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How much slalom gear (Dogs) do you own? Slalom Cribs

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:20 pm
by John Gilmour
Okay, I am not in this category as I only own two slalom decks. (Roe Bottle rocket and Roe unlimited both with seismics and PVD's or Turner truck) (I hate having extra stuff) BUT>>>>>>>>>

I am sure there are a lot of you that have way way way more than 2 slalom boards.

I'm sure there are many of you who WISH you had the newest latest greatest gear...but just look at the pile of old gear and say....dang it..I wish I could snap my fingers. and poof! NEW GEAR!

But did you ever wonder how your slalom decks feel? It's sad.
How would a once favorite dog feel if you no longer played with him or took him out for regular walks? The old loyal dog would be very very sad.

So what do you do if you HAVE too many dogs to properly care for them? Find the dog a new owner that will love him as top dog!

I visit various skaters...and I can not believe their closets and garages. Such sad neglected dogs. Ed Economy excluded (his is more like a museum of professional slalom history).

Skaters closets crammed with boards that are unridden. Getting dusty..older...sadder, neglected.

So here is the solution.

1. Assemble all your unridden stuff into rideable newbie set ups. Assembled Completes ONLY! No rusted bearings.

2. Put a very reasonable price on the bottom of the board in two places and cover that price in clear tape.

3. Put your paypal address next to the price. (neat handwriting please or type it) -cheap stuff sells fast. Who knew those Stingers were worth something after all?

4. Send the board to me using the absolutely cheapest shipping available- insure it if you like and I'll send you an email when I get it. (email me for a current shipping address).

5. I will bring the board to my prepschool skate demos. If a kid likes it- he buys it on the spot at the course- all these schools have wireless internet networks.

6. The boy and board are instantly best friends. You get instant cash. Your board is once again a happy dog...for a while. You will bring great joy to some kid somewhere and you might even spot your old dog at a race! You'll get that fuzzy feeling.(Happened to me at the farms 2005 vintage race-reunited with my 20 year old Turner! Snagged the top qualifying time with that trusty "Old Dog")

Why do this?

A. You'll use the paypal for a new set of wheels and bearings. or if you have a lot of stuff you could get a complete set up

B. Any used slalom deck is likely better than some random longboard a newbie assembles and buys. Plus your set up is pumpable.

C. I've been doing slalom clinics at boarding schools and the kids have no idea what to buy after clinic and this way...if they ride a board and like it....they can have it instantly.

D. I don't have enough gear for clinics anyway and the more I have the easier it is to turn kids onto slalom.

E. What is no longer cutting edge racing gear for you is a great newbie set up for others.

F. Having a variety of set ups is part of the fun of being introduced to skateboarding....remember when you FIRST got all that gear? Getting a new box of slalom gear in the mail is no different than a lady getting a box of cosmetics***.. its a "New Box of Hope". Which will hopefully make you look better instantly.

G. Lastly since the inventory of decks will be constantly changing...if a kid likes something...he knows he should buy it IMMEDIATELY (cuz it will be gone FAST! Kids will scramble to buy good set ups before their friends do) - and there is no reason NOT TO because he has been able to try many choices. Buyers uncertainly is removed.

Les see some quiver photos please and please place on the right side..... pile of stuff that could go to kids who need to be saved from assembling longboards that don't work for slalom. (Don't let a kid think he is buying a dog and mistakenly buys a giraffe at the pet store instead.)

Please price your gear right and it will go where it's needed most. If you want the gear back you can paypal me shipping. (That way you won't send me total junk) you can also reprice the board. All dogs need loving owners.

Keep your gear manageable- have a couple of young pups in your stable- send off the older ones to a kid who would love a dog.

*for those non metrosexuals of you who didn't know...Slalom gear IS cosmetics for Men (and if you don't look better with better gear...its jewellery for Men -Brady- how your gear sparkles!..). If you apply slalom gear improperly you will look worse. If you take great gear set ups from a average slalomer he might look worse.

I can't believe it.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:05 pm
by John Gilmour

This post has been up for nearly 5 minutes without anyone posting their MTV Cribs of slalom skateboarding.

We all saw Tony Hawk on MTV cribs.

But the only thing new was his finacee.

Post em up guys.

And if you spot any old sad loyal dogs in your friends photos ...let them know they need a new home.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 3:16 pm
by jeff bonny
Good idea John. An even better one though is to take all that unridden gear and get it under the feet of newbies in your own area. The old dogs passing along gear, knowledge and their own stoke for the sport is what ultimately will keep the wheels rollin'.

