Colorado scene

Slalom Skateboarding in Colorado, U.S.A.

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Ron Barbagallo, Maria Carrasco, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Gary Fluitt

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Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Mon Jan 20, 2003 4:44 pm

I know that the Colorado slalom scene is starting to really happen because yesterday, in the dead of winter, <b> 15 guys </b> showed up to race some head-to-head tight courses in the Vans parking lot.
It was good to see some old faces out there; Wireman (a.k.a. crunchy knee), Rick niether<b>Widenor</b>tall, Chris Barker, Lynn Cooper (who set one of only two sub-18 times on a borrowed turner. last time he ran cones was Breckenridge 2002), David Eye who was looking really good in the TS, Duane Gabel, Gary Huitt (yeah I know Gary Fluitt, Gerry Huitt...), George Myler, Phil Plunket, Jayson who was tearing it up on a thrift store model "woodcarver"? Welcome Rick, his first time running cones looked awesome. And Charlie down from the Ft. good to have you. Who did I forget?
Plans for a Ccolorado slalom series are beggining to gel (races in addition to the FCR Breckenridge race). We'll have something to announce in a few weeks.


Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Mon Jan 20, 2003 5:12 pm

Totally coool.

Back in the day, when LaCosta was going off, from my perspective as a Arizona singleton slalomer, Colorado was the hot spot for "Summer Skiing/Racing" Randy Smith was the man, but this is all what the media represented. Colorado has a definate place in my rememberance of "back in the day skateboard slalom."

Would it help if I made a Colorado forum like DC has theirs? Did you still want a Breckenridge forum?

Thanks for posting.

Andy Bittner
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Post by Andy Bittner » Mon Jan 20, 2003 6:27 pm

Yes, with the ARA races, Randy Smith, the old Kryptonics hq and the presence of so much winter alpine sport, Colorado stands tall in the history of slalom skateboarding. I also believe that Colorado will continue to be a hub of the sport into the future, and I'm stoked to know that Gary Fluitt is there pushing it and stoked to see that it's apparently working.

David Eye
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Post by David Eye » Mon Jan 20, 2003 8:06 pm

Yes, this is a really good sign, what a fun day, too,.. I had a freaking blast!
Is Lynn Cooper a great all-rounder or what ? ditto Jayson and Ric Widenour,..Its such a cool thing to have Lynn there doing his flatland- freestyle routine, pulling some amazing moves..brings us alot of credibility to young riders watching the happenings
from the skatepark. I counted a number of
those guys checking us out,..

I have been talking it up to anyone who'll listen, and I believe we'll see a few more new faces (and a few more old ones; Jim Lambert, Kurt Feldt, etc.)before long.
The upcoming race series will be a gas and
we can only build it up from there.
Fort Collins CO USA / Team Sandman

Gary Hornby
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Post by Gary Hornby » Tue Jan 21, 2003 2:20 am

Good to see the ColoRADo boys are carrying the slalom torch. I have many fond memories of skating there.

Chris Chaput
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Post by Chris Chaput » Tue Jan 21, 2003 4:11 am

But, but, Colorado isn't in Southern California.

Andy Bittner
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Post by Andy Bittner » Tue Jan 21, 2003 4:13 am


Adam Trahan
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Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Jan 21, 2003 4:20 am

I thought California was at the North Pole where everything revolves around it? No, the center of the universe, nah, it's just a state of mind, er yeah, that's it, that's the ticket.


Just kidding, good to see you still around.

Colorado by history is in there...


Gary Hornby
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Post by Gary Hornby » Tue Jan 21, 2003 2:47 pm

Chris, I think a trip in the Magic Bus is in order.

Any guys want to know any info on the 70's scene in CO. plesase e-mail me or post. I would like to hear from you. Lot's of stories and info are stashed in the B-mans grey matter (somewhere near the cobwebs).

Can I be an honrary member of TEAM SANDMAN?

Gary Hornby
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Post by Gary Hornby » Tue Jan 21, 2003 2:51 pm


Colorado skaters that tore it up:

Randy Smith (the WILD Kitty!)

Brent Kosick (still killing it!)

Jim Whalan

Bruce Brewington (Parallel Master)

Any of the old crew out there!!!!!!

