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Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 7:16 pm
by John Gilmour
Well it didn't take much for GBJ to find a wealth of Oldschool skateboarders who were willing to slalom- a few weeks in a "park and ride" lot.

Most of these skaters were happy to be able to slalom again- of the ones who slalomed before like Mitch T.

Wesley Tucker, Mandarino, Marck McCree, Keith Hollien and others were unearthed.

How many more of us are there?

Let's take a look back. The Years 1974-1978.

I remember seeing a statistic (and we all know how accurate those are) that there were 20 million skateboarders in the USA. Well lets assume that the figure is off by a factor of 10. Make that 2 million skateboarders.

Skateboards were sold all over. You could get them in big box stores, you could buy them in toy stores, you could buy them in ski shops, you could buy them in sporting goods shops, you could buy them at the general store......I even remember a stationary store carrying skateboard gear.

In the beginning skateboards were just cruisers. Then the kicktail made them available for freestyle. As gear diversified skaters who could not afford a quiver had to make a choice. Cruiser/Slalom, Freestyle.

Downhill wasn't really an option for most skaters.

In places like La Costa California we saw a lot of people choose downhill and slalom to suit the terrain- not a lot of flat area there.

In places in the Midwest freestyle and slalom (flatland slalom- or slalom on slight hills)was the choice to make.

On the East Coast freestyle and slalom were the main choices.

As skateboarder magazine began to showcase Vert riding and the vert hardcore lifestyle a few things were apparent to the publishers. More brands meant more advertising revenue. In racing you can only support a few brands- the fastest 3 brands, and a few "Also rans".

However freestyle could support hundreds of different manufacturers and the corresponding hundreds of pages of advertising. Vert was the same.

Vert with its sensational appeal and the idea that it was "impossible" got Nearly ALL the media attention. California with its lack of rain and temperate climate was an ideal place for skateparks to be built (UHHHH until California lawyers got involved).

However the rest of the country did not share southern California's weather system (the rest of the world for that matter). An outdoor skatepark in the midwest or East coast would only have a few months to make money- as well as needing repair due to bad weather.

Shops only wanted to carry what was "hot". And the thought of getting stuck with an outdated slalom deck was not high on their list.

So a band vert skatebarders and the media ran off with skateboarding as the rest of the world knew it. In the skateboard media flatland freestyle and slalom ceased to exist. Lack of video support did not help slalom as vert lends itself well to still photos and slalom did not (Exception the BP and HH pictorials with multiple exposures) As the parks closed sales for park decks collapsed.

Outside of California, Skateboarding, which was once found on every USA neighborhood street from 3-6pm, disappeared after 1978. it went indoors to the parks- out of the public's eye. "If the public doesn't see IT-they don't even know that they want IT."

Not all skaters were served with skateparks. Many lived in areas with no parks within a 4 hour radius. Only the few skaters with cars who lived within 30 minutes of a park could hope to skate everyday- unless their lives revolved around skating as a pro.

So what happened to all these skaters......all these slalom skaters? 2 - 20 million skaters of which many owned slalom decks?

Fibreflex sold a lot of decks and at one time or another nearly every manufacturer offered a slalom deck.

After the media focused on vert- where did these skaters go?

All the skaters I knew still rode their slalom decks- but the interest to skate slalom faded where there were no competitions.

In California- there was a tendancy to announce skate competitions after they happened. There was a lot of secrecy and "invitation only" events (this according to BT). It made it nearly impossible for a local kid to practice slalom on his street- and then go out to California to race.

Remember how high airfares were in the 1970's if you did not buy them with 90-60-30 days advance notice? It was a small fortune.

So I have to wonder where the concentration of slalom decks were sold.

Some strange stats.

Bob told me he shipped tons of decks to Britain and also sold 2000 decks he made under the "Double deck" name to Holland.

Tons of decks ended up on the other side of the iron curtain.

Slalom scenes popped up from time to time. Wesley Tucker competed in tons of slalom competitions which were not covered in the general skate media.

How could we find these skaters?

If we could assume that in 1974-1978 about 30% of the riders owned a slalom deck then 30% of the people drawn to "sidewalk surfing" (as skateboard was Sidewalk surfing back then) we could assume that almost the same proportion of the population today might be interested in slaloming.

How many people is this?

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 8:00 pm
by Rick Stanziale

699,642 of which don't skate anymore

I'd feel pretty confident in saying that 90% of the racers in the 35-50 demographic have been flushed out via the internet.

If you've never skated vert, you can't relate - but the definition of skateboarding will always feature roundwall, racing will be an "also ran".

That doesn't mean we can't develop a first class racing circuit that fosters the development of new racers.

In the 70's, I rode my skateboard down the street for transportation to skate a pool, took the same board downhill as I raced my friends, and used the same deck for freestyle. Pool riding is enjoying a resurgence in popularity because kids can use the same deck they already have for street (which is more closely related to freestyle).

Luge and stand up downhill have been in the limelight longer than slalom in recent years, but you don't see kids flocking to those disciplines.


I think it's the specialized equipment.

Kids bomb hills all day long on newschool decks, but they have no interest in going out and buying a street luge.

Fifteen minutes are almost up.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rick Stanziale on 2003-02-01 14:01 ]</font>

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2003 10:23 pm
by Claude Regnier
So this all leads to an interesting question. It has a relation to Arab's (God Like posts on da oder site) once the West Coasters start to get their asses kicked again are they going to packup the store again.

We know that only a few will spend their own dime and take time to attend events outside of cozy little Cali. unless it's payed for of course.

I don't mean to continue a war (I really think he's an unfortunate soul (and his buddies must cringe at times) but it all relates to post I made shortly after finding out about the resurgence in 2000.

Let's not lose control of it this time and allow the same guys who used us and abandoned us take over. For ________sake they even did their best not to show our continued enjoyment and burry us.

Sorry but that felt really good.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:03 am
by Eric Groff
Claude-I dont see what your post has to do with what Gilmour started, if it is a half ass attempt to get me to set the record straight, then let me.
I can only speak for myself here, I traveled to 6 different states in 3 different time zones in the last year to compete in 13 different skateboarding events, nobody paid for these trips but me. So what is the point you are trying to make anyways?, that California skaters dominate, and we hold the key to slalom. The record speaks for itself I dont need to add to it, but let me if I will, How many out of staters or foriegners have won a MAJOR Pro race? 1 John Gilmour. How many Promotors put on Major Pro Races? 1 FCR? Who wins every Major Pro race? Californians(with the exception of the JG win).

