[2006] Slalom Skateboard World Cup Grueningen 2006

European Races & Results (for Major, Main and Prime level races)

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Jadranko Radovanovic
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[2006] Slalom Skateboard World Cup Grueningen 2006

Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:27 am

The Slalom Skateboard World Cup Grueningen will be held on the 9/10/11 of June.

Friday 9. June NationCup
Saturday 10. June Tight Slalom
Sunday 11. June Hybrid/Giant Slalom

Prize money CHF 3000.- for the overall winners.

Website online: www.pscontest.ch
Website in English will follow in the next few days.

There will be a limited number of participants: max. 100 Racers

Last edited by Jadranko Radovanovic on Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Thu Feb 16, 2006 3:25 am

English Please.
Is registration open yet?

What is the easiest way to get there?

We arrive in Paris on the 17th of May will it be less expensive for us to leave for Uster right away?

Many Happy Pumps!

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:33 am

Hi Claude,

there won't be a translation for the slalom-series.ch website.
the most things are similiar as for the World Cup in Grueningen, which has a English translation.

Perhaps it's less expensive if you fly into Zurich from Canada, than come with me to Paris by car, take a lift with some Germans to Hannover or go by train, and then fly back from Germany ?

The other option are the swiss rail way, the Website is in English and you can go to every destination in Europe you like.

If you are happy with a king size bad for you and MB, than you can have my room during your stay in Switzerland. I will leave for Paris on the 23/24 of May. It's a 5-6 hour's drive.

the rules for the slalom-series are similiar as for the World Cup.
http://www.pscontest.ch/index.do/contes ... rules.html

registration for the slalom-series:


Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:41 pm

Thanks, J-Rad for the post and the PM. We checked into all possible flight routes before booking the Paris Round Trip. It was less expensive then flying into Zurich or other destinations we searched.

The Paris accomodations are booked from the 23rd to the 30th. So it may be inconvenient to have either of you wait for us for a drice. We looked into flights and they are quite reasonable back and forth. As for the contest registration, Can I pay at the race?

The offers for crash pads are great. We will discuss this by PM. Last year when I went to Stockholm I made the mistake of exchanging my Canadian $$$$ to Euros. What exchange would be best for Uster and Hanover? CHF or DEM or Euros?

This will be important for anyone travelling that may not know. CIV?
Last edited by Claude Regnier on Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Many Happy Pumps!

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Thu Feb 16, 2006 9:55 pm

you can pay at the race.

it's not a good idea to change into swiss francs. in switzerland you can pay with euros as well.


Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Fri Feb 17, 2006 7:50 am

Oh yeah, with a rate 1:1 like last year?

(yes right 1 swiss franc equaling 1 euro)
Last edited by Chris Eggers on Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:23 am

Yes the rate will be 1 to 1 at the raceside.

We haven't diffrent exchanges at our account in the bank. We can't pay our bills in Euros. That's the reason why we take it 1 to 1. Try to change your money and than you will know how much you loose...

It's up to the racer's to change their money before.

The good thing is, even if you pay it in Euros 1 to 1 is still less entry fee than at other races...


Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:33 am

Switzerland is a strange country............sometimes........just sometimes...........very very strange.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Fri Feb 17, 2006 9:13 am

1.- euro equals 1,64.- swiss francs at the moment
a pro pays 75.- swiss francs when you compare this to the equal amount in euros you-as the organizer-receive 123.- swiss francs for it from the entrant.

since your sister works at a bank,i think it's easy enough for you guys to change euros to swiss francs after the race,even without paying any extra fees,since she works at a bank.
this is not strange,chris...

that's what i call a rip-off.
please tell me i'm wrong with my assumption and change things for the better-this is what we call"service" in germany.

your turn,jadranko

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:05 am

UBS today morning 7:15

actual exchange rate:
1 EUR = 1.532 CHF

My sister works in the wealthmanagement (key clients, from a minimum of 50 Mio Euros), so there is no money at her working place.

