Pump Station --no more paint marks for cones!!

Slalom Skateboarding in California

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Erik Basil
Posts: 194
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:58 pm

Pump Station --no more paint marks for cones!!

Post by Erik Basil » Mon Feb 27, 2006 6:59 am

I'll post this in a few places tonight, but we have a potential problem at Pump Station. I spoke with the Pump Station's supervisor tonight, who stopped me on his way out tonight while I was hanging late to return some found keys to a Downhill Diva.

He complimented us skaters on keeping the place clean, but was genuinely Pissed Off about the proliferation of paint-dots on the street. He said that he gets complaints about them and that HE's the guy that has to clean them off. Added to the recent nazi garbage that got tagged on the asphalt in the cul de sac at the top of the hill and on some of the public art there, he said it's a real issue. No mas spots on the street, or he locks the gate. He suggested we go back to chalk lines around the cones and that he's cool with that.

He also suggested that we get more disciplined about big events with cars parked all down the upper part of the road. He called that a "really bad idea".

After he left, I went back down the hill and saw that the new white spots, that weren't super noticeable in the daytime, REALLY stand out at dusk --and it's a big line of marks. On my way back up, I noted that in addition to the white dots, we've got pink dots, red dots, yellow circles and white circles.

Okay, so this is an outstanding venue that we need to protect. We've been good about trash and happy smiles to people that want to drive past to visit one of the memorials, but put the kaibosh on marking the street with paint. This certainly applies to the Silverfish TS Clinic and the Skaterbuilt TS Challenge coming this next weekend. We get this jewel through the largesse of particular City employees and the Dude has reached out tonight to give us a warning.

There's more info for those that really need it and you know how to reach me.
I ride fast boards, slowly.

Etienne de Bary
Posts: 400
Joined: Wed Oct 30, 2002 1:00 am

Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:41 pm

use water based "poster paint" then sand it with a Karscher
put black spray paint over the old ones

Erik Basil
Posts: 194
Joined: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:58 pm

Post by Erik Basil » Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:54 pm

Thanks to Lynn Kramer, Clay Westling, Art Pryde, Malakai Kingston, Richy Carrasco and a few others, the Pump Station hill has been "de-spotted". We've got rain coming tonight, and fully expect that the hill will look "unmarked" after the washing it will get.
I ride fast boards, slowly.

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