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[2004] Stream Games, Rimini, Italy - Cancelled

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:57 pm
by Gianluca Ferrero

Hi to everybodies...

it's a couple of weeks i haven't seen the forum ,but in anycase i 'm quickly reply to Maria and all the others about the events in Italy.

we will have some national events ,not open around the country from march to september

The only one International event will be A Pro WORLD CLASS SERIES sponsored by Broox, fullvideocoveraged live and it will be included in THE STREAM GAMES 11-13 June 2004 RIMINI.

Stream games are summer X-Games for gravity sports and thanks to FIHP also slalom is there.

There will be GIANT, SUPERGIANT AND SPECIAL SLALOM in Junior class, Open class, women class and overall.

First day should be a qualification day with a cut to the faster skaters that will run to the final day.

Gianluca Ferrero

ps : everybody has to remember that a good race is not only good for the name but for the staff, the time and not last the money you put in it.
Right now the organizers haven't print nothing more about the right names of the each sport event, but be sure THE STREAM GAMES will be at the top level in all their parts, from advertising, to Chrono, passing trough political scene, landscapes, prizes, fun, food, parties, surface and next memories.

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:47 pm
by Glenn S
Pictures of the hill for the Giant Slalom and Super Giant Slalom for the next "2004 Stream Games" events in Italy.
I got these in an email from Gianluca. He said that he thought the hill was about 7 degree pitch:

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 10:52 am
by Pierre Samray
You speak about giant, super giant and special slalom.
But in the schedule of the stream games, there is only special slalom on friday. nothing about giant
the stream games site is nice but
Can we have more info about this?

1)The complete slalom schedule
2) discipline
3) registration
4) entry fee
5) information about, accomodation, age for young class, price....
6) Is it possible to race downhill too. (not the same moment as giant slalom?)

Last year Stream games was cancelled. Is it sure it's ok for this year?
I have to previous now all my season and I doesn't want to miss the
Italian event.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 7:07 pm
by Jani Soderhall
I talked to Gianluca in the middle of last week and he assured me that they are still working on getting this event going despite the fact that the website is down and there's little information circulating.

FIHP, which Gianluca represents works with to organize this event. Gianluca's part is to assure the slalom part of the event.

He'll be back soon with more information.


Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:53 am
Here is a quote from Forum:

On 4/21/2004 Maria C. wrote in from
Re Europe
Wanted to share info I received that the S-Games in Italy June 10-12 has been cancelled. Too bad -- prospect of four races in a row -- like a mini Euro series -- was sounding pretty attractive. That leaves Paris and England one week apart and then Switzerland on the 19th & 20th. I know some of you were waiting to find out the details like I was so wait no more. Who's going?

Can Gianluca confirm this please.


Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:59 pm
by Jani Soderhall

Gianluca has already confirmed in several posts that the event is cancelled. No doubt about it.

As far as I understood also confirmed the cancellation of the whole event, which answers Martin Siegrist question if only skate or everything was cancelled.
