2011 International Slalom Contest Schedule

Scheduled Slalom Races 2011

Moderators: Peter Pletanek, Ricardo Damborenea, Petr Janousek

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Peter Pletanek
Posts: 264
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:38 pm
Location: Munich, Germany

2011 International Slalom Contest Schedule

Post by Peter Pletanek » Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:11 pm

2011 International Slalom Contest Schedule

Post a reply to this announcement if you see something that needs to be added or modified. After the schedule has been updated, your post will be deleted.

Please provide us with the following information:

Name: Name of the competition
Format: like -> hybrid / giant slalom / special slalom / super giant slalom etc.
Date: the exactly Date of the competition
Location: City, State
Sanction: Link to the requested ISSA sanction, except you wish the BASIC status
Contact: contact person and/or Email
Info: briefly, additionaly information like website etc.
Forum: if exists, link to the corresponding ISSA forum thread where you can share more details about this event
Remarks: if you have some

2011 ISSA Sanctioning:

===ISSA 2011 Contest Sanction Application download document
===ISSA 2011 Contest Sanction Status Guide Lines download document

Calendar Legend:
Blue = West Atlantic Regions
Red = East Atlantic Regions
Green = West Pacific Regions

West Atlantic Regions

North America
Major --> 19-20-21 August 2011, World Championships of Slalom Skateboarding, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Main #1 --> 26-27 March 2011, The Texas Sizzler, Houston, Texas, USA
Main #2 --> 28-29 May 2011, Slalom St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Main #3 --> 1-2 July and possibly the 3rd 2011, 8th Annual Dovercourt Open, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Main #4 --> 23-24 July Oceanside Open, San Diego County, California, USA
Main #5 --> 16-17-18 September 2011, Antrim Can / Am International, Antrim, New Hampshire, USA
Prime #1 --> 18-19 June 2011, Wiggle War, Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, USA
Prime #2 --> 25-26 June 2011, 2011 State Games of Oregon, Salem, Oregon, USA
Prime #3 --> 17-18 September 2011, Cone Fest Six, Ashland, Kentucky, USA
Prime #4 -->
Prime #5 -->
Prime #6 -->
Prime #7 -->
Prime #8 -->
Prime #9 -->
Prime #10 -->

South America
Main -->
Prime #1 -->
Prime #2 -->
Prime #3 -->

East Atlantic Regions

Major --> 1-2-3 July 2011, European Championship, Desaxé WorldRide 2011, Grenoble, France download Sanction Form
Main #1 --> 6-7-8 May 2011, The Dutch Championships 2011 - 5th Amsterdam Slalom Series, Amsterdam, The Netherlands download Sanction Form
Main #2 --> 18-19 June 2011, Gints Gailitis memorial cup "Ripo Riga", Riga, Latvia download Sanction Form
Main #3 --> 6-7 August 2011, British Open Slalom Championships 2011, Hog Hill, Great Britain download Sanction Form
Main #4 --> 12-13 November 2011, European Indoor Championships, Brno, Czech Republic download Sanction Form
Main #5 -->
Prime #1 --> 30 April - 01 May 2011, Airflow Slalom Brunch, Thalwil, Switzerland download Sanction Form
Prime #2 --> 15 May 2011, first Skateboard Slalom Open Day, Milan, Italy download Sanction Form
Prime #3 --> 25-26 June 2011, The Rush, Fawkham, Great Britain download Sanction Form
Prime #4 --> 9 July, Baltic championships, Jurmala, Latvia download Sanction Form
Prime #5 --> 9-10 July 2011, Glastonbury Ales Love Monkey NASS Open Slalom Championships, Shepton Mallet, Great Britain download Sanction Form
Prime #6 --> 23 July, Baltic sea cup, Liepaja, Latvia download Sanction Form
Prime #7 --> 13-14 August 2011, Policka Contest - Czech Cup – 4th contest, Policka, Czech Republic download Sanction Form
Prime #9 --> 4 September 2111, King of cones 2011, Finnish Championship Vantaa, Finland download Sanction Form
Prime #9 --> 25 September 2011, Over 80 Cones, Zürich, Switzerland download Sanction Form
Prime #10 -->

