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Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:49 am
by Donald Campbell
the "ROCKA" follows a very unconventional concept in creating a rockered deck.
inspired by several other board concepts on the market,the deck sports a bit of NOBODY else.
8mm foamcore wrapped in glass with the usual expensive and best epoxy/glass that is out there.torsionally stiff and with no flex,this deck features an allaround concave in different angles,we call it "captech-concave",since the front foot is standing in sort of a capsule.the center of the deck is flat-no camber or rocker,nose is upturned with the front truck mounted in that position.tail is upturned with the rear truck mounted in that position,
what you get is a very,very responsive deck where you don't need any toe-blocks or wedged pads to increase the response.
this board is designed with the new-school rider in mind who also utilizes his front foot for dragging the board through the course.if you've ever tried that,besides your regular pumping style-this is the deck you WANT to have.
i haven't seen anybody out there doing such a board during the last years,so i guess we are up to something brand-new here.
the pic sports a prototype on which i goofed around a bit with the bottom suface.right now it's snakesin,but anything else is possible.(don't be intimidated by the bad pics,but i still want to keep it a bit of a mistery,so all details will be fully shown on the upcoming homepage.
the final production run decks will sport skin or whatever with a sreenprinted bottom.
sidewalls always have a different color.
this deck is made for tight and special/short distance gs.
contact michael for a (st)ride in about 2 weeks.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:47 am
by Levi Hill
how much are they goin for?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:46 am
by Donald Campbell
custommades are going for 200 usd.
but i suggest you wait a bit and hear some reviews from other skaters,before you settle to buy a deck. i do have different kinds of decks,you will see them on my homepage soon.
so,take your time on that one and decide the purchase after you've seen the whole line of decks being available.
actually the custommades are also very different -just stay tuned.
thanks for your interest so far.

Pavel Rocka

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 12:47 am
by Sam Gordon
The Rocka looks an intriguing prospect.

During the low, frozen Winter months over here in the UK, thoughts turn to plotting world domination in the Summer. If the weather dictates that one can't skate, then ideas on improving the hardware have a placebo affect on the inactivity virus. How to beat Donald, Corky, Jadranko, O Connor et al? No shame.

There was a return to basics. For TS, the top riders in the UK used to ride inverted Bowlriders back in the day. Short wheelbase; stiff, cambered deck. I gave it a go. Disaster. With the rapid turning action came the affliction of wandering feet. I flipped the deck over to its original design of mild rocker and found it to work more easily. The tail worked like an S-Camber, whilst the slight upturn at the front served not only to lock in the front foot, but also worked as a wedge to increase steering on the front truck.

Image Image

Having used a Nature Boi Pistol from Octane Sport as a gauge to test wheelbase and width, it seems that the narrowest width (given a surf stance) might be 7.5" across the back bolts of the front truck, 6.5" across the front bolts of the back. 17.25" wheelbase seemed plenty short, given the current TS courses such as Paris and Morro.

I believe that towards the end of 2004, Jack Smith was converting Bahne Rockers to the Black Hill shape and finding success with the design. Synchronicity.

Seems that the Rocka could be the design revelation of 2005.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:31 am
by Sven Lippert
... okay my first impressions - this weekend, i met donald during the adidas contest and the skatehall opening here in berlin and had a nice slalomsession with him.

i am just a little shabby amateur, but i like this funny racing stuff in the cones. i skated two different models yesterday. a giant slalom and a tight slalom model. both with little but really responsive flex (i mean it can be customized on your weight and the flex you need). okay nothing new so far - i know. the construction is foamcore still nothing really new so far.

ABSOLUTELY NEW IS THE SHAPE AND IT`S DEFINETLY VERRY EFFECTIVE !!!! its a slightly upturned nose so you don`t need anything of this .... you know what i mean - something really good for the "toe blocker league" ... and it has got a kind of small "kicktail" which combines stability for the rear foot and effective pressure on the rear truck ... it`s an all over concave for good pressure on the rails - the design is in the moment a snakeskin layer and donald is open for different designs.

all in all it`s ... i normally didn`t want to use this word - it`s kind of "revolutonary" - totally new - i have never seen something like that shape before. i needed a few runs, but if you are familiar the shape it turns out into a gun. it`s okay ...

he is working together with steve - a guy with a solid surfboard shaping background who makes the basic shapes for the core !!!! we will see more details on the shapes on the upcoming website ... the site is in delay but a german saying is : "...good things need a little bit more time" !!!!

Makes sense to me...

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 11:32 pm
by Martin Drayton
Well done Donald, another quality company from Europe! The idea makes total sense to me. Ask Paul (by the way you couldn't have got anyone better to ride for you), I was playing around with a mellow cambered Turner last summer that I inverted so that it was a rocker and it gripped the ground like a limpet!!!
Good luck with the company,


Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 12:01 am
by Troy Smart
Limpet: a marine gastropod mollusk that has a low rough conical shell and clings to rocks.

Just trying to help.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 9:28 am
by Donald Campbell
as it turns out,we just made another invention for g/s during our racing and practice sessions.
everything will be revealed on the homepage soon.paul will be here for a week the upcoming week,to test and discuss the decks he will race this all will have to wait a bit more for the hp,since too much is happening at the moment constructionwise.i think it will be worth the wait though.
martin-how's life going for you?
hope that everything is fine,and yes...roe was lucky to get such a top-dog on the team.

prepare for paul sporting a new image.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:53 pm
by Jean-Sébastien Dennebouy
whow, what a lack of pics !
Here is mine...
Thanks to Vinzzz !


The new shape of the Rocka

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:20 pm
by Dominik Kowalski
The Rocka rocks your socks off!!!! We all know that, but if it just couldn`t get any better, Donald let the Rocka pick up some speed and............damn, so much to say but. MAybe you just take a look.

now scroll ;)

The Rocka together with a modified Tracker RT-X, and an Airflow Offset, which really works perfect together.

The Top: a slight concave, up turned nose and tail, a grippy griptape and you just go!!!!

The Board isn´t just black, depending on the angle and the light you can see Dragons, horses and many other chinese structures...

How the board rides and behaves, how it turnes name it, all I can say is:
Wow!!!! Thank you Donald for doing such a great job. I´m honored to be one of your team member. You have my fully support.

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:29 am
by Carsten Pingel
that's a nice one ! I have a 1st edition snubnose ROCKA an it rocks ! :-)

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 10:41 am
by Donald Campbell
you guys freak me out
i'm more than happy to have such a bunch of good skate buddies around me,thanks for being with me and sharing the dream,i really mean it.

the second wave rocka dominik has is way more agile than the first edition.the foamcore has been recessed and the shape redefined.
there's much to add to this post,but best is,you give the board a tryout.
see you all in paris.

Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 1:45 am
by Sean Cunningham
Those graphics are stunning! I love graphics that are dependent on the amount and type of lighting. Really a beautiful board. Hopefully I can soon get one of my own.