I remember the time that some Canadien guy won a race over a couple Californians, His canadien buddy was holding the stop watch.

Why is it that East Coasters and foriegners are always trying to make it an East Coast vs West Coast thing. The fact is, it is a West Coast thing, and you are just riding our coatails. If you got a problem with what West Coasters are doing then do something besides complain about it, This whole thing started here, then and now.

So what was the point you were trying to make Claude? Because I just see some guy sitting behind a computor that came to 2 Major Pro races complaining about what everybody else is doing.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:19 am
by Claude Regnier
Arab unfortunately you are as blind as a bat. Had you been to that race you would have it was the same for everybody and the rest was just bullshit.

Were talking Slalom here not events. By the way I made 3 events last year in cali. Then there was ny first race in 11 years where unfortunately (right after I passed u like u were standing still) I dq'd. Unfirtunately or conveniently they made a mistake in recording the times of our second run and we'll never if you actually beat me but de'ms da brakes.

It's funny but no one at was at the race in 86 will step up and say anything other then the one person who'm I respect the most in the Slalom World and he and I spoke at La Costa. There was no longer any doubt. Just imagine if I would have some experience in 86.

If u didn't have that crew pulling u ?

As far as JG's thread he was talking about a form of killing Slalom. What I mentioned has a bearing. Tossing you're name in there well, it was long overdue. Your continued facts stating as you like to call will certainally kill some of the interest generated in Slalom. Oh yes but it will keep u closer to the top a little while longer.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:34 am
by Eric Groff
Claude go have another drink bro!

Keep complaining about what everybody else is doing, better yet instead of that, why dont you do something about it.

Its so cute how people with no clue about what is happening in slalom racing is complaining the most.

What did FCR do to you, what did I do to you, You have done it all to your self Claude.

I beat you fair and square in LC, Tough Shit, you got a problem take it up with the promotors. Yeah thats right the ones that hold the key to your future. Dont complain to much.


Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 4:44 am
by Claude Regnier
FCR didn't run LA Costa. By the time I noticed the error it was too late anyways.

On our way back up the we chatted and i didn't figure I had beaten you by enough so it never bothered croosed mt mind until I seen the recorded errors.

By the way I don't complain much at all. West Virginia is a case and point. Your recent comments just went a little overboard and your attacks although general in nature ar just bullshit and in poor taste.

I guess that is just your way,EH!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 5:03 am
by Wesley Tucker
Gilmour said, "Slalom scenes popped up from time to time. Wesley Tucker competed in tons of slalom competitions which were not covered in the general skate media."


Believe it or not, I've actually contacted some of my old slalom mates from the '70s. Some are alumni of my university, some I went to high school with and 7 or 8 I have e-mails.

Guess what? They are all pretty much my age, all are married, all have kids and all are in the second decade of jobs they started right after or soon after school. The answer I get from all of them is pretty much the same: "ARE YOU NUTS? I can't afford to miss work with a broken (leg, arm, shoulder, wrist, insert whatever appendage works here.)" Even health insurance and all the assurances in the world that we're riding mellow hills and courses just leaves them saying, "nah, that was fun when I was a kid, but if I got a free weekend, I'm taking out the kids in the boat!"

Which reminds me: have you noticed how many of the people we skate with are either childless or just recent parents? Claude, Geezer, C-Money and Curt K. are notable exceptions. (Was it Geezer-X who brought his daugher to the Gathering? I remember a little girl and small boy being there, but I'm not exactly sure of who the father is?) But look at the usual suspects of East Coast racing: you, me, TK, BP, ur13, Noah, Vlad, lbk, WesE, Eric Moore, GBJ, Ohm, (I think Ohm? I've never heard him mention kids.) Do KMG and Yvonne have any children? Or PADan? I've never met their kids if they have any. Anyway, notice how many have no family, are "just married," or have new family with newborns in the house (Tway and lbk, of course.) (I would say Slappy, but I really know nothing about the guy. For all I know he's single or has five wives in three states and more kids than the Cowsills!)

Here we are in our 30s and 40s, and so many of us have never made the decision to either marry or even more demanding have kids. It'll be interesting to see how the demands of family and children in the coming years affect everyone's ability to participate in our peculiar but exciting little sport.

So when you ask, "who hijacked slalom?" I would say two of the suspects are . . . the birds and the bees!

Know what I mean?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 5:10 am
by Eric Groff
OH CANADA-Reread my post, I didnt say FCR ran La Costa, if you got a problem talk to the Promotor, HESTER. No you did no beat me to the line, maybe you should cut back on the drinking, I think your memeory is impaired.

WES-The Cowsills, geez you are old, Do you sing that song "Give me a head with hair, long beutiful hair" I DO!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 5:46 am
by Wesley Tucker
No, but I do know all the words to Sgt. Barry Sadler's "The Ballad Of The Green Beret!"

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 8:32 am
by Eric Groff
I seen this band one night do covers of famous patriotic songs, all punk rock versions, They did the Ballad of the Green Beret, I'm a Flag waving fool, and I nearly cried every song after song it was so good.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 9:16 am
by Brian Morris
On 2003-02-02 02:32, ARAB wrote:
I seen this band one night do covers of famous patriotic songs, all punk rock versions, They did the Ballad of the Green Beret, I'm a Flag waving fool, and I nearly cried every song after song it was so good.
What band was this? I gotta see this!! When it comes to Patriotism and Punk Rock, I'm definately in. Arab, are you familiar with the Bodies? Listen to the song We Fly the Flag!

Anyway, on subject... It does seem kind of odd as a younger member of the slalom community that almost everybody is married or has kids. I guess to some folks my age, it could seem that slalom is more of a gentlemans club rather than a kids club house. But, never have I met a group of more open and amazing people, and never have I been more accepted into a skateboarding scene. Maybe I'm different than most skaters my age, maybe because I find it more amazing to see somebody pull a Philips 66 at the lip of the pool, or see somebody throw a nice coleman slide, or somebody make a sick tight course clean for the first time, rather than Tony Hawk doing 900's all day, or somebody pull a kickflip/backflip/360 indy/to 5-0 grind/to triple lindy out. (rodney dangerfield refrence!)

Proud to say I know you all!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 10:12 am
by Claude Regnier
Arab what's Canada got to do with other then me being Canadian.

