Anybody travel regularly via air with a board?

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Marty Agather
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Anybody travel regularly via air with a board?

Post by Marty Agather » Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:49 am

I',m frequently glued in seat 15A, and was thinking that it's kind of a waste to be in many a beautiful skate spot without a board. Anybody have any great ideas on how to travel incognito with a stick? I'm a suit during the day, so a backpack is just one bag over the new TSA limit of Bigger than a paperback and you need to check it rule.

I was thinking about some sort of uncrushable checked baggage, but other ideas are welcome. I was also thinking about pulling the trucks off and stuffing a short board in my carryon, but then you'd need to bring a screwdriver, and if you showed up in line with one of those the only skating you'd be doing was on the frozen puddles in the exercise yard in Leavenworth in January.

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Jani Soderhall
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Post by Jani Soderhall » Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:39 am

Within the EU you would not be able to take a skate on board. About two years ago they decided that a skate could be used as a (terrorist) weapon and decided that it was forbidden to carry it onboard. Even the trucks alone would have difficulties getting through nowadays, so better not even try.


Marty Agather
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Post by Marty Agather » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:28 pm

Good to know. I'm headed into Munich this weekend, but it's a quick trip and I wouldn't think of bringing a board on this one. But later longer trips might be in the works, and if so, I'd love say hey to the EU brothers.

Best, Marty

Jonathan Harms
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Post by Jonathan Harms » Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:39 pm

Interestingly enough, in August I was able to fly from the USA to Munich (STL to Charlotte to Munich) on Lufthansa with a slalom board as a carry-on. In fact, it even had a huge, white, spray-painted dagger stenciled on the grip tape. But on the way back from Munich, I was stopped at the security checkpoint and told I couldn't carry the same board on and would have to check it.

Regarding uncrushable checked baggage, you might try to find a plastic gun case. I know they make them "rifle or shotgun size," but perhaps you could find one that's only skateboard size. You could remove or modify the foam inside to fit a skateboard in there. Think about that effect: Pull up to a skate spot, take out your attaché case like James Bond and watch everybody's jaw drop. :-)

Tony Peters
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Post by Tony Peters » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:49 pm

Well I fly about once a month and have taken to bringing a board pretty much everywhere...if I'm going someplace with a park I have a 38" Alva Board bag that will fit my C39 and all my pads/helmet/wristguards/etc. If I don't know of a park I have a fat pin, 33.5" with a 24.5" wheelbase, that I shaped specificly for my suitcase. I changed the kingpins to Grindkings for ease of (dis)assembly. I skated in Bahrain (at night) and Diego Garcia on this little wonder last month and had a blast...just long enough to pump but short enough to manuve and take anywhere.
turns are fun....

Boyd de visser
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Post by Boyd de visser » Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:34 pm

i had my downhill longboard whit me on vacation to portugal u can take it whit u but u need like an special commendation for it like transporting an sword or an knife u can just talk to that whit the staff .
but u can take it u only need to have it confiscated in the plane its given back afterwards

Tom Mangelsdorf
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Post by Tom Mangelsdorf » Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:44 pm

I have taken my 46" board with me on a couple trips over the past year. I use a snowboard bag. I also put all my clothes and stuff in the same bag, just like a big suitcase. I think I'm gonna stop though because I heard a news story a couple weeks ago about airlines losing 14,000 pieces of luggage PER DAY. I love my skates, and I just can't bear the thought of losing any of 'em.
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Stephen Lavin
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Post by Stephen Lavin » Sat Jan 27, 2007 7:18 am

Marty, I use a golf bag with wheels. Mine is a soft style back with side padding and hard base. I think I will switch to a solid case this year though. The fabric does not hold up to the weight of 4 decks, clothes, and other gear,

I know Claude and Marty use and seem to like the hard shell golf club cases with wheels.

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