Always teach locally as well.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:12 pm
by John Gilmour
I totally agree that you need 2 extra decks for newbs locally..but some guys have like....15 extras. (in some cases...30 extras)

Unless they want to do what I am doing...they probably would be a lot better off with new gear.


Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:18 pm
by trish erickson
Hey John,

Great idea! I collect slalom stuff like most "girls" collect shoes! I have passed on a few things to the locals and my kids, but I think I can manage to send something your way. I will try to get my "first dog" sent out to you this week. It's a great bottle rocket but I just don't ride it.

"PVD's" mmmm, this new dog could use some "old Dog stuff" LOL. Share the love this way!

Ride On!

Utah Trish

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:32 am
by John Gilmour
Thanks Trish. South Kent School just confirmed their date this Sunday. it's an All boy school with a HUGE hill. Great for GS.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:55 pm
by Joe Iacovelli

While supporting Gilmour's efforts with whole boards would be great, getting a couple of decks woud help too. I'll find the parts to put it together, but it all starts with a deck.

Now don't send the $200 PPS foam deck that was too stiff for you, but got a softish PPS harcore, Bahne Black Hill, G&S? Send em, I'll find some trucks and wheels.


Got La Costas or Stingers taking up space in your tool box? We can use them.



Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:56 pm
by Vincent Berruchon
Bravo John ;)

With my association - Riderz - we also try to organize some skateboard clinics, initiation and demonstration.
Boards lending with a few advices is the best way to attract some new people in the sport.
In Paris, most of us began at the weekly sessions organized by Etienne and Jani where they lent us ConeRaging test boards.
I think it's something we'll continue more officially and more often now during some events.
We also do that for everybody wanting to participate to our local series: the "Pirates" races.

I wanted to post something here about the fact that we search for stuff but I suppose that you won't consider that it's deloyal concurrence if I propose in your post to Europeans people that would have stuff to share to contact us.
Donations are welcome of course!
Brands, distributors can contribuate too (that is quite cheap direct advertising)!
We need slalom boards but on events we usually present all kind of skateboards, so longboards and even ramp boards aare welcome too (we do actually one or two initiations a months for kids on the biggest maxi ramp in Europe.. they learn to pump but it's really hard with bad cheap skateboards we have there)
We also need helmets and protection stuff.

You can check a few pictures of a cloudy morning in the city of La Rochelle. There we participated to an event to present "Clean transportation" ( where we did initiations and demonstrations of slalom and longskate.
That morning - as the two days we were there- some children (and parents too) had a lot of fun on the skateboards we lent them.
We met in La Rochelle a young boy with his father who had been skateboardin' in the end of the 70's. The boy had a lot of fun learnin' to pump and the father was happy to be back on a skateboard that turns - he ask me a lot about the slalom stuff.
The fun part is that they came back 2 or 3 hours after they leave with an homemade slalom board. They'd just made it from an old street deck and street trucks both reshaped/cutted and some old wheels.
So the boy could wait for christmas, when he'll have a real slalom board.

We ever had some generous donators:
Big thanks to Chris Hart at Airflow (2 Airflow boards)
and Jani and Celine at ConeRacing (2 sets of RTs/x and 2 sets of wheels)
Thanks to them, Riderz own now two complete boards (urban slalom setups - not bad to learn to pump)

CONTACTS : info @
or vincent @

So good to see those photos.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:43 pm
by John Gilmour
Hey Vincent- you got the idea! nice photos by the way.

I also do need longboards to teach "never evers' to skate. When I say "never evers" I don't mean just someone who would like to skateboard but "never" tried. I also mean people who "NEVER EVER" thought they would "EVER" dare to do it or be able to ride. A few minutes on a longboard proves to them that it is easy on the new safer gear.

We also try to involve someone who is respected /or perhaps the school administration. The kids then feel closer to those administration members and can approach them more easily if they need to in the future. I mean...who's cooler than a teacher who skateboards? No one. so Deans of students, even disciplinary Deans, Headmasters etc. are our targets for teaching to skate. You wouldn't get in trouble at school if you had to dissappoint someone you thought was really cool. It helps to humanize the administration.

So if anyone has older longboards- send them on down. to reduce postage you can just put a US mail label on the board and stick postage right on it. Believe it or not- sometimes things get treated even more carefully by USPS when they are unpackaged.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:11 pm
by Karl Floitgraf

Great idea, I myself only have two decks as well 2 PPS with splits and rads. I'm sure you'll be happy to know all my old boards have a couple marks in the front from teaching clinics (just paying it forward :) )

Board guards

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:08 pm
by John Gilmour
Well I do take the time to put multi layers of duct tape on the nose, tail and two bumpers on each rail out of tape to minimize any possible damage.