I guess your still drikng and never stopped if you don't remeber get smoked in the second run. Unfortunataly in trying to make up the 1.5 DQ time I hit 7 cones.

You were approximately 30 to 40 FEET behind at the finnish. It wasn't even close. The numbers of cones I hit discouraged me from checking times to see if I'd advanced. I guess I should have anyway. it's nice of you to try and cover now while some of the memories of others may be faint.

You've stated several times you don't drink or smoke. Is it old age causing this lapse of memory.

The only run you beat me to the line on (narrowly) was your false start. Remember trying to blow thru the gate? On the rerun i passed around the 7th cone(after you got a good start) and missed a cones a little later.

Henry was not the time keeper or scorer he was racing. That is not even worth going into just like you bringing up the events of 86'.

Wesley on the brightside my grandson will be able to race against the arrivals. I'm looking forward to it!

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 8:12 pm
by John Gilmour
Well What I meant to say is that Slalom skateboarding still continued to exist to the skaters who owned slalom decks. The Skateboard media had "tunnel vision" in regards to promoting vert skating.
To any new entrant to the sport of skateboarding slalom ceased to exist- regardless of whether or not slalom equipment manufacturers made gear.

I watched a similar thing happen in snowboarding where the snowboarding media took a stance to reduce/flat out eliminate...any carving shots made on alpine gear.

For the vast majority of snowboarders out there...most simply carve down teh hill racing along with their friends. A few hit the ocassional jump or take a few runs ina terrrain park per season. The remaining minority of snowboarders -MINORITY- spend the bulk of their time in terrain parks.

IT doesn't take much statistics work to figure it out. You merely look at the amount of terrain park percentage per acre (and that the terrain parks are not very crowded except on holiday weekends)-the number of snowboarders as a percentage of total numbers of people and the total lift tickets sold. The vast majority of snowboarders merely cruise down the hill carving and skidding turns. That same vast majority would be better served either riding boardercross gear or Alpine snowboarding gear as opposed to twin tip or directional freeride boards.

My feelings were that in the 1970's the bulk of the skateboarders were this type of demographic- cruisers who did the occasional jump, freestyle move, or bombed a hill or ran a slalom course. Most just skated around their neighborhood coasting down the local hill.

Mind you the gear then was pretty dangerous. Try riding a Hang Ten down a steep hill with no grip tape, or going over 30mph on a 24 inch fibreflex.

What happened to these people?

AS Wesley said a good number of them got married had kids, or if they were more hardcore had kids. Of my Guy friends that are near 40 and have kids over the age of 14 I can say with complete certainty that none of them carry less than 20 percent body fat. So for those athletics certainly isn't high on their priority list. Paying bills, staying afloat, buying a bigger house/car/second home/pool are.

The cool thing about slalom is that you do not have to be in good shape to race and turn in a good time. Or to have a good time for that matter. Weight helps with grip. And according to traditional physics for obects traveling on a straight line with respect to gravity no "work" is done. So having a few extra pounds doesn't penalize you as much a it would in Freeclimbing.

So Wesley- those old friends might feel motivated to race if they knew the gear was better and that they could still be competitive.

The bigger question I am asking is...
If slalom is fun
If it is easy to learn
If it is exciting to the participants

How many people could we expect to slalom given the below criteria?

1. A good set up (Fibreflex, G-trucks, Abec11 Stingers can be had for under $120.
2. It is a good low impact quick workout (screw tai-bo)

The things I see against slalom are perceptions by the majority of the american public.

1. Skateboarding is not for adults- it is a kids only or immature/vandal activity.

2. Skateboarding is dangerous (a friend of a friend of mine broke his arm once in 1976 while being towed behind a car- I'll stick to "safe rollerblading" (actually far more dangerous)

3. I don't want to be identified with the skateboarder image.

4.I'll look stupid.

Possible benefits to the person who takes up slalom skateboarding.

1. Very inexpensive sport- cheaper than running shoes or a health club.

2. Cardio vascular benefits

3.Load bearing sport will help prevent osteoporosis in females.

4. It will help my snowboarding/skiing/wakeboarding/kiteboarding/surfing/etc. in the offseason

5. No travel required as opposed to the aforementioned sports- also no lift ticket costs.

6. Social benefits (We are all such a great group of guys)

7. Improves flexibility as well as several otehr aspects of fitness.

8. Gains in health and performance can be measured with a clock.

9. Provided a good smooth consistent grippy surface is used and appropriate protective gear is worn you are unlikely to be badly injured. Of course should you be at a race and through good sense out the window....well at least it isn't as bad as crashing your car. Slalom skateboarding is one of the safer sports provided the surface is good, course reasonable for the skill level, and you skate with your head not over it.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 8:18 pm
by John Gilmour
The other question I have in mind is this hypothetical one. If there were no banked playgrounds in California schools, and no drought, ie...vert never came into being....

Where would skateboarding be today? Dead, alive and well, mutated?

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 8:41 pm
by Eric Groff
JG-That was great post, boy did Claude take your original post WAY OUT OF CONTEXT! Slalom can be done by just about anybody, I get so stoked on people like the Gordan Clan, that went from spectator at the 2001 Worlds to hard Chargin Slalom afficianodos, Lauren and Dylan Blew me away yesterday Charging a hill that was fast and gnarley. Howard came out to WLAC last year and Charged the big hill, I wanted to tell him that I didnt think his skills were good enough to go down a hill that could really hurt him, but he was goin for it and put in a formidable performance. Its people like that with dedication and drive that will grow slalom, not to mention HG putting his money where his mouth is and diving head first into a major slalom company.
OH CANADUH-Again I beat you fair and square plain and simple, Go talk to the timer,promotor,score keeper if you got a problem, I dont remember your version one bit, I rememeber I advanced you didnt, BOO HOO. After over a year your still whining about 1 race you lost......... Dude I have raced in over 25 races in the last 2 years, everybody looses, to piss,moan,whine and cry about it aint get get you nowhwere, SHOW UP AND RACE.
Brian-The band I seen was around 1982 at a dingee little club in LA, It was a put together little side project by some local So Cal Punk Alumni.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 8:52 pm
by Rick Stanziale
Wesley, I hear the same thing from the "used to skate" crowd. But don't forget I've got two kids and they are as much an inspiration to continue skateboarding as that undefinable desire that burns deep with inside all of us.

Gilmour, I don't think it's possible to go back and envision skateboarding without banks, pools and vert riding.