West Pacific Regions

Main -->
Prime #1 -->
Prime #2 -->

Main -->
Prime #1 -->
Prime #2 -->

----- JANUARY -----

Vigneron Winter Cup
Format: Tight, Special
Date: 22 January 2011
Location: Nantes, F
Sanction: PLAIN
Contact: Association RIDE
Info: Infosite
Posted: 18 January 2011

----- FEBRUARY -----

----- MARCH -----

The Texas Sizzler
Date: 26-27 March 2011
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Sanction: MAIN
Contact: Organizers The Texas Outlaws
Posted: 12 December 2010

Outlawslalom #10
Format: Dual Straight
Date: 20 March 2011
Location: Madrid, E
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Ricardo Damborenea
Info: Infosite
Posted: 07 December 2010

Format: Giant Slalom, Slide
Date: 25 March 2011
Location: La Garoupe, Antibes, FR
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Pierre Samray
Info: outlaw race
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 17 March 2011

----- APRIL -----

Callot Island slalom (as part of the IST 2011)
Format: hybrid slalom
Date: 02 April 2011
Location: Callot Island, Brittany, France
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Charles Thubert charlesthubert[AT]yahoo[DOT]fr
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 07 February 2011

Parilly Slalom Cup
Format: giant slalom, special slalom, tight slalom
Date: 16-17 April 2011
Location: Lyon, France
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: GANSERT GUILLAUME +33673484576 guillaume[AT]lyonriders[DOT]com
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 07 February 2011

Jurmala cup - 1st contest
Format: HS, TS
Date: 16 April 2011
Location: Dzintari (Jurmala), Latvia
Sanction: BASIC
Info: Gustavs Gailitis (Wheelbite Racing) – gustavsgailitis[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010

Outlawslalom #11
Format: Dual Special
Date: 17 April 2011
Location: Madrid, E
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Ricardo Damborenea
Posted: 07 December 2010

Grobina OUTLAW slalom – 2nd contest
Format: HS, TS
Date: 23 April 2011
Location: Grobina, Latvia
Sanction: Basic
Info: Ainars Jernacenko (O.S.S.G.) – ainarsjer[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010

Czech Cup – 1st contest - Prachatice
Format: Tight slalom, Hybrid Slalom
Date: 30 April- 01 May 2011
Location: Prachatice, Czech Republic
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Mira Bartos mira[AT]final-sk8[DOT]cz
Info: Infosite
Posted: 14 December 2010

Airflow Slalom Brunch
Format: Dual Hybrid, Dual Tight
Date: 30 April- 01 May 2011
Location: Thalwil, CH
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Ramón Königshausen - ramon[AT]airflow-skateboards[DOT]com
Info: Infosite
Posted: 15 March 2011

----- MAY -----

The Dutch Championships 2011 - 5th Amsterdam Slalom Series
Date: 6-7-8 May 2011
Location: Amsterdam, NL
Sanction: MAIN
Contact: Flavio Badenes
Posted: 07 December 2010

Derby Day "Running of the Cones" Outlaw
Format: Single lane Hybrid slalom and maybe tight if we have time
Date: 7 May 2011
Location: Louisville, KY
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Jeremy Coffman
Info: Best of three runs
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 16 April 2011

Latvia cup 2011 – 3nd contest
Format: HS, TS, GS
Date: 14 May 2011
Location: Saldus, Latvia
Sanction: BASIC
Info: Ainars Jernacenko (O.S.S.G.) – ainarsjer[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010

Czech Championships
Format: HS, SGS, TS
Date: 14 May 2011
Location: Liberec - Vesec, Czech Republic
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: josef.stefka[AT]a-ctm[DOT]cz
Info: Infosite
Posted: 24 April 2010

first Skateboard Slalom Open Day
Date: 15 May 2011
Location: Milan, Italy
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Franco Di Giorgio, franco[AT]eskate[DOT]it ; info[AT]eskate[DOT]it
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 10 February 2011

SuomiCup Turku
Format: TS, TS
Date: 15 May 2011
Location: Turku, Kupittaa Urheilupuisto, Finland
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Sj Kalliokoski
Info: Infosite
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 9 April 2011

SuomiCup Vantaa
Format: TS, HS
Date: 21 May 2011
Location: Vantaa, Vantaankoski, Finland
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Sj Kalliokoski
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 9 April 2011

Format: Tight Slalom, Banked Slalom, Super Giant Slalom
Date: 21-22 May 2011
Location: Antibes, FR
Sanction: PLAIN
Contact: Pierre Samray
Info: outlaw race
Forum: Forumsite

