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[European Skateboard Racing Tour] What's the deal?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:17 am
by Donald Campbell
could you explain your motivations on this certain project, j-rad?
i wanna hear why this is happening and what it is meant to be compared to the issa?
it looks as if you are torpedoing the issa guys right now, this also comes in with your recent departure from that orga.
just curious...

Yes, what is the deal?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:32 am
by Pat Chewning
I also am interested in how the creation of TWO nearly-identical (but easily confused) systems is a benefit to the racers, the racer organizers, and the potential sponsors of events.

-- Pat

for what

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:08 pm
by Detlef Rehbock
please explain me too. i think the issa system is working good enough.
our problems are:

no tv coverage
no big sponsors
no support from the rest of the skateboard scene (skatemags)

so the question is.
how can we attract slalom for big sponsors?
how can we attract tv?

my answer.
we need exciting races
we need attrctive places like trocadero or hannover expo area
we need a lot of spectators
we need a good speaker
we need a professional look of the race course
we need very good pics and professional video

let´s work on this.

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:50 pm
by Jadranko Radovanovic
I did my work for the ISSA. I did other things as well, somthing called structure, which is not used. That's the point why the most aren't informed, what the application incoming from the European Events show. After there is a rule in the statutes of the ISSA which says that there must be a change in the ISSA BOD. That's why i stepped back. The rule inputs from the ISSA Members is in the Forum. I took holiday from the 22nd of December until 15th of January. I was snowboarding in the swiss mountains and in the evening i took the time to make the rules and all the esrt stuff. I was asked for it before by a few people. I met Maurus at this time and talked with him about the sport. He told me that it's important to find a way together to have a standard. I informed the ISSA about the European Tour and than the event organisers from each country. I didn't heard somthing bad from all this guy's. All the work i did are just proposals nothing fixed yet. It works just if we all want that it works. If we contest organisers don't finde a way, than i will delete all this things. It is just a project which is on the way to be running.

Here are the benefits:
Communication with one voice over a website
clear standards (rules, application prozess, criterias, ranking (one year ranking))
Know How transfer between the organizers

Next Step:
I will look for an timing partner, timingsystem with displays and all stuff we need.

That's what it is for the beginning.

Dete, nice things you mentioned here. For doing this things you need an organisation in other way you will not know if every event organiser is able to do it. There is no money in this sport yet. I'm shure the chance to get support is higher if we present us together than every one for himself.

The question is were we want to go ? That can't be decided by me, just by the group. The standards i showed here are in the near of reality from my view in some views to high in some to low. That is now the point to discover.