I just can't imagine the number of people over the age of 21 who'll join the ranks of slalom racing without any prior skateboard experience as being the bulk of new blood. Should we encourage crossover? Absolutely. Just as fervently as we encourage younger skaters to race.

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 10:35 pm
by Eric Groff
66-My son is 8 yrs old and rides slalom, far from 21

JG-the first banks I rode were ditches or Truck loading docks, I drained pools to skate, I was skating pools long before there was any droughts in california.

Your point was pointless.

And it was your previous post to this ridiculess post I was refering to as being a good post.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 3:50 am
by Wesley Tucker
Whadda 'ya mean you and Nick? Didn't you go to the world's WITHOUT him?

Hmmmmmm? :smile:

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 4:05 am
by Brady Mitchell
Where will slalom grow? I see a great potential for a big burst on the east coast. Why? Because of those who are pouring thier heart in souls into organizing events and making them newbie friendly....GBJ, Brian Parsons, TK and Tway, and now Rick down south.

What bothers me though is the lack of participation of west coasters to the events these guys on the east are putting out there.

As an east coaster, I read Arabs posts that diss the east promoters and events as not being worthy to attend. I then question how events on the west coast can be true worlds if these guys won`t partticipate at events over on the east coast? Might as well call them West Coast Championships.

I am also alarmed at Arabs posts where he keeps saying why are the east coasters making it a E vs W thing and on the other hand he is guilty of just that more than any other.

And on those FCR courses of `02? JG was spot on and called it like it is...easy courses that didn`t really require advanced slalom skills. A good course is faster period, BUT,,,,it can be a FAST technical or tight course

Arab, come over to `da Farm, The Gathering, Boston, Georgia, and make your presense known in an effort to promote the sport.

More easties traveled west then westies traveled east.

Without an effort from westies to make a showing east to support the burgeoning slalom scene, I can forsee another death to this resurgeance.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Brady Mitchell on 2003-02-02 22:09 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 4:24 am
by Guest
Something I see, kinda sorta related to this this. I have been approached at my practice spot many times by kids and adults asking me what I am doing. 95% of the reactions are positive. i explain my age (28) and what the sport is and where we compete blah blah.

One of my practice spots in right next to a little league stadium so there are parents AND kids around me often when I run cones there.

I have had a few parents, dads mainly...early to mid 40s. That know what I am doing and are excited to see slalom back, they were slalom skaters in the 70s. However as soon as I offer my board for a test ride (I'll hold your hand or make you go uphill) I find no one wants to try and they are all concerened with A) falling and getting hurt B) looking stupid being 40'ish riding a skateboard C) looking stupid infront of their country club friends D) Looking lame in front of their kids/wife. No "adult" has ever taken me up on my offer of a demo. Not one. Even after I tell them of names they might remember (Hester, etc) are out skating and racing with us.

Then...the kids. Usually kids are interested in what I am doing but as keep their distance, even if their parents bring them over. The skater kids that come up to me are a bit more adventerous and are interested in my board and how fast i am going (compared to their flipper decks) but when i offer a ride they all back out. A) they seem scared of the wheel that actually roll and the speed B) don't want to look like a goof infront of their friends C) Have no clue what to even do with a board that has no kick tail/nose. Only twice have I been harrassed by tough guy skaters who steal of knock over my cones of throw shit at me. Usually confronting them they back down like the spineless fools they are, especially when they realize I am an "adult".

just my observations....

So I agree. i think 80% or so, maybe more, of skaters who skated way back when (not just pros) have been found and are somewhat aware of slalom being around again.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 4:50 am
by John Gilmour
not to read malice in my remarks- as the riders in the minority at the time had a revolution of sorts. And a small number of riders took a direction of the sport and with the help of the media concentrated an undue emphasis on vert while neglecting the downhill and slalom roots of the sport.

The first thing a skateboarder learned to do was to turn and go downhill. Now the first thing a skater learns to do is ollie while standing still. Skateboardings roots were pretty much dead and buried and Peralta's Z-boys helped shed some history on the sport- but again not much time focused on it.

I can't believe that this is all there is. There are more skaters out there. But as WEsley points out being single or "teenless" Ie no kids over the age of say 15 would make areas where people married young less likely to have slalomers willing to participate. The two coasts statically marry later and have fewer kids than the middle of the country.

Well what about ALL of the midwest- gotta be some? Not to mention the Carolinas (certainly surfer community)- there's a big gap.

Obviously we can't change what has happened- and vert/street will always be identified with skateboarding as skateboardings heritage. In fact the true heritage of skateboarding was sidewalk surfing- not vert. But we will not be able to sell that concept to the masses.

UR13's experiences are real- and certainly not uncommon.

My question is....What concept can we sell to the masses?

And in regards to the other post it was more of what we would expect equipment to look like in the future...had we had a lot more years of R & D under our belts. Slalom was essentially the abandoned child of skateboarding.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: John Gilmour on 2003-02-02 22:58 ]</font>

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 5:11 am
by Pat Chewning
The question is: Where will the new blood come from for slalom skateboarding?

One answer: Jr High and High School ski racers. They are very receptive to the idea of slalom skateboarding as a means to keep in shape, enhance skills to be used for ski racing, and as a new fun activity.

They pick it up right away too.

-- Pat

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 5:15 am
by Eric Groff
Brady-Theres those that actually race and then theres those that dont, useally because they dont know how, you would fall in this catagory of DONT KNOW HOW.
Since all this East West shit started before I got here how could you make the stupid accusation that I started it.
Brian P rocks, I would love to go to the farm but it doesnt fit into the schedule.
What good would a gathering do me? I race I dont gather and wouldnt waste my money to gather, I'll spend my money on racing which all racers having to decide will do.

I traveled to 6 states in 3 different time zones to compete in more events then I can count on my 2 hands last year, How many have you attended, in say the last 2 years.

Exactly 2 you have been to.

I have competed in over 25 events in that time, not includeing the Street Contest that I help promote and Organize once a month for the last 4 years, and occasionally compete in.