Outlawslalom #12
Format: Dual Hybrid
Date: 22 May 2011
Location: Madrid, E
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Ricardo Damborenea
Posted: 07 December 2010

Czech Cup – 2st contest - Prague
Format: Tight slalom dual, Hybrid Slalom, Giant Slalom
Date: 28-29 May 2011
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Tomas Potucek tomas[AT]rocknroll[DOT]cz, Pavel Holec pholka[AT]volny[DOT]cz
Info: Infosite
Posted: 14 December 2010

Slalom St. Louis
Format: HS, TS, possible GS
Date: 28-29 May 2011
Location: St. Louis, Missouri USA
Sanction: MAIN
Info: Jonathan Harms (St. Louis Daggers) – stldaggers[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Remarks: This will be the ninth consecutive year for this race, making it the second-longest-running slalom race in the world. More info will be announced as plans move forward.
Posted: 06 January 2011

Riga championships 2011 – 4th contest
Format: HS, TS, 50 WR attempt
Date: 28 May 2011
Location: Riga, Uzvaras parks, Latvia
Sanction: BASIC
Info: Gustav Gailitis (Wheelbite Racing) gustavsgailitis[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010

----- JUNE -----

SuomiCup Tampere
Format: TS, HS
Date: 5 June 2011
Location: Tampere, Pyynikki, Finland
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Sj Kalliokoski
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 9 April 2011

Hog Hill Open Season & Freeride
Format: Hybrid & Giant Slalom and Freeride
Date: 11-12 June 2011, Start: June 11, 2011 1:00 pm, End: June 12, 2011 5:00 pm
Location: Venue: Redbridge Cycle Centre, Address: Forest Road, Hainault, Ilford, United Kingdom, IG6 3HP
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: UKSSAmedia[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Info: Infosite --> download Sanction Form
Video: Videoclip
Remarks: Hybrid & Giant Slalom and Freeride starting on Saturday midday. Not so much an outlaw (it's all paid for & organised!), more of a skatefest.
Posted: 02 Januar 2011

SuomiCup Espoo
Format: TS, HS
Date: 12 June 2011
Location: Espoo, Leppävaaran urheilupuisto, Finland
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Sj Kalliokoski
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 9 April 2011

German Open Slalom
Format: Single Giant, Dual Hybrid, Dual Tight
Date: 18-19 June 2011 !!! has been postponed to autumn, new date will be announced asap!!!
Location: Berlin, D
Sanction: TBA (PRIME candidate)
Contact: Patric Duletzki
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 19 December 2010

Gints Gailitis memorial cup "Ripo Riga"– 5th contest
Format: HS, TS, GS
Date: 18-19 June 2011
Location: Riga, Latvia
Sanction: MAIN
Info: Gustav Gailitis (Wheelbite Racing) gustavsgailitis[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010

Wiggle War
Format: tight slalom, hybrid
Date: 18-19 June 2011
Location: Sun Prairie, Wisconsin USA
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Tom Mangelsdorf tom.mangelsdorf[AT]wisconsin[DOT]gov or mangels_99_1999[AT]yahoo[DOT]com
Info: Two day event. Two races on Saturday (tight and hybrid), one on Sunday (hybrid).
Forum: N/A
Remarks: Had to take a year off. It's back on!!!!
Posted: 10 January 2011

Outlawslalom #13
Format: Single Lane Super Hybrid
Date: 19 June 2011
Location: Madrid, E
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Ricardo Damborenea
Posted: 07 December 2010

Brasil Slalom
Format: Hybrid, Tight
Date: 25-26 June 2011
Location: Sao Bernardo do Campo (Sao Paulo), Brasil
Sanction: TBA (Prime candidate)
Contact: Bruno Leonardo
Posted: 21 March 2011

Name: 2011 State Games of Oregon
Format: Dual hybrid / Single GS / Single Tight / Dual Slalomcross
Date: 25-26 June 2011
Location: Salem, Oregon, USA
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Pat Chewning (pchewn[AT]comcast[DOT]net)
Info: Four events, two days, all for $40
Sign-up and Website: Website
Forum: TBD
Remarks: Every year we run this event on the buttery-smooth Salem Soap Box Derby hill.
Posted: November 2010

