[FCR 2003] Slalomcross [Judi Oyama report]

North American Slalom Races & Results

Moderators: Jonathan Harms, Russel Cantor, Lynn Kramer, Chris Cousineau, Maria Carrasco

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Adam Trahan
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Posts: 795
Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2002 2:00 am

[FCR 2003] Slalomcross [Judi Oyama report]

Post by Adam Trahan » Tue Apr 15, 2003 12:29 am

ed note: Taken from a personal e-mail.

First women's pro event in 25 years, first ever slalom cross race. What a blast. After doing well during all the qualifing and then choking at the finals I finally put it together. Yeah and won $200.00 bucks to boot.

My first run wasn't my fastest but it was the fastest of my times. My second run was harder at the top with major headwinds. I double pumped the hay bales and really was hauling butt around the hay bail corner. I was like oh shit I'm going to eat it and was just holding on to the turn thinking what have I gotten into here then I shot out and made the next corner which was even harder. Off camber turn to the harder red course, pumped up the hill and down. I lost only a second and a half. The other racers were loosing 7 seconds the closest women's times were by 10 seconds.

Since Terry double DQ we weren't sure who would race who. When I finally had the run off I was racing her. Ugh I thought, but then I realized I always race the fastest and beat myself at the starts. I did the push start thing as hard as I could and just went down the shoot, did the corner, went to the cones and I couldn't even hear her. I thought she must of fallen, I got to the finish, stopped, turned around and picked my board up and then she finished.

My race with Isabelle was similar I still wasn't as fast as my second run but I had her be 4-5 cones at the bottom maybe less. It was nice.

I'm glad I practiced my push starts, going to practice practice practice. Having so much fun. Last year, I thought wow I never thought I'd be slaloming again and now a year later I'm thinking I never thought I'd be doing a Hut tuck full speed downhill type racing.

That's the race in a nut shell. I like winning!

Pro Women Qualifying Results
Racer 1st Run 2nd Run Best Q Pos.
Judi Oyama 57.832 59.034 57.832 1
Isabelle Caudle DQ 67.22 67.22 2
Lynn Kramer DQ 68.9 68.9 3
T.Benko-Brown DQ DQ DQ 4

Judi Oyama
Isabelle Caudle
Lynn Kramer

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Adam Trahan on 2003-04-14 18:30 ]</font>

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