Its people like you that dont do anything to help promote Slalom that will kill it, I have spent on average $700.00 on 20 slalom events to compete, Thats $14,000 in the last 2 years. On my Entry fees alone I have spent more then you have on all your races and equipment.

before you start throwing crap out there, learn the facts, learn to skate, learn more about whats happening in the current state of slalom. then you wont make yourself look like such an ASS all the time.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 5:25 am
by Eddy Martinez
I recently have been looking up my old high school friends I used to skate with. Most of them are married with kids,some of them look like they have been on a pizza and beer diet for the last 24 years. Most of them think I am inmature because I still skateboard. I have offered them to come out and ride with me but most are afraid of falling. As for me I will continue to ride. Unfortunately I have to travel out of the state to compete. So be it. I still get a hell of a rush when I skate. Eddy Martinez,TEXAS OUTLAW

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 5:38 am
by Wesley Tucker
It's also obvious that one of the big difference between slalom skateboarding now and when it first got off the ground back in 2000 is . . . me.

With my brilliant insight and wealth of experience, it's pretty much guaranteed that everything will go much smoother and with less controversey in 2003.

Just listen to me. That'll make everything better.

Opinions? Comments? Lavish praise? Feel free to jump in anytime.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 3:38 pm
by Brady Mitchell
I didn`t mean for this to be the "dark side" but was only commenting on recent posts by you.

I did not say you started the East vs West thing, only that you single handedly perpetuate it.

And after rereading my own post, I want to clarify that I`m not knocking the FCR Series as not being Worlds worthy but with perpetuated ideologies like yours, it can easily go that way. the slalom community is greater than "Arab`s inner world".

And what events did I attend in the past 2 years? LCO `01, KOK `02, FB `02. But injuries and finances made me stay closer to the home front.

Isn`t that what made you stop luging and stand up downhilling? A neck problem? And you also stated that $$ is why you won`t come east because you are gonna concetrate on the next FCR series?

And what 8 slalom events did you attend in the east in the past 2 years?

The point being that the name of this thread is "Slalom was Hijacked". Generally what it would take for it to grow. And all too often you keep saying "Come out west and see if you can run with the big dogs" and I think that`s too calicentric and susgest we need more west coasters to "Come east and show us how it`s done" And more often.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 9:48 pm
by Howard Gordon
Realistically, it's not just skateboarding that has experienced loss of attention of some subsegments because of the spectacular nature of other segments. Take snowboarding for example - pick any magazine, and count the percentage of photos that should boarders who AREN'T airborne (maybe 10% ?). Perhaps with the exception of Surfers Journal and Longboarder, the percentages aren't that much different in the surf magazines now. Add some aerials to dual slalom racing (how about a nice launch ramp), and I guarantee you'll get press coverage. FCR actually talked about trying that last season.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 10:17 pm
by Eric Groff
Brady-you can go to the guest book else where and read my response to Dougy as to why I chose to race whwere I do. I race where the competition is, and it sure is hell aint at any race on the east coast.

Attending events and participating in them is 2 different things Brady, so how many events have you participated in?

Brady all you are is a slalom board owner, Why you try and talk about racing I just dont understand. You should just spend your time on the buy sale trade section here and you can talk about all your killer equipment that has never been used.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:45 pm
by Troy Smart
I think there's a bit of a gap between the over 40 crowd and under 40 crowd.
I'm 37 and slalom meant nothing to me as a kid.
I was vaguely aware that it happened a bit in the 70's but no one I knew was doing it and I sure did'nt see it in the mags. (very much anyway).
My earliest exposure to slalom was looking at a picture of some extremely tall stick man with a handle bar mustache (blond), with tiny shorts and even tinier knee pads.
Riding parallel.
I thought he looked like the biggest geek I'd ever seen. (If you're out there fella, sorry).
I wanted no part of that.
Granted, I grew up in the middle of nowhere, in a state that's probably at least 15 years behind the times but I did have the mags, and the mags WERE skateboarding to much of America, outside of a few choice places in California.
Slalom was definately not mainstream.
I get a different sense from the over 40 crowd. Seems like they were all into slalom.
Is this an over 40 thing?
Or maybe just an over 40 California thing?
I don't know. It's no surprise to me that the older guys don't want to take it up again.
40 has some kind of mental stigma to it.
The guys who seem the most receptive to me are those right around my age group. The guys who grew up idolizing Olsen, Andrecht, Bowman, Alva, Alba, etc.
They've never done slalom before but it's appealing because they're finding that with this resurgence in skateboarding, going to the skatepark after a ten year layoff is f*cking painful!
Slalom looks like a less painfull alternative, and it is.
I'm not sure what exactly my point is but I'll hit submit anyway.
The wife and kids are'nt home and I'm killin a little time before they get back and once again, all hell breaks loose. (I have 3 boys).

P.S. No real offense intended but, lighten up Arab. Do you really have to be so negative? You're posts are bringing me down.

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 11:47 pm
by John Gilmour

Please stay on topic guys. The topic is "Slalom was Hijacked....

Or would we all prefer to just race the same racers ad infinitem.

And don't bother "defending" the previous statements, just please stay on the topic of this thread.

So my question is this- We revived a few slalom "hot pockets" and I can safety assume there are lots more- based on the demand ($$$big bucks$$$) for vintage slalom gear on Ebay prior to 2001.

Slalom was left for dead by the Skateboard Media in the 1970's. It won't happen now because we don't rely on traditional skate media and still we have managed to grow our slalom scene several fold in the past three years.

The suggestion that high school ski clubs would be interested is a good one for new growth. I also know of a few snowboard racing academies that might be interested.

There were so many skaters in 1978 left with 2 year subscriptions to skateboarder magazine, slalom decks and downhill decks in hand, waiting to see the next slalom coverage and none was forthcoming. Most of them rode freestyle and vert as well- but many were left "half practiced" for competitions that would only come 24 years later.

A little "concentrated attention" in California (WLAC), and in DC got some older skaters going again. Where else might a little "concentrated attention" bring out more skaters? Having good prize money put some more excitement and commitment into racing.

I can't help but wonder if there are tons of skaters in parts of Colorado (who may not have fast internet access) who haven't clued in yet. I can not believe this is 80% of who is left given the sheer numbers of Fibreflex decks sold alone.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:09 am
by Terry Kirby
I don't understand this thread. What does it mean. Help me. TK

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 12:33 am
by Troy Smart
Oh, I get it now.

The tall stick man with the handlebar mustache, parallel stance and small shorts and kneepads is a terrorist.


Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 1:23 am
by David Eye
John; I believe there are a large number of downhill-oriented skaters in Colorado riding longboards, the problem is that they are also very caught up in other sports, like snowboarding, rock-climbing, mtn-bike racing,
kayaking, etc. as there "first" sport. Some are just not into competitve-type sports and the appeal of skateboarding in general is that its an anti-sport sort of thing, you know? Its just so hard to grow a new sport right now, everyone is so involved in something, already. Another issue for us, is that these same longboarders are scattered all over a state
divided by several mountain ranges and alot of rugged driving conditions. Also the skating season in mtn towns is very limited!
Here at least we can skate almost all year
(it was 60 degrees sat!!, but snowing last night)and we have alot of population/ pavement and dry conditions (too dry actually).

Around 4 yrs ago here in Fort Collins I had about 25 people running cones that did not include the current Denver/ Boulder / Longmont guys, many of whom stopped after we lost our main venue (which we have returned to). Some I hope to get back. We'll see once the snow melts, but that will not be may-june for this crowd. There are others I am working on all the time.
I, too, believe the serious alpine snowboard crowd and some skiers are a better target than the kicky-flippers, but I am not giving up on them. Even if we get 2-3 to join us,
hey thats more than we had!!

Sat. we had another long session at Vans Skatepark / Westminster; great TS hybrid locale and we always have an easier course set for newbies to try. Alot of onlookers,
but few takers, typically. The only ones who really took it on were (dare I say it) inliners! (one was ripping). One thing I feel strongly about is having slalom boards for kids / parents to try. I need to get more. Running these courses on pop-sickle stick, tight trucks and 55mm/ 99a is just not fun or enticing.these kids can afford this stuff, many of them anyway.

I just believe we have to be patient, these things take time. Slalom skating is too fun and has too much going for it not to succeed.
I think just good marketing and getting the word out (that this sport even exists at all) will help. That takes $$$.
lastly, stay tuned we are having a race series here this spring / summer/ fall ; including one thats a tandem event with flat-land-freestyle, high-jump and maybe some vert.

Hey Troy; you'll get over the "40 as a divide" thing in about 5 yrs.

David Eye 43, father of twin 1 yr olds, skating almost daily.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 2:41 am
by John Gilmour
Right on David Eye! 25 skateboarders doing slalom is big number. I know about how difficult it is to move about in CO. So that makes it even more impressive.

I think our sport would appeal to the general snowboarding community as well- not just to the Alpine racers.

Could you imagine what it would be like to step on a 36 inch Pocket pistol with Avalons and RTX front and Indy offset rear.....after say...... your last slalom board was a 28 inch Fibreflex Pro slalom with camber with California slaloms and Road rider 4's?

I mean it would blow your mind. The smoothness, cruisability, easy ride, fun factor. All for about $300. (double the cost of a typical skateboard).

I would think that the idea of doing slalom again in most "old blood slalomers" minds is the feel of the Road Rider 4 set up. (Your memories might make it seem fun- but ride a setup nlike that today and it is blah city). There is just no comparison.

And of course the gear is going to get better.

Hopefully we'll get more of the 30-40 set into it because they are the ones with the friends in high places that will get the sport what it needs.

Right now 2 things are like two wet bags of cement on the back of slalom skateboarding.

1. Lack of visibility to the public (few consistently set slalom spots with high visibility in recreational pedestrian traffic areas).

Translation - we don't exist.

We may as well be doing this in Guam. (

TV is a help, but if you saw slalom on TV (that was more than a 2 hour drive from you)and like most people, channel surfed into the middle of it, caught a few minutes, it would take a lot of times before the concept that Slalom was really going again sunk in to your head). Streetluge had to be televised many many many times- along with inclusion into the X-games and Gravity games before people recognized it. But hopefully every successive TV slalom appearence will reinforce the sport more than the previous one.

2. Cones. Cones get us thrown off hills. Cones attract the ire of police and neighbors. Cones scatter into opposing lanes of traffic. They are heavy, and have to be reset. I have no solution at this time.

****** dedicated slalom areas? Better to have a coordinated effort by USSSF and GRASS to establish permanent slalom venues in high visibility areas this summer. And if there is no big hill in a recreational pedestrian area..... it might not have to be GS....which is fine as GS speeds might be intimidating for Newbies.

Nothing we do now would help more than for the coordination of all the slalomers to try to consistently set a slalom course every other Sunday at the same visible place. And once people got used to it...every Sunday.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 3:37 am
by Brady Mitchell
Your point about the new gear is a clicker for me. I offer my boards to guys that pop into the local surf shop while I`m there. They are amazed at the ride. Unfortunately I don`t have a lot of spare time to get a regular session going. And not too many places to slalom at either (read HILLS).

There`s nice hills in West Palm as you know and the dump out in Davie that needs resurfacing (working on it) that is being turned into a park.

I think Rick has the best idea in offering slalom to the popsicle park riders. That probably either means banked slalom on park boards, flatland slalom on park boards, or flatland slalom on slalom boards (29-32").

Maybe just a little effort with flatland slalom in our local parks, with reasonable priced decks (Bahnes??), we can generate some interest.

I`ll talk to Mike Rodgers of West Palm Oelsner skatepark and see if he`s interested in something. Maybe all it`ll take is a couple of boards and cones?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Brady Mitchell on 2003-02-03 23:22 ]</font>

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:00 am
by Dan Hughes
You know John everytime, well almost every time, I'm at the Bowl, I talk to a couple of guys who are interested in slalom. But, these are older guys my age, anyway. So, who knows, maybe this next season, we'll have a couple more slalomers riding with us in the NW.
However, Mike Dong had an idea. He thought that he could set up his tape switch, in the street area of the park, and a few cones, and generate some interest by running cones and keeping track of the times, in the street area. Thereby, attracting some of the young kids to the sport.
I think it's a great idea, so we'll see if it works.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 8:52 am
by David Eye
One thing that we do here in N. Colorado (mainly Fort Collins / Boulder) is find a night on or around the full moon of any given month that seems to work for the most people and schedule alittle night-time hill
cruising, maybe a little parking garage- action (lift -service, security-dodge,run from the cops, type stuff)little stop for refreshing food-like beverages, etc. Plenty of time to talk skating and get to know new people and to talk alittle slalom. This is something we normally do as friends who have skated together for awhile now,but from time to time there is always someone new and if we made a point to involve more people we could, and will try to this year.
Anyway..some are oldskoolers rediscovering the sport, some are younger vert / park-riders who snowboard (who "get it"), some are longboarders, who may / may-not be into racing, etc.)and some are skiers who have not skated in 10-15 yrs or more. The point is, to keep it fun and safe,not get too big as a group. (well, mostly safe,..
back to the story,..)

so we find some long cruisers that every one is comfortable with, do a few runs here and there, moving around through the wee-hours,
with stealth -like precision, till we've all got our fill.(read; or until the hall-pass expires).Again the emphasis is on red-lining the fun-meter for everyone, not racing. (o.k.maybe alittle racing).