The Rush 2011
Format: Dual Hybrid/GS
Date: 25-26 June 2011
Location: Brands Hatch, Fawkham, Kent, UK
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Rob Ashby: rob.ashby626[AT]btinternet[DOT]com / ukssamedia[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Info: Infosite
Remarks: Remarks: Race takes place on the GP circuit as part of the "Time Attack" motorsport series which takes place on the Indy circuit only. http://www.timeattack.co.uk/
Posted: 07 Februar 2011

Stará Kolena 2011
Format: Giant Slalom, Special Slalom, High Jump, Long Jump, Freestyle
Date: 25-26 June 2011
Location: Secret :-) -> Bozi Dar, Czech Republic
Sanction: BASIC
Info: Masters/Legends Survivorship
Forum: Race tracks, History Forumsite
Posted: 21 March 2011

----- JULY -----

Desaxé WorldRide 2011
Format: GS, SS, TS
Date: 1-2-3 July 2011
Location: Grenoble, F
Sanction: MAJOR European Championship
Contact: Desaxé
Info: Infosite
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 14 October 2010, Date correction on 10 December 2010

8th Annual Dovercourt Open
Format: Slalom, Tight Slalom, if venue Available a Giant Slalom
Date: 1-2 July and possibly the 3rd. (for GS) 2011
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Sanction: MAIN
Contact: Claude Regnier – Mary-Beth Lavoie – cerslalom[AT]msn[DOT]com - also on Facebook
Info: This will be a warm-up for the Worlds. This annual event is also the Canadian Championships in which determine National champions in 4 separate divisions. Website link and more info to follow.
Forum: You will be able to read about this in the Canada Forum on the ISSA forum.
Remarks: We will have two venues secured and we are trying to secure the third.
Posted: 06 January 2011

Turn or Burn – head to head
Format: TS /Hybrid head to head
Date: 2-3 July 2011
Location: Brighton, UK
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Ian Sutherland-Cranfield
Info: download Sanction Form
Posted: 06 April 2011

PRESQU ISLAND SLALOM PERHARIDY 2011 (as part Brittany Championship)
Format: Hybrid / Special
Date: 02 July 2011
Location: Presqu Island Perraridy Roscoff, France
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Charles Thubert charlesthubert[AT]yahoo[DOT]fr
Info: Infosite
Posted: 19 April 2011

SuomiCup Vantaa
Format: TS, TS
Date: 03 July 2011
Location: Vantaa, Vantaankoski , Finland
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Sj Kalliokoski
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 8 Juni 2011

Baltic championships – 6th contest
Format: HS, TS
Date: 9 July 2011
Location: Jurmala, Latvia
Sanction: PRIME
Info: Gustav Gailitis (Wheelbite Racing) gustavsgailitis[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010

Tri-State Tight Slalom Showdown
Format: Dual Lane Tight Slalom
Date: 09 July 2011
Location: Ritter Park, Huntington, West Virginia USA
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Lenny Poage
Posted: 08 Juni 2011

Glastonbury Ales Love Monkey/NASS Open Slalom Championships
Format: Head to Head, Tight/Hybrid with ramp start
Date: 9-10 July 2011
Location: Royal Bath & West Showground, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, UK
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Rob Ashby/UKSSA, rob.ashby626[AT]btinternet[DOT]com / ukssamedia[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Info: Infosite
Signup: Will be via NCDSA - TBA
Posted: 17 February 2011

Latvia cup 2011 – 7th contest
Format: HS, TS
Date: 16 July 2011
Location: Kuldiga, Latvia
Sanction: Basic
Info: Ainars Jernacenko (O.S.S.G.) ainarsjer[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010

Oceanside Open
Format: Dual Lane hybrid, then single lane tight, two courses. Single lane GS and speed trap. You must enter the GS to ride the speed trap
Date: 23-24 July 2011
Location: San Diego County, California, USA
Sanction: MAIN
Contact: Lynn Kramer, La Costa Boys Racing
Info: Sign up on n c d s a

Posted: 01 February 2011

Baltic sea cup – 8th contest
Format: HS, TS
Date: 23 July 2011
Location: Liepaja, Latvia
Sanction: PRIME
Info: Ainars Jernacenko (O.S.S.G.) ainarsjer[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010

----- AUGUST -----

The TUDY ISLAND SLALOM 2011 (as part Brittany Championship)
Format: Hybrid / Special
Date: 01 August 2011
Location: TUDY Island, Brittany, France
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Charles Thubert charlesthubert[AT]yahoo[DOT]fr
Info: Infosite
Posted: 29 March 2011

