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slip sliding away

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 5:54 pm
by Mike River
Hey there all you chaps and chapesses in happy skate land. I am rather pleased of late having just made the transition from not being able to pump at all to pumping all the way home with a huge grin on my face.
BUT. I find that when I pump, after a while my feet slip forward on the board and this really sucks. Is there something im my technique whereby I may not have the weight right or foot postition right. Any tips would be swell. Regards, Mike.


Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:14 pm
by Steve Collins

I see a lot of toe blocks out there, almost all home-made.

Extra front concave does the job for me.

Some of the new wood slalom decks, like Skaterbuilt, have a liitle nose kick (for nollies, undoubtedly;).



Foot sliding whilst pumping

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:52 pm
by Steve Michael
...or get yo-self some Nasty Grip. Edger is OK. I also have a small supply of my "nasty grip". 50 grit and only $2.00/ft plus $4.00 shipping. A 36 x 9" piece (ONE piece!) would be an even $10. Ask anyone who's used this stuff, it's awesome.

...and I'm not responsible for your lack of skin as a result of using this grip. ;-)