I'll armor the boards up to survive a shot into a curb- or the ocassional tail drag kickturn- or someone turning a deck on its side.


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:46 am
by trish erickson
Hey John,

I am sending a board your way via fedex in the morning. Hope it gets to you by Saturday.

cool that some kid gets a chance to slalom. Last summer when I first learned to ride, I so couldn't wait to get my hands on my OWN board. My biggest compalint was how difficult it is to get a hold of equipment. I am one of those "instant gratifacation " types. So hopefully by you having a set-up on hand, you will get one more person involved in this cool sport.

catch ya all in dixie land!

Utah trish

Thanks Trish

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:10 pm
by John Gilmour
Wow Fedex- Thanks!

Your old dog will make a kid very happy. Some kid will be sporting a Roe Bottle Rocket with Trackers very soon.

BTW not all these prep school kids are flush with cash. At some of bigger schools with larger endowments up to 75% of the kids are on financial aid. So a used slalom board at discount can make this possible for them.

If you can believe it.. there is even one boarding school (grades 1-12) where ALL the kids go for free. Since all the room,board,tuition,books and so forth are paid for by the school this takes a huge weight off a struggling single parent trying to stay afloat.
Even more remarkably- this school has the highest endowment per student in the nation.

So Prep schools are the first to seed because they have the private property and a captive student audience with nothing to do on closed weekends.

With a solid base of prep schools we can use this as a model to approach the public school systems.

I know we prefer to look at it as racing- but school administrations are more likely to enjoy the thought of slalom skateboarding as "track" for skateboards- and some our events are not unlike track events -ie. Cyber slalom, 100 cones, Parallel slalom.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:56 pm
by Ron Barbagallo
John, I'm outta bamboo right now, but as soon as we get a new shipment I'll be happy to make up a couple of decks for your cause - priced affordably of course!

fedEx blunder

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:51 am
by trish erickson
ok, ok,

my FedEx guy missed my package so John, it's coming. expect it this week.


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:43 am
by Paul Howard
Hey John, I'm a Lo-Tech kinda guy would prefer to do the payment with a check or money order. If I get a complete together for you, with that payment method be acceptable? Thanks-Paul

Sending Address???

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:10 am
by Paul Howard
Hmmm, Did I miss it buried somewhere in this thread or is there an address to ship this stuff to?? Thanks-Paul

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:15 am
by John Gilmour
Hey Paul I didn't put an address on there in case I happen to be in another state during the time of sending.

I do New Hampshire clinics and Connecticut clinics, and Massachusetts clinics- so I will always send an updated address. That way a board isn't sitting in Massachusetts while I'm in New Hampshire or Connecticut.

check your PM- many thanks good buddy.

BTW we just landed Salisbury School- with a killer hill- and they are going to put slalom in with regularly scheduled class periods! Who'd thought?

Trish, got the board on Monday, thanks for including extra bushings for different weight riders! What a nice board! I sanded the rails today and refinished them so it looks perfecto! Some kid is going to be proud.

I wish I cold have seen you race in UTAH- I'll be there next year!


Gilmour, got your message

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:40 am
by Paul Howard
Hey John, Thanks, I got your message and hopefully I correctly sent you back a message on the private message route. I'll see what I can come up with. Adios-Paul

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 5:17 pm
by Justin Pannulla
I have a few long and short decks laying around that i could send you.

Thanks Justin!

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 5:34 am
by John Gilmour
JUSTIN, give me a PM and tell me what you've got and we'll figure out what we can clear out for you. New demo is at Marvelwood next Sunday the 22nd. Just put your price on the board(s) and paypal address.

longboards are urgently needed! Especially for the "never evers" who have never stepped on a board before.

buying used slalom board

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 5:28 pm
by Brandon Lockwood
I want to get into slalom, and i was wondering how much these setups cost. Just to get an idea, i might be able to pull off buying one.


Brandon Lockwood

Buying boards.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:44 pm
by John Gilmour
Brandon- hey no problem in picking up a deck- but they are really meant for the kids doing the demos to purchase them. That being said- the prep school slalom clinics will be over in two weeks so you certainly can buy them then. I guess by Spring time we will have more decks to clear out.

PM me your contact info and I'll tell you what we have after we are done with the demos.

BTW I do take the time to ride these set ups and tune them so they pump well and are stable enough to shoot a hill (sometimes that means switching grommets or changing wedges- changing wheelbase- narrowing trucks or etc etc etc...). I don't just tune them the way I like them- but also to suit the boards flex and for what type of rider would be best suited with each board.