British Open Slalom Championships 2011
Format: Hybrid/ GS & Freeride
Date: 6-7 August 2011
Location: Hog Hill, GB
Sanction: MAIN
Contact: Sam Gordon, Rob Ashby: ukssamedia[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Info: Infosite
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 24-October 2010

8º Overmeeting
Format: Giant Single and Tigth dual
Date: 06-07 August 2011
Location: Brasilia-DF, Brasil
Sanction: TBA (MAIN candidate)
Contact: Thigogardenal[AT]hotmail[DOT]com and Overstreetsk8[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
Info: In central country the Brasil so nice contest and big organization, look movie in pa. Brasil Overmeeting6
Posted: 13 Juni 2011

Tri-State Hybrid Hoedown
Format: single lane Hybrid - Format may change on the day of race
Date: 06 August 2011
Location: Ritter Park, Huntington, West Virginia USA
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Lenny Poage
Posted: 25 Juli 2011

Brasil Slalom
Format: Giant, Hybrid
Date: 07-08 August 2011
Location: Santana do Parnaiba (Sao Paulo), Brasil
Sanction: TBA (Prime candidate)
Contact: Bruno Leonardo
Posted: 21 March 2011

SuomiCup Espoo
Format: TS, TS
Date: 07 August 2011
Location: Espoo, Finland
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Sj Kalliokoski
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 04 Juli 2011

Policka Contest - Czech Cup – 4th contest
Format: Straight slalom dual, Hybrid Slalom dual, Giant Slalom
Date: 13-14 August 2011
Location: Policka, Czech Republic
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: TBA
Info: Infosite
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 14 December 2010

2º Santana do Parnaiba
Format: Giant Single
Date: 14-15 August 2011
Location: Sao Paulo-SP, Brasil
Sanction: TBA (PRIME candidate)
Contact: Thigogardenal[AT]hotmail[DOT]com and jorge_galasso[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
Info: Nice hill for Giant
Posted: 13 Juni 2011

World Championships of Slalom Skateboarding - 2011
Format: Tight Slalom, Slalom, Giant Slalom – Possible - Park slalom
Date: 19-20-21 August 2011
Location: Ottawa (and surrounding communities), Ontario, Canada
Sanction: Major status to be submitted to ISSA sanction.
Contact: Claude Regnier – Mary-Beth Lavoie – cerslalom[AT]msn[DOT]com - also on Facebook
Info: Infosite
Forum: Forumsite
Remarks: At this point we are working on details with local city departments. If you are willing to accept lesser roads (speed- earned vs. hill))we will confirm soon and continue to work on better venues. If you interested in coming please send us a note at to which date you would prefer. We will also try to find some places with your countrymen for you to stay with while here if you are interested.
Posted: 06 January 2011

SuomiCup Vantaa
Format: TS, HS
Date: 20 August 2011
Location: Vantaa, Finland
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Sj Kalliokoski
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 04 Juli 2011

Latvian championships 2011 – 9th contest
Format: HS, TS, GS, Downhill
Date: 27-28 August 2011
Location: Priekuli , Latvia
Sanction: BASIC
Info: Gustavs Gailitis gustavsgailitis[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010, postponed on 28.July

The Molene ISLAND SLALOM 2011 (as part Brittany Championship)
Format: Hybrid / Special
Date: 28 August 2011
Location: Molene ISLAND, France
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Charles Thubert charlesthubert[AT]yahoo[DOT]fr
Info: Infosite
Posted: 27 July 2011

----- SEPTEMBER -----

Bloody Bones Contest - Czech Cup – 3rd contest – Havlickuv Brod
Format: Slalom Straight, Slalom Hybrid
Date: 03 September 2011
Location: Havlickuv Brod, Czech Republic
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Petr Novotný vysocina[AT]knihyhb[DOT]cz
Info: Infosite
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 14 December 2010

SuomiCup Open Finnish Championships
Format: TS, HS, HS
Date: 04 September 2011, reserve day 03.September.2011
Location: Vantaa, Finland
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Sj Kalliokoski
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 04 Juli 2011

Outlawslalom #15
Format: World Record Weekend
Date: 10-11 September 2011
Location: Madrid, E
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Ricardo Damborenea
Posted: 07 December 2010