You have to pay the fees, even if you work in a bank.

In a quality of an organisation/event, the "service" is a wider term. It includes many aspects. I think the service we give to the racers is more, than at any other slalom event. This is what we had as a Feedback over the last 6 year's. The most important key figure (number of racers) speaks for itself.

I know some germans wasn't happy about the price of the food and the 1 to 1 exchange.
Switzerland has a higher Quality, and that's way the things cost more. We have now Aldi, it's about 20-40 % cheaper than our other stores, but the quality of the food isn't the same.

Using the 1 to 1 exchange has the goal, that we have less workingtime and it's easier to handle.

Everyeone has the chance to pay how much it is selected. You needn't to pay with Euros. You can change your money as all the other people do. Switzerland is an independet country with it's owen exchange. It is the decision of the racer's. Some bring their food by them selves, some take somthing from what we offer. The prices are swiss standard not more and not less.

Is it possible for me to pay in Swissfrancs in USA, LAT, FRA, GER, AUT ?
No, it isn't.

Don, that means all we swiss can pay in Swissfrancs everywerer (store, hotel, night club) in Brixlegg ? That isn't possible. But in switzerland you can pay with your Euros everywhere, excepting the race side.

That's how it is. You can transfer your entryfee by bank, in this way the 1 to 1 exchange wouldn't be a problem.


Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:16 am

follow this link to get an exact rate:
http://wechselkurse.de/cf.php?action=st ... ch_courses

my wife works also in the wealthmanagement,that's why i know how things are handled here in germany,once you are an employee of a german bank,it seems to be different in switzerland.
it was not only the bad germans who were unhappy with last years handling,remember that in your reply please,if you reply again.
the funny thing is that europe is almost everywhere,only switzerland has an exclusion again.

and no,in other countries at other races,people would have a hard time accepting your francs,right on that.
but dollars or euros are easy to accept,you know why.

" But in switzerland you can pay with your Euros everywhere, excepting the race side. "

now that's what i call service,j-rad

"In a quality of an organisation/event, the "service" is a wider term. It includes many aspects. I think the service we give to the racers is more, than at any other slalom event. This is what we had as a Feedback over the last 6 year's."

are you serious about that?

Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:28 am

I love Switzerland, really, it is beautiful, clean, the people are nice, I call some my friends, I had good times there.......but...........sometimes it is just strange.

My Dad worked in a bank too, we never ever had to pay fees for changing money, nowadays it is a little different, because the banks don´t carry large amounts of foreign currencies anymore because there are less around in Europe.

I assume J-Rad doesn´t lie when he says they have to pay a fee, but I also am very sure the fee is alot less than the difference of 1:1 to the actual rate..........that is why I complained when I paid my entry fee last year..........

Ok now here is an advice: If you have an EC-card, go to a Bankomat when you cross the border. The fee you have to pay to use it is less than at the bank, especially when you
share with others.

Sometimes I even have to laugh when I am in Switzerland, it is SO strange........sometimes

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:34 pm

https://entry.credit-suisse.ch/csfs/p/c ... /index.jsp

EUR -> CHF 1.5412 11:38:18

try the website of a swiss bank. There you have the actual courses when you change your money in our country.
it was not only the bad germans who were unhappy with last years handling,remember that in your reply please,if you reply again.
I can take only the things in account which i know and where i get feedback. I know that you are an representative of many meanings and you represent a lot of people who aren't in this Forum.

But what you are writing here are intuitively statements...

Service and Quality is a big word. If you want to analyse it than you have to make the criterias measurable. My measurable view of our Quality makes 50 % of the Quality, the other 50% are the riders/spectators/goverment/partners/victualers. As we don't have any paper polls, i have only the verbal feedback. (btw. it's not my view of Qualitimanagement, it's the view of the European Foundation for Quality Management EFQM)

For the 1 to 1 criteria there are diffrent groups involved.

