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Want To Buy: Radikal Dragon's Claw and 35* Randal 125

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:05 am
by Peter Metzger

I'm looking for a Dragon's Claw front truck - used is ok. I'm also hoping to find a Randal 125 on a 35* plate. Used is ok there, too.


Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:22 pm
by Manuel Frei
buy a gog truck its the best truck it ever givs!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:16 pm
by Peter Metzger
I'm willing to try out anything (as long as it's good - radikal, gog, virage, whatever) - the only issue is money. I haven't got much of it, so I'm hoping to find a [relatively] cheap used truck. I figured a Rad would be my lowest-priced precision option. It's also the only precision truck I've ridden before. I don't have $300 to spend on a GOG, I don't even have $200. I'm shooting for $125 max (which is more than I have at the moment, but after returning a defective monitor I recently purchased, I'll have more).

I am absolutely and irrevocably stoked on slalom (and skating of all types), but at the moment I'm stuck with somewhat crappy equipment (the RT-X just isn't cutting it) and nowhere to go. I'm doing all I can to help grow the sport here in the midwest - showing it to my friends here at school, taking a friend with me to the race down in Kentucky in a few weeks... shoot, I'm even hosting my own race on September 26. (By the way, you should all come to it: sign up here )

The point is, there's no way someone like me (i.e. not much money) can get seriously into this sport at the moment. I know the trucks are expensive to make and worth the price they command - that's why I'm trying to find used equipment. The problem is, I can't seem to find any. I know there are other options out there (e.g. Skennett) but I see that as a short-term solution that only does long-term harm. If I spend $65 or whatever on a Skennett now, that's $65 longer I'll have to wait before I can afford a true racing truck.

Sorry for the long post, it's just really frustrating at the moment trying to find and afford the equipment I need to keep improving. (Don't worry, I'm practicing. I know I can always do better, and admit I'm not all that good now, but I feel like I'm at a point where the equipment is in part holding me back.)

ANYWAY... does anybody have a precision front slalom truck they want to sell me? please? anybody at all?