Season rank calculations12.Mar.2005

The World Ranking will be calculated during the season. Below are the rank calendar explaining when and how this is done. During different periods during the year the number of best discipline results counted for the current season are different. In the beginning it is lower and then increases until the end of the year when the full 8/6 best results count.

There will be fixed dates during the year when rankings are calculated. This will be done at the end of each month. There are three exceptions: January, February and November. These months have very few events for the moment. This gives us the following rank calendar.

World Ranking calculation calendar

In the calendar you can see the official dates for all the World Ranking calculations during the season. You can also see how many of the best discipline results for the current season that are counted into the rankings at that time.

For example:
- In the World Ranking, March 31, only the 2 best discipline results for the current season will count in the rankings calculated.
- In the World Ranking, April 30, the 3 best results will count in the pro rankings and the 2 best discipline results in the other rankings.

Virtual year point

During the season a virtual year point will be calculated for all persons in a rank class. For each person who entered the rank class the previous year and each person entering the rank class the current year of course. This is done to be able to better follow the movement of racers during the season. It's always fun to be able to see who is going up and who is falling in the rankings continuesly and not having to wait until the end of the year.

A virtual year point counts the best number of competition results from the current season according to the World Rank Calculation table above. Then the percentage of missing results are taken from the best year among the last 3 seasons and the current year.

For example:
- Pro World Ranking calculation, March 31. Only the 2 best discipline results for the current season will count in the ranking. Pros count 8 best discipline results per year. In this case 6 are missing which represents 75% of a total year. To calculate a virtual year the points from the 2 best disciplines are added together with 75% of the best year during the last 3 years.

- Am World Ranking, March 31. Only the 2 best discipline results for the current season will count in the ranking. Ams count 6 best discipline results per year. In this case 4 are missing which represents 66% of a total year. To calculate a virtual year the points from the 2 best disciplines are added together with 66% of the best year during the last 3 seasons.

- For racers not having entered any competitions yet for the current season will this way still be in the ranking. They will not have any points from the current year but will get the given point percentage from their best year during the last 3 seasons. So everybody gets a virtual year point.

- Rookies with no previous year results will count the current year as their best year result.

- The only racer with no points is a Rookie or Returning racer that have no previous results during the last 3 seasons and have not yet got any results from the current season. In these cases it seems logic that you should not exist in the ranking.

   : ISSA World Ranking 2003-2024