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Would You Let Your Son Play Football For This Coach?

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:33 am
by Wesley Tucker
I swear this is not a joke. Anyone who hangs around me longer than five minutes knows there is nothing good to say about Klempsun Kow Kollege & Pickens County Institute Of Non-Divergent Family Trees. This is absolutely true.

The trouble with parody and insults is when they are shunted aside in favor of the real thing!


Bowden Discusses Several Players

By Brett Jensen
Posted Apr 2, 2008

Tommy Bowden has never been on to be short of words and is very quick with the jokes, but at other times he can be very serious. Here are some of his remarks on a wide range of topics Wednesday.

On freshman Kyle Parker, who is having a really good season with the baseball team:

“I’ve watched him practice and I’ve watched him play (baseball). He’s really good looking. If I was a girl, I’d be very interested in him. He wears those tight pants. When you wear loose stuff, you can’t tell the definition of a guy’s body. In baseball, everything’s tight and you can tell he’s very well put together.”


It just doesn't get any better than that!

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 3:51 am
by thomas edenton
AaHa! Now the cat is out of the bag! He (she?) really is Tammy Bowden!

Watch out if Klempsun ever has a sumo team; those uniforms leave nothing to the imagination.