Brasil Slalom
Format: Tight, Hybrid
Date: 10-11 September 2011
Location: Sao Jose dos Campos (vale do paraiba), Brasil
Sanction: TBA (Prime candidate)
Contact: Bruno Leonardo
Posted: 21 March 2011

Riga Extreme – 10th contest
Format: HS, TS
Date: 10 September 2011
Location: Riga, Latvia
Sanction: Basic
Info: Gustav Gailitis (Wheelbite Racing) gustavsgailitis[AT]inbox[DOT]lv
Posted: 28 December 2010, postponed on 28.July

Format: Hybrid, Special Slalom
Date: 11 September 2011
Location: Valentino Park, Turin, Italy
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Riccardo Roma ricca.roma[AT]hotmail[DOT]it and Franco Di Giorgio franco[AT]eskate[DOT]it
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 25 Juli 2011

Format: Parralel Giant Slalom, Super Giant Slalom
Date: 11 September 2011
Location: Antibes, FR
Sanction: PLAIN
Contact: Pierre Samray
Info: outlaw race
Forum: Forumsite

Antrim Can / Am International
Format: TS, Hybrid, GS, possibly a SG or DH event
Date: 16-17-18 September 2011
Location: Antrim, NH USA
Sanction: MAIN
Contact: Dave Kirkpatrick
Info: Infosite
Forum: Forumsite
2010 thread
Facebook: Facebooksite
Remarks: Antrim has a built in audience, enjoys local government support and the PR that goes with our Home and Harvest festival, fireworks, easy access from Logan, NYC, etc. Possible local TV coverage, 4 camera live switching for head-to-head racing. Lots of discussion still to have about the nature/possibilities of this year's event.
Posted: 30 January 2011

Cone Fest Six
Format: TS, Hybrid, GS
Date: 17-18 September 2011
Location: Ashland, KY, USA
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Lenny Poage
Posted: 13 April 2011

1º Slalom Park Villa Lobos (Virada Esportiva)
Format: Dual Tigth and Dual Hibrid
Date: 17-18 September 2011
Location: Sao Paulo-SP, Brasil
Sanction: TBA (PRIME candidate)
Contact: Thigogardenal[AT]hotmail[DOT]com and dhseventos[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
Info: nice oportunitie because this is one final week the sport in Sao Paulo and Slalom is one sport this day
Posted: 13 Juni 2011

FestiGliss - Finals of French Championships '11
Format: Hybrid, Giant Slalom
Date: 24 September 2011
Location: Annonay, France
Sanction: PLAIN
Contact: Guillaume Gansert, ggansert[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Info: 2 races the same day in the downtown of Annonay; part of a multigliss event with street skateboaarding, hiphop & graffiti demos
Forum: Forumsite

Over 80 Cones
Format: Single Hybrid, Special, Tight (Rounds)
Date: 25 September 2011
Location: Zürich, CH
Sanction: PRIME
Contact: Ramón Königshausen ramon[AT]airflow-skateboards[DOT]com
Info: Infosite
Posted: 15 March 2011

Outlawslalom #14
Format: Single Lane Giant
Date: 25 September 2011
Location: Madrid, E
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Ricardo Damborenea
Posted: 07 December 2010, postponed on 19 Juni

Swedish Championships
Format: SPC TS GS
Date: 25 September 2011
Location: Gothenburg, Slottsparken, Sweden
Sanction: PLAIN

----- OCTOBER -----

SIECK ISLAND SLALOM 2011 (as part Brittany Championship)
Format: Hybrid / Special
Date: 02 October 2011
Location: SIECK Island, ile de sieck , France
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Charles Thubert charlesthubert[AT]yahoo[DOT]fr
Info: Infosite
Posted: 01 September 2011

2011 KHRT Outlaw Slalom #2
Format: Hybrid (if time and weather allows, maybe a GS too)
Date: 09 October 2011 (rain date: Monday October 10th)
Location: Quebec City, QC, Canada
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Miguel Marco
Info: Fun! Fun! Fun!
Forum: Forumsite
Remarks: 27 racers already registered on a last minute call!
Posted: 05 October 2011

