably to snow/rain tomorrow (40%), although it's sunny as Brian Parsons' disposition at the mo.

Since people are coming from as far away as Quebec to our little shindig, how do you all feel about skating on Sunday if it rains Sat?

Instead of a post-skate celebration, Anthony's party could be a pre-skate opening bash. I spoke to him last night and the fest will be going on rain or no rain. Looks to be fun with 2 donated kegs, ramps, and general mayhem.

As for the AC/DC song, Highway to Hell is underused, old school, and on topic. But for sheer rockin' you can't beat Back in Black or Hell's Bells. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap might be a good one as well, depending on how gentlemanly everybody decides to be. PLEASE don't use "shook me all night".

P.S.: for those wondering, I saw Brian Parsons and his charming wife last night at the GSL benefit, which rocked, (where were YOU?), and he is indeed alive, well, and will probably see y'all at AC/DC.

Hopefully AC/DC will not stand for "All Complaining/Damp Conditions"

Mike Ohm
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back in black

Post by Mike Ohm » Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:29 pm

NOAA says 40% chance of rain/snow and 45 degrees. It will definately be a game time decision for me. Also, I have not had a chance to check the park for rideability. Come to think of it, whoever is throwing this luau should check it today and report back. Danny, Anthony what's up?

WesT, that wasn't nice.

Wesley Tucker
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Post by Wesley Tucker » Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:27 pm

I'm not a nice person . . . I'M A SKATEBOARDER!

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:18 am

Sunday works. It'll give me a day of rest and much better weather conditions.

Unless someone has a good reason to have it Saturday then lets move it to Sunday.

Anthony Smallwood
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Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sat Mar 05, 2005 5:50 am

We (me, Doug, Ian and Alex) are going to Occoquan on Saturday if there is rain. Even in the rain, OCC can be played safely with some good drafting and passing. Fountainhead on Sunday. Party's still on

Jack Quarantillo
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Post by Jack Quarantillo » Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:53 am

hey Justin!
Welcome over here!


Justin Clohesy

Post by Justin Clohesy » Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:38 am

thanks man
(no to get off topic) but i started skating last year for the first time (i'm 26), did some downhill last weekend for the first time, and now all my free time is consumed by driving around town scouting out hills. a whole new world has been opened up to me and (aside from my family) skating (in ANY form) is one of the greatest things i have ever done. i'm going to keep on skating untill they come and take my legs away, then i'll get a prosthetic and post over at :)

i only wish i would have discovered skateboarding/downhill/slalom earlier (i've lived here for 3 years) as i'll be leaving for las vegas permanently this summer. so i've reserved myself to skate as much terrain as humanly possible without being considered a negligent parent :) since i've only got a little while left.

so that's my quick story, i hope the weather holds out and this event goes down (sunday i believe?) ...hope the gsl benefit goes off without a the wallride thing still happening?

Anthony Smallwood
Posts: 308
Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 2:00 am
Location: Washington, D of C

Post by Anthony Smallwood » Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:24 pm

Right now at 8am it's bright and sunny in DC but the system is on the march. It seems it will pass by fairly quickly so Sunday is looking good. I know the rain date is set for next week but considering the fact that Ian Comoshin and Jon Caften are here and are leaving on Monday, we need to ride this weekend. Not counting the incredible session we had in Anacostia yesterday. We blew past a cop on Naylor road (anyone know how busy that road is on a Friday afternoon?) and his jaw dropped. Didn't even bother chasing us.......sick, sick riding.
If it's raining today, we'll be at OCC

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