Rankings used08.Jan.2005

Here is a short overview of the existing season rankings that are used and calculated by the program.

Total Men  : Counting 8 best results / year. All male rank classes.
Total Women: Counting 6 best results / year. All female rank classes.

Legends    : Counting 6 best results / year. Age 45-. (Not used so far)
Pro        : Counting 8 best results / year. Male Pro and Open classes.
Am         : Counting 6 best results / year. Male Am and Open classes.

Total Jun  : Counting 6 best results / year. All jun classes (incl Am).
-17        : Counting 6 best results / year. Age 15-17.
-14        : Counting 6 best results / year. Age 12-14.
-11        : Counting 6 best results / year. Age -11.
No Pro or Am classes are used for the women disciplines so far. They use only the Open class. This is why there is no Pro and Am rankings calculated for women since they would all give the same results as the Total Women rank class. Women are welcome to compete also in all the male classes that should be seen more as an open class than a specific male class.

Other possible rankings
Later on one could imagine sub rankings for disciplines, regions, countries and so on. One could also imagine a lifetime achievement ranking. There could be nation rankings counting 3 best results per nation in an event. One could also imagine special world rankings for disciplines like Bank slalom, 100 cones, Cyber slalom and Cross. There are also ideas of having a special Rookie ranking each year.

* Discipline Counting 4 best individual results / year. 
             Only for that discipline.
             Counting 3 best for women and juniors.
             (Super T, Tight, Slalom, Giant, Super G)
             (Straight or Special)
* Lifetime   Counting 8 best individual results / year. 
             All years and all disciplines counted.

   : ISSA World Ranking 2003-2024