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E-mailing Avatars: AOL Sucks, But I'm Too Lazy To Change

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:36 pm
by Wesley Tucker
AOL has added a new feature that's supposed to make life easier. It's called a "spam folder" and mail that AOL decides is unwarranted goes there instead of my inbox. Unfortunately AOL's algorithms for making these decisions really suck. It arbitrarily sends whatever to the folder.

In essence I now have two inboxes to check. More bad news, though, is that mail in the Spam Folder only lasts a few days. If I don't go get it, it's lost forever. As you can imagine e-mail with attachments are particularly susceptible to this screening method.

SO, if anyone forwards to me by e-mail a pic for an Avatar, please be so kind as to also PRIVATE MESSAGE me to let me know to look for it. I'll reply both by e-mail and PM as to the pic's status.
