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[2003][Paris] Results

Posted: Tue May 27, 2003 8:51 pm
by Jani Soderhall

Here are the complete results of all the slalom events, as well as a combined overall result. Enjoy!

Special slalom
Tight / Parallel slalom
Giant slalom
Overall result

Many thank's to our sponsors in the skateboard field:

3dm / Turner wheels
Cambria, Avalon, Avila, these wheels rock!

Seismic Trucks
High performance, high precision, high speed trucks. New re-designed Alu trucks with 30° or 45° angles to be expected in July.
An online shop concentrating on slalom equipment for skaters in France and the rest of Europe.

Tracker trucks
Probably the most used race truck ever. Since 1975.

PocketPistol skates
High quality boards made and ridden by the 2002 World Champion - Barrett "Chicken" Deck.

SC8 Longboards
Probably the most popular longboard brand in France. The board of World Champion Yvon Labarthe.

Online shop for skateboard, longboard, rollerskates and many other sports.

PS. Please let me know if you find any errors or inconsistencies in the result tables.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 3:06 pm
by John Gilmour
I see some racers got a second run in the GS. I was waiting and listening to get a second run but unfortunately never heard my name called. I do see a DQ by my name for the first run though I suppose it was a DNF and the second run would have been a DNS. In the end what did happen to the second runs? At first I thought we were to get one run only- were the French racers were told in French that they would get two runs? Thank you for posting the results so quickly- it is great to be able to look at the times and see the results.

BTW the laptop based timing system used looked really cool, and it looked like the cables and tapeswitches were the source of the problems, not the operators of the timing system or the software itself. Marcus S. told me that his system might even work on a PDA- that would be great for practice.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:32 pm
by Jani Soderhall
Giant slalom:

Here's my view on this topic:

After the first run certain Pro riders decided themselves not to do their second run (I heard the conversation) which sparked a kind of "OK, lets leave it at the first run" kind of agreement among a few of the top Pro's with them taking off their helmets and packing up. This might have fooled some others (Gianluca Ferrero etc) into believing there was no second run. However the timing system was up and running and the course was open for a second run.

There might have been a lack of announcement at this late hour which I cannot verify.

With the current publication of the results of giant slalom the following skaters lost "points and places":

-Vlad Popov, would have been third instead of fourth.
-Jojo Illegale, would have been fourth instead of fifth.
-Michael Stride would have been 8:th and not not 9:th.
-John Gilmour would have had a chance to get a time, being DQ'd in the first run for missing the timing strip.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, and let's hope there will be many future races, so that these slalomers will ultimately be compensated.

I hope we can close this discussion here. If you want to take it further please write a protest to me personally which I will forward to the race committee for processing.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:49 pm
by Jani Soderhall
Timing equipment

John Gilmour wrote: "BTW the laptop based timing system used looked really cool, and it looked like the cables and tapeswitches were the source of the problems, not the operators of the timing system or the software itself."

The problems of the timing equipment came from three different sources:

a) The cables being accidentally cut, or their contacts smashed (by ramps, skaters, or people walking). (Water running on both sides didn't seem to help either.) We had many extra tapeswitches, but only one extra extension cable.

b) The USB/Serial port converters just couldn't handle the intense use. We were forced to use these because our lap tops didn't have two serial ports (one for each course) and we were told we could not be sure to have stable electricity and use stationary PC's, as we had planned.

c) Windows XP couldn't handle the heavy use of the USB/Serial port converters, so we had to switch to Windows 2000. Probably once again the fault of the drivers of the USB/Serial port converters.

The operators did an excellent job. Once again thank's to Dan Gesmer and Patrick Bontemps for being on their positions for the whole day.

The timing system was the first of its kind with the following features:

- entirely PC based
- 4 beep start triggering both clocks
- electronic detection of false start
- automatic logging of all times

I think it is promising to have a system with electronic detection of false starts. We know gates works, but people don't necessarily like them, and they are cumbersome to build and bring around. This system promises to be so much cheaper and easier. But more testing needs to be done with the USB/serial converters to get the right brand. Thank's to Marcus Seyffarth at for the programming and problem-solving on site.

Marcus will be pleased to present the system, and answer questions in the timing system forum.

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 12:28 am
by Hans Koraeus
Here are some nation classifications I did for the swedish forum. I realized they would make sense here as well after taking away the Swedish flags.

Points given according to current ISSA rules.

- 3 best/discipline: 3 best results for each nation in the 3 different disciplines (special, straight, giant) are added together.
- 3 best only: The olympic way only counting gold, silver and bronz. Gold goes before silver and silver goes before bronz.
- The above is done for Pro, Am and Total. Total is Pro and Am results added together.

I hope it makes sence.

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