David Eye
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Post by David Eye » Tue Jan 21, 2003 6:52 pm

Certainly, Boardman, certainly,..any of the old Boulder crew or anyone who raced ARA from around here qualifies for honorary TEAM SANDMAN membership.

TEAM SANDMAN takes its name from the nickname
of Jeff Sandlin who passed away suddenly
(undiagnosed bronchial-pneumonia) in April of last year. He was 43. This was a shocker that really rocked our scene here, he was its heart and soul, having grown up in Aravada CO and skating everything from longboards,to ditches, parks and slalom since beginning his skate career in the 60's. He loved skating and never gave it up
as alot of us did as we got older. He inspired all of us 30 and 40 somethings to keep skating and skate we did, and still do
almost daily thanks to his incredible vibe.
When Jack, Don 'O and Gary, brought the "Wiggle-Fest" slalom race to Vans'/ Westminster in Sept.'01, Jeff was so stoked !! Getting to race Chris Chaput (winner of the race) made his eyes light up to talk about; he was just so amped about the return of slalom,since he did not get to participate in ARA '77 or'78. He was not about to miss any races now.
Unfortunetly, Jeff passed on before FCR/ Breckenridge, but I could not help that somewhere high in clouds above Peak 9 he was looking down upon us all, smiling with that big grin of his. I had the same feeling this past Saturday.

David Eye
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Post by David Eye » Tue Jan 21, 2003 7:04 pm

our Colorado Slalom Series this summer will feature a Jeff Sandlin Memorial Race, or we just may have the whole series in his honor.
also, please
excuse the typo above, its; Arvada CO.

Bman; I'd love to hear more about the early
days skating around Flagstaff Mtn, Green Mtn., NCAR, etc. as well as Loveland Pass and other hairball antics; "back in the day"

Gary Hornby
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Post by Gary Hornby » Wed Jan 22, 2003 5:28 am

NCAR!!!!! January, 1976.....

Brent Kosick and I are in need of some serious skating. A thumb ride to the top of NCAR seems to fill our needs.
I notice a "breeze" on the way up but we decide to keep on. We take off on our run, 2.5 miles of speed. Turn frontside and you start hauling ass, turn backside and come to an almost dead stop.
We decide to go all the way down Table Mesa Dr. and Broadway. I call my girlfriend and ask her to come pick us up. she asks what are we doing and I tell her "just a little skating". She seems a little uncomfortable about it.
Come to find out that winds that day were 100-104 MPH and a few houses in Table Mesa lost their roofs.....

MOre to come

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gary Hornby on 2003-01-21 23:29 ]</font>

Pat Chewning
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Post by Pat Chewning » Wed Jan 22, 2003 9:23 am

After the ARA race in Vail (1976?) a friend and I skated the newly-paved 9 mile 6% grade of Vail pass (now I-70) which was under construction. Fresh asphalt 2-1/2 lanes wide. We had a friendly CO state patrol escort for about 1/2 of the run. That was a blast!

I have some photos of us skating at Red Rocks Park, and also around CU-Boulder. One of the photos is a beer-can slalom with thick wood boards (had to use the materials available for cones).

Bruce Brewington
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Post by Bruce Brewington » Wed Jan 22, 2003 4:28 pm

Hey Gary !!!

I remember January 1976 pretty well also, I was living in Table Mesa at the time and had all of our front windows blown out by the wind that morning, in addition to everyone else's in the cul-de-sac. Oh and by the way, the NCAR hill was the bomb, the fastest I've ever gone on a skateboard. If I remember, it was illegal to ride on the NCAR road, but next to the 13 mile rides with Ransom, B'man et al on Loveland Pass, it remains one of my best memories of skateboarding. What a hill!!!

Thanks Gary for the reminder.

David Eye
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Post by David Eye » Wed Jan 22, 2003 6:38 pm

NCAR is still a blast and very skateable.
Several of our current group skates the hills around Table Mesa / Fairview H.S. area, occasionally. Being from N. Colorado, I skate more around Cameron Pass, Rabbit Ears
(how about the 10 mile descent into Steamboat?)and the Cache la Poudre Canyon.
The wind is a huge factor here and we orient
both our slalom and longboarding sessions to
take advantage of it, since its fairly predictable.

John Gilmour
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Post by John Gilmour » Wed Jan 22, 2003 6:42 pm

Colorado is really the closest link to the Snowboard community and skiing community and would be the first place I would expect to see "secured" runs with lifts albeit old rusted rope tows, for great slalom venues at ski resorts in the off season.