- Organisation team
- feedback from the racers
- feedback from the victualers

Now i have to find the best way how we should handle this criteria. If you want to satisfaid the most people (importance: 1. racers/organiseres 2. victualers) of this three groups than you have the decision which we made.

There is a reason for every decision we do.

If you are speaking about service/quality than you have to start at your competition.

Search with google for the competiton in Brixlegg. You won't find your website.
Search with the world Slalom. The first on the list is www.pscontest.ch and there are many others sports with slalom. Look at your presentation of the website. If i didn't know what slalom is, i wouldn't know what the website is about. No shedule nothing, no pics, no registration nothing...

You make the biggest and best event ever, but you have still problems at the start. The Quality of a race is not only the race itself, it has a lot to do with the preparation and the review after the race.
the funny thing is that europe is almost everywhere,only switzerland has an exclusion again.
It is an political decision, which i think it's good. We have our democracy, the only real democracy in the World. We needn't to join a body, which is a playground for some politician. We want to decide what happens in our country, and don't want to be under the control of the biggest countrys in Europe. As long our global player's (UBS, NESTLE, ROCHE, NOVARTIS, CS and many companys more) do a good job and pay their taxes, we needed to join this body. By the way, Switzerland pay's 1 Mia. swiss francs every year for the new European members.
That's how it is.

Last edited by Jadranko Radovanovic on Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:22 pm

when i look for the words "slalom" and "brixlegg" i find 907 hits .looks good,don't you think,j-rad?
sorry for being so lame on the website,but i'll make people such as you swallow,when you come to brixlegg.
is your event also featured on multiple pages in skatemags around the world?
just a question,jadranko,just a question.

in my eyes events such as yours are outdated-this is what i think.
time will prove that i'm right.

now let's get beack to the actual topic:curreny exchange!
is there no solution you can offer the contest entrants?

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:53 pm

There are so many hit's, but your website isn't listed.

It is covered in diffrent magazines, newspapers. Our target group is in our country that's why we are looking only for coverages in our country.

We have a cashmashine in Grueningen, there you can take swiss money with your ec or credit card.
in my eyes events such as yours are outdated-this is what i think.
time will prove that i'm right.
another intuitively statemant...

The good thing is, that the time will show what happens...


Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:00 pm

Jadranko Radovanovic wrote:We have a cashmashine in Grueningen, there you can take swiss money with your ec or credit card.

....it did not work last year. Luckily the Swiss are very helpful peole and someone drove me to the next village .......................

alavoine jean paul
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Post by alavoine jean paul » Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:54 pm

Yeah, me too and it was a very nice ride, above a lake and such...wasn't it in Hombrechtikon (where we had a few contests in the past) we found a money-teller???

Control your temper guys, skateboarding is about having fun remember???

What will you remember when you're 64???
jean paul aka POPOL:
"I was born yesterday...
but I stayed up all night!"

Chris Eggers
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Post by Chris Eggers » Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:44 am

Yeah, we talked on the way...........you know, that´s what skateboarding is about: meeting new people and talking instantly because you have one thing in common, spending a weekend of relaxation, excitement, sports, having fun, making new friends, getting new ideas, seeing new places you would never go to if it wasn´t for skateboarding.

Stefano Bellingeri
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Post by Stefano Bellingeri » Wed May 31, 2006 1:48 pm

Hi freinds,
would you be so kind to tell me the exact schedule of the WC event in grueningen that will be held on next, next WE (9-10-11 June)?
I'm trying to be present but I need to plan my trip.

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Wed May 31, 2006 3:53 pm

Stefano, the exact shedule will be posted today evening.

We will only have two day's 10/11 of June. The Pros will start with training at 7pm on Saturday the quali arround 8pm.