While we're mainly busting-out with the long-
bore stuff ,here(ie massive wheels), I highly recommend doing some runs on the slalom board and thereby demonstrating the amazing turning potential you have over the big lumber.Give them a try on it, I've been amazed lately; guys have liked the slalom boards better than I thought they would.I
was able to get a number of guys riding cones here this way, not many of whom are active currently, but I have hopes they'll return (time doth tell)
So, its not like we've got a lot of new riders this way (atleast who've kept at it, YET) but it seems like one way to spread the word and potentially grow the sport alittle more. Along with the influence of our core group of freestylers / vert and park-riders;
the longboard angle continues to show promise for growing the slalom group here in CO.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:16 pm
by Rick Stanziale
For it is just like a man about to go on a journey, who called his own slaves and entrusted his possessions to them. To one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another, one, each according to his own ability; and he went on his journey. Immediately the one who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and gained five more talents. In the same manner the one who had received the two talents gained two more. But he who received the one talent went away, and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money. Now after a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. The one who had received the five talents came up and brought five more talents, saying, "Master, you entrusted five talents to me. See, I have gained five more talents.' His master said to him, "Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.' Also the one who had received the two talents came up and said, "Master, you entrusted two talents to me. See, I have gained two more talents.' His master said to him, "Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.' And the one also who had received the one talent came up and said, "Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow and gathering where you scattered no seed. "And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what is yours.' But his master answered and said to him, "You wicked, lazy slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow and gather where I scattered no seed. "Then you ought to have put my money in the bank, and on my arrival I would have received my money back with interest. "Therefore take away the talent from him, and give it to the one who has the ten talents.' For to everyone who has, more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth


We'll all go about growing our individual and collective scenes differntly, the point being to get out there and do SOMETHING. I took all the comments regarding ski clubs and figured ski clubs in the deep south might not be a bad place to find people who are not only interested in slalom, but can afford the gear. I'll report back the results.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:24 pm
by George Gould
I agree with John, slalom was and still is hi-jacked. until the media, meaning Transworld and Thrasher give us a little space for real it isn't going to change. of the few kids who "talk" the most about downhill and who have tried my slalom boards (3 Comets and 1 Ick)most of em freak out. many have claimed that they "haul ass" but when given a chance to prove it, don't. I am not talking about downhilling, i am talking about slalom on a little hill. i have heard many skaters talk about "forty five miles an hour" but when faced with a small hill and a slalom deck really embarrass themselves. of course they are not trying this on their twin kick with Grind Kings either. so i don't know what the answer is. I reckon eventually the mags will distance themselves so much from what the stunts are that some kids will want to go back to riding and turning???? this goes for surfing and snowboarding too. every stinking ad and video (other than Mollica's) show railslides and these jumps over and over. it is redundant. oh and to me a guy who can't ollie, i find snowboarding air quite easy to come by, you feet are freaking strapped in!

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:45 pm
by Brian Parsons
I feel like I should add to this discussion. I started slaloming not because I wanted to race or because I had some past connection to the sport. I started as a way to get back into skateboarding in general. I am a 80s generation skater. My influences were Cab, Mountian, Gonzales, Natas. I didn’t ride in parks I rode in my driveway and in a drainage ditch. Once I was old enough to drive I traveled to back yard halfpipes and the rare pool. Mainly I was a street skater due the lack of acceptable skate terrain. I am not sure I even knew what slalom racing was, all I knew was I liked the feeling I got from turning a skateboard without using the kick.

Now that there are parks all over the country we are attempting to convince the new generation of skaters to go back into the streets. We all have been hassled trying to run slalom courses. Non-skating parents like to idea of being able to drop their kids off at a monitored skatepark. No worries about traffic, crime etc. all of the bad elements most late 80s era skaters were exposed to. What we are doing and trying to promote has very little in common with the current skateboard culture. We really must accept that.

Little did I know after I first stepped foot on a slalom board that I would develop a huge passion to race and compete. Slalom to me is not a connection to the past or to the golden age of skateboarding. Slalom skateboarding is a new sport that I approach as a pioneer to see how far we can develop this into a mainstream activity. This is not a resurgence of slalom skateboarding but an introduction to slalom skateboarding. Traditional skateboards, surfers, snowboarders and skiers all make up our focus groups.

One common theme I have noticed in this introduction to younger kids is the same thing that occurs in other cutting edge sports. Is it cool? Am I going to be ridiculed or made fun of because I want to do this? Typical stereotypes are what we should focus on breaking down and building up. Breakdown the stereotype of old has beens and wanna bees and build up the image of new exciting sport for all ages.

I am saying the same thing that everyone else has already said. Rick, Arab, John and Pat all made very valid points and they are all correct. There is no right and wrong. And in reality the entire slalom community has done a great job in the last 2 years. We made chicken salad out of chicken shit. So eat up.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 7:22 pm
by David Eye
I just think its cool getting new people
to start skating, or to return to the sport say, via longboarding, even if they never touch a slalomboard. My feeling though, is that the more longboarders out there, the more likely some will try slalom, since it seems to me the two are more closely related
than other types of skating.
Bombing hills on todays equipment at 30-35 mph is actually fairly easy; running todays slalom courses on any pitch for these same
folks is not,it takes practice and work, some will like the challenge of it,
others will not. So it goes,..I think we have to be willing to work with these people
and help them out, with gear, technique, etc.
It important they get some satisfaction from trying and not get too imtimidated.

On the other hand, we have some oldschool
freestyler-types who on borrowed set-ups
pretty much rip the course right -off,
which tells me that some of these guys really have that all-round ability thing going and thats encouraging to go find more of them. Last Sat, one of our crew Ric Weidenour from Boulder brought his young Vert-riding Team out to the course for some runs since they where already at Vans in between seesions. Thats cool and I'm anxiuos to hear what they thought of it and whether
they'll be back.