Colorado to me is the most important slalom scene for our sport.

Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Wed Jan 22, 2003 8:32 pm

Here is one of my early memories of Colorado. Getting there was half the fun.

I use to be able to sleep almost anywhere, anytime, on anything. My friends thought me to be mildly narcoleptic. I once traveled from California to Colorado and back, in the rear compartment of a 2-door 73 Ford Mustang. These were particularly cruel years for the design of the stately Mustang. Jack Smith’s green 2-door Mustang was our faithful steed to and from skateboard contests throughout the western US. The Mustang had no air conditioning, a cracked vinyl dash, and an AM/FM radio.

In Morro Bay, California, where the Mustang spent the majority of it’s time, the temperature rarely swung widely of 55 degrees, so an air conditioner was a ridiculous luxury. When we took the Mustang out of it’s natural habitat on the moist cool coast to a skateboard contest in far away Colorado (to compete in the ARA series), we had to cross the desert southwest, in mid summer.

It was easily 115 degrees outside, but inside the Mustang it was lovely little sauna built for four. I was making this journey with Jack, and Willie and Dave Lester, to race in Lakewood, Colorado. Jack’s Mustang was a 2-door. Since I was 13 and the only member of our ‘team’ that couldn’t drive, I was always in the back ‘seat’. Seat is too kind a word really. It was more like a thinly upholstered depression behind the drivers seat.

With the windows open and an 80 mph cross wind, the jet wash in the back seat of a 2-door Ford Mustang is formidable. Enough to make your cheeks flap. So I think Jack, Willie, and Dave were amazed, and maybe a bit pissed to learn that I could sleep in that environment. The furnace blast back there in the steerage section was so strong that I put a pillow against my face and it stayed pinned against my face from the wind pressure. “Too windy for you back there?” Jack would ask with a little laugh. “Mrrr” I’d say, through the pillow. When we would slow to 45 mph or so the pillow would drop off my face letting me know we were going to stop, so I was surprised when the skidding of tires and the yelling accompanied this one stop in the middle of the night.

Jack was driving, while Willie slept in the front passenger seat. Willie is Dave’s little brother, at that time from Pasadena. Willlie was 17. I know Willie was 17 because he drove, I did not. Something that distinguishes boys of that age.
With Jack driving, everyone else sleeping, me with a pillow pinned to my head in the back ‘seat’, Willie suddenly sits up and starts yelling, “I gotta stop! I gotta STOP”! Willie was having some sort of nightmare/panic attack. Jack was just as startled as the rest of us, but when Willie grabbed the gear shift and started trying to put the green Mustang in REVERSE, yelling “I gotta stop, I gotta stop” Jack started yelling at Willie to WAKE UP! When Willie didn’t wake up immediately Jack started beating on Willie while trying to keep us from blowing a transmission in the middle of the Nevada desert
We were sort of out of control on I-15 for a few long seconds. Jack piloted the Mustang to a safe stop on the shoulder somewhere outside of Vegas at 2 am.. After the adrenaline rush burned down a bit we all got out of the Mustang and walked around laughing nervously.
Willie couldn’t be trusted that close to the controls of the car anymore so he was exiled to the back, with his Brother. That’s how I graduated to the front seat of Jack’s Mustang. The Mustang lived on for several years carrying us from contest to contest. Laguna Seca, Signal Hill, Capitola. Eventually I was old enough to drive. I passed my driving test in that Mustang. The next day I bought a sexy little Fiat Spyder convertible that had an engine size of a lawn mower. Jack traded in the Mustang for a used Ford Escort. It was a sad day for all of us.

Mike Gorman
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Post by Mike Gorman » Wed Jan 22, 2003 10:47 pm

Damn, that's good stuff. More Colorado stories.

Gary Hornby
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Post by Gary Hornby » Thu Jan 23, 2003 4:15 pm

Getting there was alot of fun!!!!!!!!

Fear and Loathing on the ARA trail '77

Once again Koz and I are up to our usual. Target - VAIL. Koz's Orange Chevy Vega (The VARGA) is burning up another quart as we charge up the hill by Georgetown. Friday afternoon, summertime, work is done for the week (gotta make some duckets to go race in the series). Beers and other consumables are being passed around the cockpit. Talk of our plush accomodations provided by E.H. Wallboards is being tossed around. Yes, this is going to be a classic trip.