I will post the detail's here and on the webpage www.pscontest.ch


Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:28 am

Here is the shedule:


Peter Pletanek
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Skateboard + FIFA World Cup

Post by Peter Pletanek » Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:47 am

Hi from Munich,

I will arrive in Grüningen on Friday afternoon. Is there some possibility to look the opening match germany v. costa rica 18:00 PM ? The wetter should be fine, maybe some beergarden in the evening ? What about sleeping pos. ? Same procedure as every year ? Looking forward to see you again after one year...
best regards

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:09 am

two possibilities to watch the soccer game. At my home or in the restaurant Adler in Gruenignen.

All the other things are the same as last year. sleeping for free in the bunker...

here my phone: +4179 742 68 69 you can call me when you arrive and we can watch the match together, bevore i have leaving to pick up the English guy's at the airport.


Peter Pletanek
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sounds very good :-), see you on friday J-Rad, big thx...

Post by Peter Pletanek » Wed Jun 07, 2006 11:35 am


Vincent Berruchon
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Post by Vincent Berruchon » Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:28 pm

Can we have an idea about the races?
Who is setting up? What to expect about Pro races? both really tight or what?

and euh?? why does it begin so late to finish so late on Saturday? It's crazy!

Jadranko I'm a bit shocked after all your barkin' : 50CHF/33€ is more than registration for the 3 AM or FEM races+Nation Cup and 4 days of fun in Paris!!
[ www.pavel-skates.com ] [ www.riderz.net ]
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Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:49 am

Saturday: special Slalom (1.60 cm cone distanze)
Sunday: hybrid slalom (2.00m - 3.00m)

Ramon and Manuel Schaub are the course setters.

ever raced with flood light ?

http://www.zkb.ch/bin/tools/waehrungsre ... IzZDb4jYUZ EUR --> CHF

other information on the web. www.pscontest.ch


Sam Gordon
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Post by Sam Gordon » Thu Jun 08, 2006 4:47 pm

1.6cm? That's about 5 foot in old money. Seems fairly tight. Is Pierre Samray coming?

And will the cone distances be the same for the Ams as for the Pros, or will our course be tighter because we don't go as fast?

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:19 pm

Ok, I see there's need for a statement of myself:

The Amateur Special Slalom will be more or less like the one we/you raced in Hannover or Paris, something in between. Something fluent with a couple of "fair difficulties".

The Pro Special Slalom will be something like we raced last year, not so technical but still with two or three nasty offsets or "bananas" so that it still ought to be possible to make it without hitting plenty of cones...hopefully.

The Hybrid Slalom, which will be the same for Pro and Amateur, will be set as wide as possible/as it is reasonable for the hill. We'll try to include some wider offsets but we'll also have to set some tighter sections where you can gain speed.

I believe that either the Amateur Special Slalom or the Hybrid Slalom will be used for the nations cup.


Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Stefano Bellingeri
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Post by Stefano Bellingeri » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:23 pm

no questions...
just eager to beat you!
CU on Sunday

Stefano Bellingeri
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Post by Stefano Bellingeri » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:25 pm

I meant on saturday!

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:33 pm

ah, by the way: The courses will all be set Saturday morning so nobody will be able to somehow practice on them.

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Stefano Bellingeri
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Post by Stefano Bellingeri » Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:42 pm

Nice and correct. As usual.
I expect to have a lot of fun.
We (Luca and I) should arrive around 16:00 o'clock.
BTW do not be too fast; ok?
Enjoy he evenng,

Claude Regnier
Claude Regnier
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Jacket and Hoody

Post by Claude Regnier » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:21 pm

J-rad please don't forget to bring my stuff to Grunigen. Chris H or Civ (Donald) will take it for me.



Good Luck to everyone.
Many Happy Pumps!

Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:45 pm

Have fun everyone. I'm sorry I can't be there this year (either). Please post results as soon as you have them, so that we can follow the races.


Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:26 pm


AM special slalom:

1. Mike Cividino (CAN) 14.465
2. Dominik Kowalski (GER) 14.687
3. Andy Hofstetter (SUI) 15.095
4. Sam Gordon (UK) 15.419
5. Fabian Koula (SUI) 16.092
6. Alimars Jeracenko (LAT) 16.223
7. Christian Lees (SUI) 16.360
8. Ahmed Adel (FRA) 16.422

Woman special slalom:

1. Lea Gasser (SUI) 15.447
2. Noemi Reichel (SUI) 16.371
3. Lienite Skaraine (LAT) 16.682
4. Eveline Eisenring (SUI) 16.514
5. Bettina Luginbühl (SUI) 16.755
6. Joy Spearing (SUI) 17.059
7. Lisa Woodward (UK) 18.999
8. Katii Cambell (UK) 19.304

Juniors special slalom:

1. Silvio Strimer (SUI) 17.101
2. Steve Allabauer (SUI) 17.660
3. Luca Weber (SUI) 18.081
4. Meguid Assanee (SUI) 18.547
5. Raphael Erhart (SUI) 18.903
6. Michael Humbel (SUI) 19.398
7. Moritz Wefeli (SUI) 19.714
8. Slobodan Petrovic (SUI) 20.962

Pro special slalom:

1. Luca Giammarco (ITA) 14.322
2. Janis Kuzmins (LAT) 14.472
3. Ramon Königshausen (SUI) 14.551
4. Manuel Frei (SUI) 14.537
5. Maurus Strobel (SUI) 14.537
6. Paul Price (UK) 15.087
7. Chris Hart (SUI) 15.497
8. Balthasar Weber (SUI) 15.720
9. Aki von Glasow (SUI) 15.369
10. Manuel Schaub (SUI) 15.707
11. Lee Diamant (UK) 15.802
12. Salvis Skarainis (LAT) 16.108
13. Marcel Hug (SUI) 16.206
14. Stefano Bellingeri (ITA) 16.262
15. Gints Gailitis (LAT) 16.268
16. Jojo Linder (SUI) 16.621

Peter Klang
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Post by Peter Klang » Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:18 pm

What have I said about the Latvian Lightning...
He will be a force the be reckoned with in RIGA and BRIXLEGG

Congratulations to Luca, you are still the KING. Bravisimo.


Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:34 pm

Results hybride slalom:


1. Silvio Strimer (SUI) 17.449
2. Steve Allabauer (SUI) 17.885
3. Meguid Assanee (SUI) 18.387
4. Emanuel Blättler (SUI) 19.738
5. Luca Weber (SUI) 19.255
6. Michael Humbel (SUI) 19.746
7. Moritz Werfeli (SUI) 19.831
8. Raphael Erhart (SUI) 20.175


1. Dominik Kowalski (GER) 14.831
2. Mike Cividino (CAN) 14.797
3. Andy Hofstetter (SUI) 15.519
4. Nino Zeke (SUI) 15.824
5. Alexis Lieber (SUI) 15.614
6. Sam Gordon (UK) 16.081
7. Fabian Koula (SUI) 16.315
8. Ahmed Adel (FRA) 16.540
9. Christian Lees (SUI) 16.445
10. Christian Schneebeli (SUI) 16.836
11. Peter Pletanek (GER) 16.992
12. Alimars Jeracenko (LAT) 17.008
13. Pinky von Glasow (SUI) 18.063
14. Oliver Dieterle (GER) 18.690
15. Guntars Gailitis (LAT) 19.971


1. Lea Gasser 15.947
2. Bettina Lunginbühl (SUI) 16.095
3. Eveline Eisenring (SUI) 17.022
4. Joy Spearing (SUI) 17.106
5. Lienite Skaraine (LAT) 17.466
6. Lisa Woodward (UK) 19.164
7. Katii Cambell (UK) 19.860


