[2005] UKSSA races in 2005

European Races & Results (for Major, Main and Prime level races)

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Chris Linford
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[2005] UKSSA races in 2005

Post by Chris Linford » Fri Feb 18, 2005 3:38 pm

Once again we seem not to have been consulted over the schedule. I take it the UK competitions are relegated to the lower division again.

Well it shows how things have improved (not) since last year.


Jani Soderhall
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UKSSA events 2005

Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Feb 18, 2005 5:03 pm


This contest calendar is an open listing that organizers can use to list their events. It is the organizers responsibility to make sure they get listed and that the information is kept up-to-date, just post a reply in this thread and it'll be included in the listing.

As there are quite a few interested in racing in the UK it'll be exciting so see your updated listing.


The good news this year is that I'm not responsible for this listing. Rick took over the job of keeping it updated.

Last edited by Jani Soderhall on Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

alavoine jean paul
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Re: UKSSA events 2005

Post by alavoine jean paul » Fri Feb 18, 2005 6:50 pm

Jani Soderhall wrote: As there are quite few interested in racing in the UK it'll be exciting so see your updated listing.

I think you meant quite A few

Popol: the unwanted grammar moderator... interested in races throughout Europe and more.
jean paul aka POPOL:
"I was born yesterday...
but I stayed up all night!"

Jani Soderhall
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Re: UKSSA events 2005

Post by Jani Soderhall » Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:49 pm

alavoine jean paul wrote:I think you meant quite A few
Of course, thank you.


Chris Linford
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Post by Chris Linford » Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:44 am


Never a critism against you. All I would like is to be informed (or someone else in the Uk) when you decide where the main events are. When was it decided to have the finals in sweden.

To be involved is good, to exclude and run your own events to benefit yourselves is not.

Clingfilm from England.

Vincent Berruchon
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Post by Vincent Berruchon » Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:43 pm

Chris Linford wrote:Jani

Never a critism against you. All I would like is to be informed (or someone else in the Uk) when you decide where the main events are. When was it decided to have the finals in sweden.

To be involved is good, to exclude and run your own events to benefit yourselves is not.

Chris you should consult this forum more often!
It's a good place to be informed!!!
Everybody can write here what he wants to, nobody is excluded, it's up to you to react to bring your ideas and opinions to the community.

For the Euros, a topic exists about that since October 2004:
Peter Klang clearly ask if other organizers like to organize the Euro Championships, and most of organizers of the big last year races have seen that and react on it.

Here in Paris, we were thinking about participating to a least one UK race last year, we 've searched for it and see nothing... or damn too late.
Anounce your event more than one week before the event if you want racers from all around Europe.

Chris Linford
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Post by Chris Linford » Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:55 pm

An email would have helped.
Unfortunately I do not have enough time to keep checking sites. Just let me know when I (or someone else now) can vote. Everyone knows where I am.

I do not think that is unreasonable.

Clingfilm from England.

Jim Slater
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UK Calender

Post by Jim Slater » Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:23 pm

Hi world,
We clearly have a problem at the moment!
Firstly England is only politically part of Europe,
Physically we are not, all this bull***t about everyone is equal is clearly the problem here.
I am not superior to anyone, I am not inferior to anyone, I am just different, DIFFERENT.
So is the UK. Italians are not French, French are not German and Belgians are not Duch!
Why the Rant?
I am a molecule in a small cog in a big and powerfull machine.
Chris Linford, I live 10 minutes from Brands Hatch, and pass it twice a day, let me do that for you, dont throw in the towel just because we are different.
We have the internet now and anything is within our grasp.
The Euros dont even know who the f**k I am but lets look forward.
I keep using the word different to wake the world up.
How many wars would there be if we worshipped our differences rather than just thought we were all better than eachother?
With that in mind (in my English pipe smoking layed back way)
Lets look forward.........................
Jani and donald and the rest of that great world out there,
Can we have a shedule for next year? Soon?
Can we do something?
I have my eyes on some monies for next year, but as Richy Carasco said in a post a while ago.
If we tie them close then the Americans will do "tours" and a Brands Hatch- Paris, week would be awesome.
Just laying cards guys but we can all pitch in, rather than the "for granted" attitude now, lets head forwards and get something truly organised.
We all have a power that we never had in the 70's and 80's some did have the internet in the early in the 90's. ( I was a late starter!)
lets use it for the highest good of all concerned.
Let the rest of the word debate and fight, I look forward to meeting one day all the great people who post here
I want that to happen.
I could go on for hours, but lets talk, I want to enrich my life with all your views.
Once again can I take this oppertunity to thank all the great people here for ,this site and, the ability to have my opinion here.
This is free speach at its best. Please good people lets use it for all our benefit