It turns classic in a heartbeat. After rounding the corner to start up Vail Pass, construction traffic meets us. Koz starts to get concerned as the Varga does not like to stand still for ANY period of time. Things are alittle foggy at this point but I recall a family in a large American car in front of us. All of a sudden the Varga sputters, Koz gives the Varga a Nuetral drop and guns the engine, pops the clutch and BAM! We connect with the family ahead of us.

Brent doesn't get out of the car. Strangely enough, the other driver doesn't either. I am on the verge of mass hysteria as I am in possesion of things the Colorado State Patrol will not like. This is not good. All the sudden the traffic starts moving. Still nothing happening as far as our little slam goes. I am puzzled. Koz continues to ignore the situatiuon as does the other driver. No damage, no broken bones. Everyone moves on.

Up and over Vail Pass. Yes, the new highway looks inviting and will be skated TONIGHT in the moonlight. Two doublewide lane of fresh paveds bliss w/ no traffic other than other skaters.

The racing starts the next day. ARA puts on a great show. GS and downhill at a good hill right by the freeway on the east side of town. Slalom right in the middle of Vail at the parking structure. A great arena for TS. The crowd is in full force and grooving. Koz and I end up with checks and our winnings are snatched by our "sponsor" for "reimbursement". I thought we were sponsored? What about the winnings match? No? As it turns out our winnings are put to good use at an impromtu post race party. The Daq's flowed and much raunchy autograph signing went down.

ARA race series madness.... more as brain permits....

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Thu Jan 23, 2003 11:55 pm

All interested Colorado riders are invited to a Saturday Slalom session at SpyderCo site in Golden. We will meet at noon. Email me for directions if you need them.


P.S. We are skating Denver Skatepark from 9-11:30 first.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chris Barker on 2003-01-23 17:56 ]</font>

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Wed Jan 29, 2003 8:01 pm

Saturday Forecast: DRY... HIGHS AROUND 60

Saturday at noon, we will be racing at new GS Hill near Vans in Westminster. Email me for directions.


Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Fri Feb 07, 2003 5:55 am

Hey CB - How'd that hill work out across from Vans? Did you guys skate? It was hellawindy that day. Now we're under 2' of snow.
3 more days in the sling. PT is kicking my ars. I've got this nazi working on my shoulder. You should see the pictures from the arthroscope. Looks like califlower salad in there. Should be racing again by April.

David Eye
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Post by David Eye » Fri Feb 07, 2003 5:30 pm

G- we decided to head back to Vans last sat.,
the hill was dirty from contruction traffic,
but the real problem was the massive headwind. We double-stacked two courses back at the Vans'lot and had a decent turn-out;
quite a few spectators,too, including the cops who definetly, don't seem to mind us there.
The session was really good, Jayson Mitchell
now has Avalons on his Sims or Freeformer (or whatever that relic is) and was giving Barker a run for his money. In fact he may have had the fastest times of the day. (I may be wrong, it was pretty close) Get this guy a real slalom deck, and look-out, we now have another contender. Of course, Geo, Philthy and Rickabilly were also looking good.

Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Fri Feb 07, 2003 5:50 pm

Good to hear there is a little local comp coming up through the ranks. Jason is amazing. That guy has some serious potential. I want to get that guy on a Roe and see what happens. He seems to like rocker style decks so I think he'd do well on a flat deck, without too much camber. Gotta get him some bearings too. We should talk about making one mass assault on an FCR race out west. Maybe La Costa or Tahoe. I can drive. I've got that big ass Suburban.

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Sat Feb 08, 2003 6:24 pm

Jayson was killing it on his little wooden fleamarket plank with fulltracks. He is just about ready to get something with some flex.
He scored some old AZF German speed bearings from a set of quads so he's set there now.

I told him he could ride that setup and Breck and take down a few open riders. I'd like to see the look on the first victim's face when then they see Jayson on a black knight with avalons.

The construction workers were running a backhoe and bobcat just around the turn on the GS hill when I got there so there was a lot of loose rock. I think the hill would be very nice and has an uphill runout around the corner at the bottom. The winds were gusting very hard so we would have had to set a tight course to keep the speed up.