1. Luca Giammarco (ITA) 14.216
2. Ramon Königshausen (SUI) 13.922
3. Chris Hart (SUI) 14.895
4. Maurus Strobel (SUI) 14.292
5. Frei Manuel (SUI) 14.136
6. Aki von Glasow (SUI) 14.687
7. Janis Kuzmis (LAT) 14.758
8. Weber Bahltasar (SUI) 15.017
9. Paul Price (UK) 15.151
10. Diamant Lee (SUI) 15.163
11. Jojo Linder (SUI) 15.501
12. Manuel Schaub (SUI) 15.646
13. Stefano Bellingeri (ITA) 15.849
14. Salvis Skarainis (LAT) 15.920
15. Dhyan Fischer (SUI) 16.077
16. Hug Marcel (SUI) 16.428

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:53 pm

the times look strange in some cases
why is that so?

Claude Regnier
Claude Regnier
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Post by Claude Regnier » Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:30 am

Way to go Civ amd everyone else.

Donald looks like the qualifying times are posted and the results are after the eliminations. Looks like Civ and Ramon qualified 1st. in their respective Divisions then were upset (according to qualifying) in the rounds.

Thanks again for everything Donald. It was a blast. Flights are still steep and we are working on all the angles. We will find a way.
Many Happy Pumps!

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:41 am

some lower placed rider's beat the higher placed riders in the head to head.

The Quali time is showen in the results list.

Ramón Königshausen
Airflow - Skateboards
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:53 am

Peter Klang wrote:What have I said about the Latvian Lightning...
He will be a farce the be recond with in RIGA and BRIXLEGG
Well we actually didn't race the course which was supposed to be te Special Slalom on Saturday because it was too "interesting" for most of the pros. It's a pity - somehow
I hope that more interesing courses will be possible in the pro division...

Last edited by Ramón Königshausen on Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:55 am

thanks for being with us claude!!!
dom and civ
you guys rocked the place
civ is riding his own proto which seems to perform well when i look at the
placings during the last few contests.
don't forget that dominik was nowhere on the map last year,what a surprise!!!!!!!!!


Steve Hinzen
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Pavel strikes again!

Post by Steve Hinzen » Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:06 am

Congrats to my teammates DOM and CIV. You guys rock! Once you get pro I will have to retire.

What about the nations cup?

Has Aki a brother called Pinky?

Jadranko Radovanovic
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Post by Jadranko Radovanovic » Mon Jun 12, 2006 10:33 am

the rider's were to tired for the nations cup.

And yes, Aki has a brother.

Ramón Königshausen
Airflow - Skateboards
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:24 pm

His name's actually Vincent <Illegale>

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Ramón Königshausen
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Post by Ramón Königshausen » Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:39 pm

Where have all the Germans been?
Where've all the French been?
And where even have all the Swiss been?

This contest really needs to be somewhere else!

Feel the flow – Airflow Skateboards

Real skateboard wheels come in green – ABEC11

Enjoy the ride – GOG Slalom & DH Trucks

Donald Campbell
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Post by Donald Campbell » Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:41 pm

you know my take on the whole deal ramon...
it has nothing to do with jadranko by the way!!!

fabrice andré
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Post by fabrice andré » Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:13 pm

Ramón Königshausen wrote:And where even have all the Swiss been?
in my bed... because of a huge "rhume des foins" :(

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Post by HUYNH BACH SAC Frédéric » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:19 pm

Ramón Königshausen wrote:Where've all the French been?
We had a break after PSWC and Hannover.... next week Super G at St Germain sur ille, a must go for all the French riders !!!
Podium or pavement... but PAVEL !


Sam Gordon
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Post by Sam Gordon » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:30 pm

Here's some pictures taken by the English.

We were there: http://www.flickr.com/photos/samg/sets/ ... 163438593/

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samg/165586384/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/64/165586384_ca887e560c.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="P6114247" /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samg/165585229/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/56/165585229_35649c317c.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="P6114242" /></a>

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samg/165231452/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://static.flickr.com/45/165231452_129b07716e.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="P6114249" /></a>

Thanks J-Rad and team!


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