Semi Pump on a big board equally as fast as a Full Pump?

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Karl Floitgraf
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Semi Pump on a big board equally as fast as a Full Pump?

Post by Karl Floitgraf » Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:13 am

Okay so I've been training hard in the past last couple weeks (feels so good!!). I learned to slalom on smaller boards, I'm a TS rider at heart. This season I started riding this incredible setup, a 36'' PPS foam with 107 splitfires all around and zigzags. When I first got the set up I thought of it only as a GS setup. I actually liked it because the longer wheelbase made it turn slower giving me a fuller pump through GS gates.

Then I started running the same set up on Hybrid and now even Tight. Check out this clip from today. ... / This course is 5.5s - 7 foot on center with one big offset for fun. Last fall I would pick up my tight set up, a squirely crossfire. I would have try to do my best 'full pump' ankles, legs, knees, hips and arms all contributing. Basically I'd work my ass off through the cones. Today I pushed the 36'' through 6' gates for the first time. Felt like I was flying, but I noticed I wasn't fully pumping, mostly ankles and arms, it was all I had time for. I didn't have a timer with me or a well set up enough small board to be able to compare which was faster. So my question is, is a semi pump on a larger board just as fast as pumping your ass off on a smaller board?

Either way I am going to go out and trying to incorporate a larger pump with my pps on tight.

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