We could set a real marathon course if we used the side street at the top that feeds into the main hill...

Geo Storm is gonna shove a top sheet of masonite on his ramp this week and we are going to test it out next Saturday 2/15 at the Lefthand hill in Longmont. He used an old sheet of 1/4 ply, but it wasn't in great shape and makes a scary cracking noise at the bottom of the transition. I don't think it would hold Big Josh.

I sent John Krisik a note about the tone generator and also posted in timing forum. Hopefully we can get some ideas for gates and tones soon.

RU wearing your Indy Iron Cross when you see the Nazi?

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Sat Feb 08, 2003 6:26 pm

Also, Philthy liked the trucks you lent him. He told me if he had the ramp plans he could fabricate metal starting ramps that are collapsible or at least can be unassembled. He has a friend with the shop and tools to do the metal work.

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Tue Feb 11, 2003 7:34 am

Interested Colorado Riders:

We'll be testing out the new start ramp Saturday 2/15 at the LeftHand 50 site in Longmont at 1PM. Email me if you want to join us and need directions.

David Eye
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Post by David Eye » Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:45 pm

tommrows N. Colorado GRS slalom session for
Sat March 15 will be at Legacy Ridge in Westminster CO, which is very close to Vans skatepark. This is a new spot for us, so in the event we get thrown out or decide that things are not jiving, we will move back down
to the Vans lot. Time is 1:30 pm MST.
all skaters welcome! come and join us. loaner boards available to try.
directions ;Here are the directions:
David ; for more info
or call my cell 970-222-4007
Vans/Legacy Ridge GS Course:
- Take 104th/Church Ave (Vans Exit) on US36
- Take 104th to Sheridan (Go North)
- North on Sheridan to 108th (Go East)
- Take first right and head to top of hill

Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:13 pm

Good seeing everyone out at Legacy on Saturday. Great hill! Nice course Barker. Big and fast, a little sketchy too. I still can't believe how fast Jason is on that lil wooden plank.
Geo, Excellent start Ramp! Josh, good on ya making that big drive.

David Eye
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Post by David Eye » Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:54 pm

Yes, great job on the ramp Geo! that combined with the new hill should get us ready for about anything.

I took the back way down from the Fort, a way I've never went before,...somewhere near Erie,there is a little airport with some new subdivisions, with just the roads (new asphalt) put in, big hills all around. Looks like some great possiblities for slalom courses!! I'll check the map tonight and figure out where I was. Lets use that Legacy course while we can.

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Fri Apr 04, 2003 7:01 am

Colorado Racers -

Keep you eyes open for a 10-12 foot flatbed trailer for hauling our two starting ramps around on. I'm sure someone has one sitting in a yard somewhere that they'd like to sell for cheap.

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Sat Apr 19, 2003 4:06 am

Super-G in Golden Anyone?

I think Fluitt measured the width at 65'. It's about 5 lanes wide. He measured off at least 1700' of good road. We could easily set a 1000' course here.

We'll probably break this road in Saturday 4/26.

Click Here For More Pics


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Chris Barker on 2003-06-09 14:10 ]</font>

Shihan Qu
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Post by Shihan Qu » Thu May 01, 2003 1:56 am

What other good runs are there? Is there a great list of qualified streets somewhere that I don't know about?

Gary Fluitt
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Post by Gary Fluitt » Thu May 01, 2003 7:27 am

There isn't really a list that I can send you, but I can tell you the places that I've raced with the other guys.
Golden - Spyderco
Everygreen - Swede Gulch GS up by Wall Mart
Golden - Table Mtn. Parkway behind Coors graphics
Westminister - Vans parking lot (not a hill, and sort of a bust right now)
Longmont - Left Hand Ct.? business park
Fr. Collins - CU equine center

Chris Barker
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Post by Chris Barker » Sat May 03, 2003 12:08 pm


I have a nice spot in Englewood where you live. If you send me an email, I'll send you the details.


Shihan Qu
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Post by Shihan Qu » Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:39 pm

Wow, 2 years since the last post on colorado. Is the Colorado slalom scene dead?

-Shihan Qu

Eric Moore
Eric Moore
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Post by Eric Moore » Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:44 am

Far from it! The colorado scene is alive and well. (Witness 2 world champs in 2004 from Colorado - Mitchell and Fluitt). Communication among the Colorado crew generally takes place via email rather than this forum. But if there are any skaters looking to hook up with some CO slalom sessions, make yourself known here and I'll let you know when and where we're skating.

