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Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 10:44 pm
by Adam Trahan
Today is: April 21, 2003

Some thoughts on board making...

The new metal Seismics are just around the corner for up front duties, I have one of those larger TTC's for following things up, 3-DM has excellent "unlimited" wheels, the new "Avilla's", Oust has Moc "9" bearings and I am itching to make a "big board" so to speak. Something that is capable of speed and stability, something that I can fabricate, customize and not only ride but dream about riding.

I remember back in the day, building boards.

It was a necessary back then, but today, I want to build a board more for the memories and benefit from what I can make myself and move on.

Wow, so many specialized manufacture's, so many choices. Such good equipment, where do you begin?

Your roots.

To regress...

Back in my youth, we (Ron Theobald, Mike Muir and myself) would take 3/4" construction grade plywood and "shape" a longboard by using a model "Chris Strople" Caster with an middle elongated. Draw a centerline, trace the nose and tail on the ply and cut it out. Then, take some 1/2" ply and run a stringer on the bottom for strength and for a riser for big soft wheels. The sides of the stringer would be 45 % for a little custom look and to not catch on ditch board slides. Now came the tough part. For the kick tail, take two 4" wide wedges and if they were off a bit, put the "pocket seam" in the middle by matching them up that way, glue it down, cut off the excess, finish with as fine of sanding job and seal as indicated.

Back then, I liked "Motobilt" trucks with "Clouds" bushing and Kryptonics "Road Runners" wheels, German bearings with the inside seal taken out and conditioned with "Dental Drill Drive Lubricant." It was a serious thing then, just as serious now.

On the other hand, later on, Madrid finally came out with the "Rodger Hickey" and "Team Downhill" models. I got into one of those and sort of forgot the cross over due to specialization. Great boards these Madrids but I missed the media mix of those home built boards. Suddenly, the "all arounder" went specialized. It was cool to don a aerodynamic helmet and


the hill. But it took away a bit of my skateboarding as much as it added.

Anyway, the year is like ahh, 1979? I don't quite remember. But with this board, I would shoot hills in the Paradise Valley area in Phoenix. Tighten the trucks up (front one a little less than the back) and do the Hut tuck for ultimate speed in one mode, then loosen up the trucks and hit the ditches in surf mode, yup. Big, heavy, stable and dependable.

One of these boards, a Turner, and my pool board a "Chris Strople" Caster or an Alva Skates made up my quiver. Wait, I had a 36" pencil thin board with Road Rider 4's in back, 6's up front on Bennet Hi-Jackers that were set in full loose mode for squiggling around but that's another story…

Getting down to it, I just made a plywood kite board. It came out really nice and I think I want to make one of these old speedboards again but with a new twist. I want to make a really customized board for "big racing." I've got some serious components and an idea that I am going to share here. Now that I have been to FCR Elsinore and have seen what I am up against, it's time to turn it up a notch (for me) and see how fast and far I can go. I think this board will be better suited for a true GS than my Pocket Pistol Super G (for me) because this is what I know.

Argue the point, doesn't matter, I have a Super G, I like it but I want to make my own board and here I go.

I think I'll use 9-ply Baltic Birch plywood in .75" thickness. I'll route some wheel wells and I want to use a modified reference "foot block" but I am not sure if I want to go there, I'll have to see. Routing the deck, sanding a pocket or elevating the rails sounds like a lot of work.

I like the bullet sort of shape ala Pocket Pistol's skates but y'now, Steve Olson's board has a seriously cool shape, I think it is a Van Herrster or something like that, I really like the look of it. Square back, pointy nose and all, I'll shape one sort of in that vein.

This is my little spot to track the progress on this board. I'll use this area to locate material and log the progress to completion here. I'll try to photograph as much of the construction to the end result of riding it right here as possible.


Link to the LUMBER LADY where I will purchase my blank. I will order it next Friday when I get paid.


Today is: April 25, 2003

#1. I ordered my Avilla's from 3DM

#2. I've taken Tom's advice and gave Rick and Linda a call for the Baltic Birch which they have. $24 for a half sheet 24" x 60" which should get me two boards. I guess I'm making two boards now. I'll make one of my old ditch boards and a Giant Slalom board.

Last night I bought some sandpaper for my palm sander and looked at a couple of jig saws to purchase.

I've been thinking of recessing the deck, ala "topo map" and then sanding to make smooth. Routing the botom, shaping the rails, man, sounds like a pipe dream. I'm moving forward but the KISS principle sounds like the way to go at the moment.

I think still has some Motobilt trucks which I am quite happy with for downhill. I've taken these up in the 30mph range and then loosen and rip ditches. Those soft/red Avalon's are sounding like the ticket.

Anyway, I'll jam over to Rick and Linda's for a couple of blanks and check in the next time I get something done on my project(s)


Today is: May 6, 2003

I went to the place that Tom suggested and purchase a half of a sheet of .75" 11 ply. Really nice blanks. I had them "rip" the half sheet so I will get two blanks for long boards up to 48"

My Avilla's arrived, whoa, what a cool wheel. The spacers were not included, I'll have to have HG send me a set, not sure if I wrote in that I needed them. Proper spacers are paramount for me. I have some Oust Moc 9's that are going into those wheels.

Still waiting on metal Seismics. I think I will order a set of 130mm with 45 and 30 degree plates and put these onto the ditch board. At this point, I think I will make a block tail using "strips and glued together" wedge for the block kick tail. This will be my speed/ditch board for the New Mexico race if I go.

Shapes, am struggling pretty hard. I think I will put it to the crew at and see if I can get someone to donate a shape for me.


Today is May 14, 2003

I've been busy moving and the two blanks sit by the front door of our house. I have a lot to do to get my house in order but the blanks sit there waiting patiently to have their soul cut out and have shape to ride the black ribbon.

Good news, way good news.

I have just received word from an old friend in e-mail. I just may be able to have my old downhill buddy shape a board for me to carry the Desert Jewel tradition on and beyond...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: adam trahan on 2003-05-14 13:56 ]</font>

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 2:21 am
by Tom Blankley
Hi Adam ,
Have you tried
Rick & Lindas Wood
1954 E. Deer Valley Rd.
Phoenix AZ. (623)869-8381
They have a nice selection of wood,
and tools you can even rent and use in their
shop. I also have a bandsaw and other tools
if you need any.
Just let me know.