Jim Slater

Sorry for the rant but I really want this to work.
Chris Linford, lean on me a bit mate.
Email me pls

Chris Eggers
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Re: UK Calender

Post by Chris Eggers » Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:34 am

Jim Slater wrote:Jani and donald and the rest of that great world out there,
Can we have a shedule for next year? Soon?
Can we do something?
Jim, did you see the contest calendar? Here on SS.com? I think it is the most complete out there.
I have already booked my dates with work and family to attend races this year, there where no UK races on the calendar, I truly forgot about them, I am honest...btw, I don´t like pushstarts,I think I mentioned,plus I fear to be beaten by Mr. Stride on his hometurf, I rather opt to take the advantage when he has to travel and sleep away from home and eat foreign food and drink foreign water, that makes him tired..........

No to be honest, I really appreciate your post and you spoke right..........I will try to make it to Brands or anything next season.......

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:30 pm


Good to see more local people wanting to help out with the English slalom competition scene. Chris deserves some help over there.

There is no ill willing plan against the English skate scene. Everybody is just working firstly for their own cause and we can't blame anyone for doing that. We can just be happy that people do put a lot of work, energy, time and money into our little world of slalom. In the end we will all gain by it whether there are great competitions in Germany, Switzerland, France or anywhere else.

It has nothing to do with you English being different. If it was, I mean, who would go to France for example? I have noticed over the years that we are often more different inside our nations than inbetween the nations itself. That is just important for political purposes, I don't buy it. Here we are all skaters foremost whatever crazy persons we are.

Being all Europeans doesn't mean we are all the same. For me it's only a geographical region. Just because you live on an island doesn't mean you're not in Europe. Then Sweden wouldn't be either. Switzerland are up in the mountains and not even in the Euorpean Community but I never hear them talking about how different they are.

England have great communications with the rest of Europe and have great possibilities to attract people to come over there. I think many organizers out their envy you. It's all up to you to make use of this advantage.

About starting to get organized. We have started getting things organized since many years ago. We take important steps each year. But you know how it is with skateboarders and organization. They need it but they don't want to see it.
Last edited by Hans Koraeus on Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Jim Slater
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Cultural differences and foeward motion

Post by Jim Slater » Sun Feb 27, 2005 12:39 am

Many thanks for your respected comments.
"If you want the fruit to fall you have to give the tree a shake. but......
If you shake the tree too hard the bows will break"
Please excuse my use of the words of a song but we do have motion in the UK, and now you are all listening. there will be news soon.
As I said I want the UK to work along with Europe and the rest of the world.
Of course you dont look on us as different, its just that we instinctively feel that way.
and I repeat, if we can have a 2006 schedule asap this year we can all blend nicely as we do not want to clash with your comp dates guys.
I just wanted to rattle the bars a bit to make a little noise.
i love to hear your views and I must say your contribution to the slalom scene is most respected here.
I am shouting my ass off so that we can see more of you guys here also (as long as we can give you lots of notice as to dates etc.)
great to hear from you Hans


Troy Smart
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Post by Troy Smart » Sun Feb 27, 2005 5:38 am


More please!

This is very entertaining.

A total waste of time, but very entertaining.

Hans Koraeus
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Post by Hans Koraeus » Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:22 pm

Waste of time? How could ever visiting slalomskateboarder.com be a waste of time. ;-)

There is obviously a need for more communication with the English so this is in no way a waste of time.

