my first REAL longboarding experience

Slalom Skateboarding in Washington, U.S.A.

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Barry Siegel

my first REAL longboarding experience

Post by Barry Siegel » Sat Jun 18, 2005 7:12 am

hey Guys,

So I've ridden my first longboard (Bozi Mad Bomber) about 3 times now since I've had it, the last time being in the 6 story Reston Town Center Parking Garages (I live right behind RTC) and I was starting to feel confident (carving it and foot braking). Oh how I had no idea at the time that I still could barely ride the thing.

I met up with some of the guys from the local skate shop for a night session through some Ashburn neighboorhoods (even though all the houses pretty much had lights, it was still very dark) We skated in front of a pickup truck, which made sure no cars ran us over and lighted the way somewhat. Then we all hopped in the bed of the truck for the ride up. This was the "crusing" hill for them, but felt like a downhill hill for me.

So I am SOOOOOO glad I had protection on. First, I was going WAY faster than I was comfortable with (a few times), so I got low and then I started getting crazy speed wobbles even while crouched low. I thought for sure I was going to be "ejected" off the board and would have awful road rash all over my face. Somehow, I managed to stabilize myself before I hit the curb and rode it out. I tightened the trucks after that run, though. Then, on another run, I was hand braking / sliding for probably 10 seconds straight (I had wrist guards meant for inline skating, not skating) on, and the things were burning hot, I thought they had melted. Nevertheless, I firmly believe those truly saved me tonight. I ripped right through my jeans at the kneecap, thankfully I had kneepads on. I was totally freaking out going straight downhill though- too scared to try anything but stay on the board, lol. Toward the end, I was getting the powerslide though. A number of times I ran off the board at quite fast speeds, which can't be good for your knees and isn't what I want to be doing.

So then the guys I was with went to a much steeper hill and were carving then powersliding some more carving, powerslide. It was a very cool hill, supposedly the highest point in Loudoun county, we could see the lights from Reston (or perhaps Tysons Corner). Anyway, I got some video of these guys doing the 2nd hill. One of the guys had blue lights under his board, which was cool looking and had made it easier to film him.

So I got way more than I bargained for tonight. I'll be out there again though- with some real sliding gloves.

Also, who are the Reston riders again? I was crusing through the Town Center and the cops didn't stop me at all. Wouldn't mind skating with some other Restonians though.


ps I'll try to post the video somewhere or email it to someone who can post (depending on how much I can compress it)

Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Sat Jun 18, 2005 11:08 pm

me and my friend anthony live in the Reston area. Go to Lake Fairfax. That is an awesome hill. I hope we can get together and skate sometime. Who were you skating with?

David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Sun Jun 19, 2005 6:26 am

Glad you have discovered longboarding but if you are going to charge it fast and hard, wear a helmet. Hills can kill, check out this link to a guy who died the other week while doing some casual downhilling. ... ality.html Bolinas man dies in skateboard accident, June 2, 2005

Go for it but be safe.


Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Sun Jun 19, 2005 6:37 pm


It'll get safer and easier with time. First-time skiing and snowboarding usually ends up in straight-lining and taking spectacular dives and high-sides.

Congratulations on breaking the ice.

You can put your video(s) here:
The site is free and takes up to 50 MB films at ones.
You are given two links after you upload your video. One is for sharing online, the other one is for erasing it.

Click here for an example. Click on the FREE button on the bottom of the screen to reserve your download ticket, and the video can be downloaded in 15-90 seconds.

Barry Siegel

Post by Barry Siegel » Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:27 am


I recall being told Lake FFX was a bit steep for newbs? I was with some guys I know from one of the local shops. Do you ever go to the Town Center? Lately I've been riding through it quite a bit, they usually don't mind. If you're there and you see me, by all means stop me.

