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Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:48 pm
by Rene Hayden
I hate to cross-post, but I'm looking for a quick solution:

I've noticed a problem with my noschoolz 65mm 88a (or whatever--the print's rubbed off), while I was changing up some bearings (PT 5s) after a several months of riding. In all four wheels, the bearing seat seems to be shredding inside the wheel, like 1/16" to 1/8" strips are coming off of the edge where the bearing sits. I'm using Jeff Bozi's super good spacers. Is this a miscast, or is it just due to overtightening--I didn't think I tightened that hard and the wheels spun fine--so what is up? The bearing seat is divided into three, and so far it's only taken place in one of the three sections, and I think only on one side.

Could this be due to sliding? The wheels were on my Dbox Hackett and my numbchuck for a long time, and then I switched them to a slalom deck for the past week or so. Could it be because I left the wheels in a hot car trunk for a couple hours while I was skating the Charles Co. park?
Should I be concerned about the bearing seat's new "conical" look?

okay... this is getting annoying.

put the PT7s in and did some runs this morn. In the one wheel with the biggest damage to two bearing seat sections, it's groaning (ticking fast) like an arthritic old man. The strips are coming from what was the deck side of the bearing seat on all four wheels.

I should also mention I am riding a lender set of Indy 1-oh-somethings whose axles are not totally straight.

please someone suggest what to do here...silicone or epoxy and old bearings to mold? I have to race these wheels and bearings tomorrow at the DC Outlaw.

I'm all puzzled about it. Any speculations/fixes would be appreciated so I can avoid wrecking future bearing seats.