Talking of being different I just read this from an article of mine about the cult Swedish summer camps in the 1980's.
Summer camp article - Corky wrote:[Rodney Mullen] says he was stoked about being back in a place with so many skaters from so many different countries; all sharing the same sort of love for skating. He continues, “We were all so different, yet that was the common thread”.
I guess that goes for our world slalom community as well.

Maria Carrasco
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Post by Maria Carrasco » Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:13 pm

I would have to say communication and organization has greatly improved over the years. I remember trying to find info on events in previous years was quite a process -- e-mails, checking 4 -5 different sites (constantly) and all sorts of other confusion. I've been a fan of the central listing on this site since it started last year. Props to Jani and now Rick for making that effort. Even with this better level of organization -- there are still date overlaps -- and there probably always will be I suspect.

As the one responsible for all the travel arrangements and planning (here in Camp Carrasco) it helps me to see things on an actual calendar grid -- so I started a calendar on our SK8KINGS site last year that lists all the slalom events and more in a traditional calendar format. I do make a habit of checking in here and the contest calendar on NCDSA (along with a few other message boards) to keep it updated. Feel free to visit and if any of you have e-mail lists that you use to send out event announcements -- please add me to your list: maria@sk8kings.com Here's the calendar link: SK8KINGS CALENDAR

We had a great time going to races both at Brands Hatch (2003) and Silverstone (2004) and hope the UK racing scene will continue to grow. Chris -- when you do have dates, please let me know and I will promptly update our calendar (as well as consider for a trip). As for 2005 Euro journeys for me and the Brown Bomber -- looking seriously at Paris, Sweden & Antibes -- though would also love to attend Hannover and Gruenigen too.

Hats off to all of you who are setting up these great events both across the pond and in the U.S.

Detlef Rehbock
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what´s up

Post by Detlef Rehbock » Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:59 pm

before i post my opinion i thought about better not to post my opinion to this thread.
i can´t believe that.
what´s the problem.
italians travel to france
swedens travel to germany
germany travel to swiss
swiss to g
g to f
f to i
uk to g

what´s the problem. the internet can´t send you e-mails.
just check the forum. put in your race dates and have fun with us.
and if you are interested in higher status races, just say hi to us

and ...... i hope i can see some racers from uk in hannover. it´s not that far.

Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:14 pm

Hans Koraeus wrote:Switzerland are up in the mountains and not even in the Euorpean Community but I never hear them talking about how different they are.
Compared to some other swiss, most swiss will find us quite common. Though they built a European community of countries 3 and 4 centuries ago, and they even share the same currency that is affordable to them, they certainly are not all the same. Some swiss are french, others are german, or even italian, and that's the easiest part.
They have some training for these matters.

Chris Linford
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UK Slalom

Post by Chris Linford » Mon Jul 18, 2005 5:14 pm

The question is;

How many of you have entered a UK comp?

I'll keep two or three fingers ready to count, I won't need more.

Personally I have abandoned competitions in the UK because there is really no point in doing them any more for the world series. Gavin Randall in Cornwall is doing a great job in trying to keep a region going. We will now reduce from being the second largest slalom country in terms of events to the worst. Why is this, well no one comes from Europe, and for those who think it is uninteresting, sorry but I thought slalom was interesting to visitors here.

I believe we have the best slalom site, some top skaters, but no visitors (sorry to those who have come but thanks for your support).

When all this started I tried to progress the sport. We had events before anyone else, I tried to organise a European series. With all the lack of support there is now no other way but to close down in the UK from competitions.

The critisisum I have had has been unrelenting and I can not see the point in carrying on. If you want what is that is fine, but there is more that can be achieved.

Please do not take this as complaint, just my position. All I ever required was to be informed of the decisions needed to be taken and where these are being discussed. I did not have time to check this site every day. Please bear this in mind for the future. If it upset me it will upset others


Etienne de Bary
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Post by Etienne de Bary » Mon Jul 18, 2005 11:07 pm

A while ago i made a post on a british forum saying we should do a parisian delegation to an english race. i Asked just where i should go after coming down from the train in London. i had 3 or 4 enthusiast answers, saying "- OK, you just take the [M5 or A5 (a highway)] for 20 mn."... i don't skate very fast on highways ;)

i always get a little mail when my favorite topics get a new answer, very handy ;)