LBK, of course I had on full protection! hell, during the crazy speed wobbles, i was wishing I had a full face helmet on (as I was sure I was going to be "ejected"). If I didn't have those inline skate (really need sliding gloves) wrist/ hand guards, I'm positive I would have cut my hands up or taken a horrific fall. I wanna frame those darn things, they definitely saved me.

Vlad, thx for the encouragement. I cracked up when I read "spectacular dives." I'll try to upload teh vid soon. It's hard to make out b/c it was so dark, and it's actually of the other guys, lol. But it may still be fun to watch.


Danny Crawford
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Post by Danny Crawford » Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:23 am

Barry Siegel wrote:Danny,

I recall being told Lake FFX was a bit steep for newbs? I was with some guys I know from one of the local shops. Do you ever go to the Town Center? Lately I've been riding through it quite a bit, they usually don't mind. If you're there and you see me, by all means stop me.

I've been up to the towne center before and skated many of the garages there and only got in trouble when my friend decided to drop a chain down the stairs...

We skated all the way there from Anthony's house who lives near the franklin farm shopping center so it was a pretty long skate there. This summer we can come up for sessions though because I now have my driver's license. Just send me a pm if you're interested.

And yes, lake fairfax isn't really a newbie hill. Its got a pretty hard toeside and an even harder heelside turn.

Barry Siegel

one of the videos online

Post by Barry Siegel » Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:01 am


I took you up on that file share idea. what's this bs with not being able to download if you're behind a proxy? lame, lame, lame,

anyway, the video is of 2 guys from the skate shop going down a pretty steep hill in ashburn, honestly you really can't see much b/c it was quite dark, as you will "see" (no pun intended).

I have another one if you want. ... 7.AVI.html


David Riordon
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Post by David Riordon » Wed Jul 20, 2005 5:23 am


Once I figured out how to download your video, I could only make out a few seconds of downhilling but the audio sounded real cool.

Seems like you are hooked on longboarding now. When are we going to get a bunch of us together for a longboard session?


Barry Siegel


Post by Barry Siegel » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:01 am

hey LBK,

Danny C told me he's trying to arrange some garage racin this weekend here in Reston, which I hope to be at and take some video. I'm down for a longboard session whenever, although I must caution you I doubt I go as fast as some or most of you guys, and first I really need to make some sliding gloves. I also need to figure out how to ride narrower hills that are slightly steeper than a parking garage. But yeah, i'm diggin' it. Definitely more fun that I anticipated.

This evening I had to walk a dog and figured I'd ride the board while walking the dog, which was still a puppy. Damn near bailed a few times- not an advisable idea, at least not when the terrain isn't flat and open. Dogs need not be particularly strong or powerful to pull you briskly and once you're moving and have momentum, there's ain't much carvin' you can do when you've got a leash in one hand, lol.

Danny, can you believe these f'n rent a cops are here at the Town Center at 1:30 in teh morning - 2 of them just standing in the middle of the town center. Can't even ride through there at this hour- ridiculous!

Like the other snowboarders here, I have snow on my mind most of the day.


Danny Crawford
Posts: 150
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Post by Danny Crawford » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:10 am

hahaha, me and Anthony had one come after us in a golf cart as we were pulling away in the car. As long as you don't go through the main entrance of the garage on a skateboard you won't be hassled by the security because they won't see you.

And the race is going to be at 8:00 pm this Saturday in Reston. Any other stuff you need to know just call tony. His number is in the DC sessions thread along with more detailed info all in CAPS! YAY!

We're probably gonna have some Reston locals there. One of them rides a flushcut and they all have nice equipment...I have no clue how good they are though.

Vlad Popov
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Post by Vlad Popov » Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:44 pm

Barry, I don’t like that portal too. They have quotas and you can only download one long video a day. I’d rather pay $100 a month or so for a similar site with no download limits and high tolerance for annonomizers. Leave FREE for Communists! Nothing should be free in the free world. Even the word free in the "free world" should cost a lot, be made in China and sold at Walmart where prices are cut everyday and you can save a lot.

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