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[2003] Slalom/Longskate Contest, samedi 30 aout

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 2:26 pm
by Vincent Berruchon
Contest à St Gilles Croix de Vie en Vendée (la plage et les spots de surf ne sont donc pas loin! à 3h et quelques de Paris en train)

Samedi 30 Aout 2003

Horaire :
10h à 13h - Inscriptions sur le lieu du Contest
13h30 - Début de l'épreuve Descente
15h30 - Phase final de l'épreuve de descente
16h - Epreuve de slalom
18h - Remise des prix
19h - Barbecue
22h - Soirée de Cloture au Bar l'Escale a St Gilles

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:22 pm
by Guillaume Olivieri
Could you give more details on the race track?
even if it's kinda far from Marseille, it's still interesting to know how the set-up is done for that sort of event...

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2004 12:23 am
by Vincent Berruchon
So English or french... (le francais est autorisé ici ;) )
This was a little contest organized by the local crew of young longskaters and surfers from Vendee (Atlantic coast)... it was the first event they organized... a nice day on the road of the coast, just by the sea.

In fact, the slalom race didn't happen: not much time left after the downhill and "uphill" race (yes going down, pushing by another way to the top and down one more time - strange but fun... really hard for our legs!!)
in fact we were few slalom sk8ers so it was more like a fun demo -everybody enjoyed to test slalom boards and to try at the end of the day a slalom - and some now have their boards and train now.
I hope for a real little slalom race for 2004...

Thanks to Jani and Etienne, who lent boards, the chronometer, cones and slalom stuff.. and even a car that allow me and my friend Guillaume to bring all that there.

a few links (but no slalom pics): ... ontest.htm ... ire2K3.htm