[FCR 2003] FCR Announcement

North American Slalom Races & Results

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Jack Smith
Morro Bay Skate legend
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[FCR 2003] FCR Announcement

Post by Jack Smith » Sat Mar 08, 2003 3:05 am

Don, Jack and John would like to thank every one for their support during the 2002 FCR Series season, we all had a great time and we accomplished an awful lot.

We apologize for not getting back to you officially until now. We really appreciate the fact that many of the racers seem to be willing to work with us in the future to help to continue to build the Series through some pretty difficult times. We are committed to improving the FCR Series and we are announcing our plan for 2003.

We will hold a minimum of five FCR Series events or FCR sanctioned events this year with the possibility of more. We may consider awarding points for other events that meet certain criteria as those events are presented to us.

For FCR SERIES events only the entry fees for the Pro Class will increase to $150. The minimum prize money for each event will be determined by multiplying $75 by the number of Pro racers that enter an event. If 40 Pros enter then the minimum prize money will be 40 X $75 = $3,000. It will be divided up by percentage as follows:

1st 40%
2 24%
3 12%
4 8%
5 (4X) 4%

The entry fee for the Open Class will
remain $100.

We will award prizes and medals / trophies at each of our events this year.
We will work on better t shirts this year
We will maintain a 100 racer limit at our events.

We really appreciate the fact that you understand that it is tough out there right now but we, like you, are committed to moving dual slalom racing forward. We are close to finalizing negotiations with a TV sponsor for the Catalina Classic. We hope that we can get TV sponsors for all of out events. We did not have very much sponsorship support last year at this time either.

There will be changes regarding the World Championships. The World Championships will be an event this year and it will not be the last event. It will be treated like any other FCR Series event as far as points go.

We would like to hold a full schedule of FCR events this year but they are too expensive to hold without adequate sponsorship participation. We can not ask you racers to pay for any more than we are asking. We are optimistic that we can all move this thing forward and that we will engage enough of the public into viewing your efforts that, someday, racers will earn enough to support themselves by dedicating themselves to this endeavor that we all love so much.

Our tentative schedule for this year will be:

3/29-30 – Lake Elsinore, FCR sanctioned event
4/12 – Bahne-Cadillac SlalomCross, FCR sanctioned event
6/6 – 8 - High Peaks Drifter, FCR Series three day event, Breckenridge, CO
July or August – La Costa
September – Albuquerque, NM FCR sanctioned event
9/12 – 14 - World Championships, Morro Bay,

FCR Series three day event
10/18 – 19 – Catalina Classic , FCR Series two day event

FCR Series awards dinner, Sunday October 19, 2003, Avalon, Santa Catalina Island

Jack, Don & John

[ This Message was edited by: Jack Smith on 2003-03-07 21:08 ]

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