Gary Fluitt
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Colorado Cup

Post by Gary Fluitt » Wed Jan 26, 2005 11:31 pm

You are from Englewood?!?!
When are you going to come out and join us? If you would like, we can put you on the email alias that circulates when a session is going down (riders@coloradodslalomDOTorg)


Will Lester
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Post by Will Lester » Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:08 am

Having just become a member I was spinning through some of the threads here and ran across the story that Gary Fluitt told about myself, my older brother Dave and Jack Smith had to the first ARA race in Lakewood, Co in June of 78. I had totally forgotten about that incident of me grabbing the stick in the middle of the night while driving. Luckly everything turned out fine. That was one of the greatest trips I have ever taken. I believe I have super 8 movie film from that race somewhere. It turned out to be a great trip personally, getting a first place in slalom and a 5th in the super G.

Gary Fluitt
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Super 8

Post by Gary Fluitt » Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:13 pm

Find that old footage, it's worth money these days. It's at least worth a bunch of equipment that I will gladly trade. When are we going to see you at a race?

Matthew Wilson
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Where do you CO folks skate??

Post by Matthew Wilson » Wed Mar 23, 2005 9:25 pm

Hey, CO crew. In 5 weeks I will be making the move from Boston to the Denver area with my wife. She is going back to school and I am currently looking for work (any ideas are welcome).

I just wanted to get an idea where you all skate most of the time. I'm pretty pitiful as a slalomer, but hanging out with you guys should help out a bit ;-)

Hope to be skating with you soon.
slalom is good

Frank Henn
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Post by Frank Henn » Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:04 pm

I'll be in the Montrose - Ouray area from this monday until we feel like leaving (which may be never). Anyone running cones in those parts?

Gary Fluitt
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Fresh Meat on the CO scene

Post by Gary Fluitt » Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:34 pm

Hey Matthew,
Now that you are leaving the East Coast we'll be happy to welcome you to the center of the Slalom Universe. Glimore, Champman, they all like to think the East is where it's at, but that stats don't lie. COSS will whip you into competitive racing shape in no time.
We generally communicate sessions via an email alias called riders@coloradoslalomDOTorg. You can email that alias to get on it, and you'll get a couple of emails every week on sessions and general in-state smack talk. It's good fun.

Gary Fluitt
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Location: Colorado, USA

Post by Gary Fluitt » Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:36 pm

The snow is too good right now to be running cones on asphalt, but we find that powder runs in the trees make for some good high stakes slalom practice. You're close enough to Telluride to get some good runs in.

Frank Henn
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Post by Frank Henn » Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:40 pm

Telluride is in the plans but I'll have a few slalom boards in tow just incase. The round wall in montrose is calling my name too. So of them big ditches are causing a pit stop in the albq. Thursday cant come soon enough

Matthew Wilson
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Re: Fresh Meat on the CO scene

Post by Matthew Wilson » Fri Mar 25, 2005 10:38 pm

Gary Fluitt wrote:Hey Matthew,
Now that you are leaving the East Coast we'll be happy to welcome you to the center of the Slalom Universe. Glimore, Champman, they all like to think the East is where it's at, but that stats don't lie. COSS will whip you into competitive racing shape in no time.
We generally communicate sessions via an email alias called riders@coloradoslalomDOTorg. You can email that alias to get on it, and you'll get a couple of emails every week on sessions and general in-state smack talk. It's good fun.

We have relatives in Golden and were just there a few weeks ago. I am looking forward to getting out to CO and getting to skate with you guys. Admittedly, I am a bit of a wimp, but that is probably because Gilmore didn't beat me up enough during sessions. So, now it's up to you guys!! haha!

Anyway, I will be in touch!

Seriously, though...if any of you guys have any job leads, I would be very grateful!
slalom is good

Eddy Martinez
Texas Outlaw
Texas Outlaw
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Post by Eddy Martinez » Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:35 pm

Special big thanks to Bola from All Boards Sports for helping a bro out. I allways enjoy our conversations. Very similar views on skate boarding subjects. If you ever need anything bro give me a shout out. Your Amigo Eddy Texas Outlaws/Pavel Flow

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