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Bomb Squad

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:43 am
by Mike Ohm
If you were at da Farm 2005 maybe you remember Bomb Squad that played down by the lake. Well, they will be at the Club Iota in Arlington on May 6th. Anyone want to check em out again. I thought they ripped.

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 12:43 am
by Jeff Boswell
Thanks Mike, Bomb Squad Rocks.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:57 am
by Noah Heinle
I've been looking for the video I took of Bomb Squad at Hays' farm jammer, but I can't find the mpeg I made - only the miniDV tape and I don't have the time to transfer and share it again (online) these days. But Mike - the singer, Christina Durfee, has been movin' on up since then and has been touring with more major acts like Rhythm Devils and Trey's band(s). Currently, she's one of Phil Lesh's 'friends.' She's doin' alright these days, but you won't see her with Bomb Squad. I know she's your main motivation (and Prinack's.) I think he went on tour with them after he was smitten by Christina at da farm 05 :-)

Here's some recent scoop on Bomb Squad. I think they've been laying kind of low the last couple yrs...

The Bomb Squad Drops in the Big Easy
The Bomb Squad will make its first appearance in New Orleans this spring during JazzFest. The eight-piece funk-rock outfit, which is now fronted by 2006 American Idol finalist Brenna Gethers, will appear at the French Quarter’s Hi-Ho Lounge on May 1. The group’s upcoming Big Easy gig is part of its southeast tour, which kicks off April 27 in Richmond, VA and makes stops in Nashville, Johnson City, TN, Raleigh, Wilmington, NC, and Charleston, SC. As of press time, the group’s tour is scheduled to conclude May 6 at Arlington, VA’s Iota.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:08 am
by Earl Cephas
I'll be in New Orleans 2-7 May, miss them on both ends...