One thing Brian brings up is key; every local scene needs to find a good permenant home for their practices and races. Places that are not only good as far as pitch and surface,
but also OFF public streets and roads. Unless, maybe its some undustrial-park type place that has exceptionally low traffic count.
Even then, thats not good. There needs to be permission from the developer or land-owner,
etc. that ensures that when folks show for a race or practice you will not be harrased or run-off. Tell them you'll sign a waiver releaseing liability, wear your helmets, etc. and clean the place up, it all helps.
Here we have established a few good private locations and we are always looking for more.
This is super -critical, setting up cones in the street is just asking for it and will not sustain the sport. Around here, some guy with in an F-250 club-cab and a gun rack will harrass you, maybe even try and hurt you
if you're in the streets. At my local spot at the CSU BW Pickett Equine Center rodeo arena, the local cowboys and competitive teams leave us alone since we're way out of everyones way. We've also had alittle talk
with them.

I guess I just do not buy the slalom was hijacked mentality, it died because alot of guys stopped doing it and the mags will focus on it again when it appears that this thing is really taking off, right now the numbers are so small and 90% of the riders in the racers are 35-45 in age, way below Thrasher and Transworld readership age group demographic, so I'm sure their limited resources will not be allocated for it, until it that appears to be changing.
just my opinions thanks for reading.

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 8:34 pm
by George Gould
i am not going to agree with the fact that slalom racers aren't spending the money. street skaters are busting boards daily. we don't, but one Comet board costs a hundred bucks. i have learned that i can't race slalom and have just one board. same goes for wheels and trucks. so no one is making money? unless more people than i care to think about are getting floated a lot of gear. you can't sell equipment if nobody prints it. it can't grow unless we get more people doing it. if it isn't recognized by the BIG skate industry maybe we'll just go away. screw the big industry. i hunted for soft wheels for years (YEAH! Turner and Abec 11) Tracker is back on board. i think the print media doesn't want to be associated with us, i cannot understand it. if a magazine put it out in a way that was made to look good things would change. the whole media image and heroes being picked off by "no-names" scares the shit out of them. some current riders (Note i said some) are extremely one dimensional. these companies make more selling t shirts than equipment. that is exactly what kills skateboarding every few years but for the core.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: george gould on 2003-02-04 15:31 ]</font>

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2003 10:16 pm
by Mike Gorman
What Hackett did with the Deathrace was a great start towards introducing the concept of racing to skate world in general. The crowd was very diverse, and they were all stoked on the idea of racing. Now the race itself called for exactly none of the specialized skills we associate with slalom except going fast. It was for people with extremely advanced vert skills. But I handed out flyers for the JPL Outlaw race and got what I could consider a good response. Jesse Martinez and the Z-Cult boys from Venice have shown interest in racing, and they have competed at JPL and WLAC. Their involvement could be very beneficial to the sport, because they have a large following of young talented skaters who idolize anything they do. Jesse gets regular coverage in the magazines, and is widely acknowleged as one of the founding fathers of hardcore street and vert skating. Chris Cook raced as well and is well known as member of the notorious Alva Posse. Though they couldn't make it, Juice Magazine expressed interest in covering the event. With these guys racing, coverage will happen and our sport will be seen as a hardcore and acceptable part of the sport. I am working to keep these guys involved and to hopefully influence their young followers that racing is cool. Jesse's young teenage son could definitely become a threat in the junior division.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 12:37 am
by Gary Fluitt
JG - give it up man. This IS all there is to slalom. We're it. We're the last remaining souls interested in wiggling around little plastic cones. Somebody ought to pack one of us up in a cryogenic freezer for safe keeping lest we disappear again.
Oh sure- there will be the occaisional freak who comes out of the woodwork and has the audacity to challenge one of US, the last keepers of the wiggle. But those guys (Siale comes to mind) are nothing but a genetic anomoly in the 2 Million skaters popping and flipping across this great nation. It's vert, x games, and fear factor. That's what the masses WANT (not to be confused with DO).
We're doomed. You are the Omega Man.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:03 am
by Vlad Popov
Seems like slalom is a "freak show", but if the transnational media supports it, there will be millions of freaks all over the world. The norm today is what TNC media makes/creates/establishes the norm.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:30 am
by Gary Fluitt
Gotta disagree with you Vlad, otherwise there would be millions of downhillers and luge skaters.

My previous post was in jest you must know.

There is plenty of room for slalom to grow. Couple of things have to happen though.

1. Equipment- Starter set-ups are key. And lots of them. Bahne is suppliying the Colorado Slalom Series with some decks for beginners.

2. Events- Grass roots, FCR, Colorado, East Coast, Da Farm. The more events the better. Once people race head to head - they're hooked. USSSF will be instrumental is helping this I believe.

3. Exposure- Sometimes I think we give too much credit to the media to spark the next wave, but it does help despite my response to Vlad. But let's not whore ourselves to the media in an attempt to swell our numbers. It hasn't worked for Luge or Downhill. They've been media darlings for years now but there are few Chris Chaputs who will strap on a fairing helmet and bomb a hill. I know, slalom is safer. As I sit here with a big ass sling on my arm, 2 weeks post operative rotator cuff surgery, I might have to disagree. Slalom is not much safer then Vert in my experience. Look at DonO. Poor guy is nearly a peg leg. Hey Don you gonna race this season?
Arab never falls. What's his secret...I want to know. I'm rambling. Must be the Vicodin.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gary Fluitt on 2003-02-04 19:32 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Gary Fluitt on 2003-02-04 19:34 ]</font>

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:48 am
by Vlad Popov
Gary, I’d love to be wrong.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 2:13 am
by John Gilmour
Slalom is safe Gary, it's just that you won't put out less than 130%. Man I never saw anyone go so hard at it like you.

You are one of my favorite racers to watch- because you never know what to expect. You have everything it takes to be the best. Racing Experience, strength quickness, agility, form, power, speed, endurance, aerobic fitness, skill. You were flying at Breck- call me up....have I got some killer rehab for you. Did you get a full bankhardt reconstruction? Capsule...what? My arm now is better than before I injured it.

"We can make him better than he was, better, stronger, faster".
As for giving up.....nahhhh I could have assumed at WLAC 2000 that that was all there was. Same for MB 2001. This is the best old mine by far..... and I'm still digging. Sooner or latter I'll find a good vein.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:33 am
by Dan Hughes
Someone commented that we need to show the kids that racing is fun.
Rather, I think that we just need to get them involved, racing is fun all by itself. The fun of racing will keep them coming back. Why else would we keep doing it, if it wasn't fun?