Hogtoberfest Freeride & Slalom
Format: Hybrid & Giant Slalom, Freeride, Street Luge and Slide Clinics
Date: 15-16 October 2011, Start: 15th October 2011 9:00 am, End: 16th October 2011 5:00 pm
Location: Venue: Redbridge Cycle Centre, Address: Forest Road, Hainault, Ilford, United Kingdom, IG6 3HP
Sanction: BASIC download Sanction Form
Contact: ukssamedia[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Info: Infosite
Remarks: Hybrid & Giant Slalom, Freeride and various clinics starting on Saturday. The last UK skatefest of the year!
Posted: 01-September 2010

Format: Single Lane Hybrid, up to 75 cones; coast in start' and speed does build throughout
Date: 15 October 2011
Location: McGrathiana Pkwy, Lexington Kentucky, USA
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Tom Weisenbach, twthomas9[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Info: Facebook coldstream park slalom race, or tee weis
Posted: 24 August 2011

Outlawslalom #16
Format: Outlawslalom Party
Date: 16 October 2011
Location: Madrid, E
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Ricardo Damborenea
Posted: 07 December 2010

Antrim Jam 2011 CANCELED, because snow
Format: hybrid / giant slalom / special slalom (kids and uphill pump, time permitting)
Date: 30 October 2011
Location: Antrim, NH USA
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Dave Kirkpatrick--> davek[AT]ironhorseaudio[DOT]com
Info: Location TBA, it's either/or our favorite skatespots with the other as alt location. Registration: 10 AM, Racing at 11, Hybrid and GS, single lane jam. Extra race: uphill pump? I keep promising that, don't I... we'll see. Helmets required. Pads and gloves are STRONGLY recommended. Kids race at 4PM, parent signs waiver - required - followed by awards.
Forum: Forumsite
Remarks: Somewhat informal race. All the fun, little stress. Work it a while, hit it hard, get your time. Family and beginner friendly.
Posted: 01 October 2011[/color]

Brasil Slalom
Format: Tight, Hybrid
Date: 29-30 October 2011
Location: Sao Paulo (down town), Brasil
Sanction: TBA (Prime candidate)
Contact: Bruno Leonardo
Posted: 21 March 2011

Sainte anne island slalom 2011
Format: Slalom
Date: 30 October 2011
Location: SIECK Island, ile de sieck , France
Sanction: PLAIN
Contact: Charles Thubert charlesthubert[AT]yahoo[DOT]fr
Info: Infosite
Posted: 27 October 2011

----- NOVEMBER -----

Pirates Slalom 2011
Format: hybrid slalom
Date: 06 November 2011
Location: Quais de Seine, Paris, France
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: rik.schoirfer[AT]gmail[DOT]com
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 19 October 2011

European Indoor Championships of Slalom Skateboarding 2011 (former Czech Hall Championship - Czech Cup – 6th contest)
Format: Tight Slalom Dual, Straight slalom Dual, Hybrid Slalom, Team Hybrid Slalom, Skateboard High Jump Performance
Date: 12-13 November 2011
Location: Brno, Czech Republic
Sanction: MAIN download Sanction Form
Contact: Dalibor Danhel-> d.dalas[AT]seznam[DOT]cz , Roman Thuma-> rek[AT]rek-lama[DOT]cz
Info: Infosite
Forum: Forumsite
Posted: 14 December 2010

Kerestat Wood Cup 2011
Format: Special
Date: 20 November 2011
Location: Presqu Island Perraridy Roscoff, France
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Pierre Jean
Info: Infosite
Posted: 18 October 2011

6th Annual Workin' Off The Turkey
Format: Single lane HS/GS
Date: 26 November 2011
Location: West Virginia (racers: contact Lenny for location info), USA
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Lenny Poage
Posted: 16 November 2011

----- DECEMBER -----

Brasil Slalom
Format: Giant, Hybrid
Date: 03-04 December 2011
Location: Museu do Ipiranga, Sao Paulo (down town), Brasil
Sanction: TBA (Prime candidate)
Contact: Bruno Leonardo
Posted: 21 March 2011

Format: GS and Slalom Cross
Date: 18 December 2011
Location: Hockley TX, USA
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Marcos Soulsby-Monroy
Posted: 27 November 2011

The 6 th BATZ ISLAND SLALOM 2011 (as part Brittany Championship)
Format: Hybrid / Special
Date: 30 December 2011
Location: Batz Island, F
Sanction: BASIC
Contact: Charles Thubert
Info : Infosite
posted: 25-October 2010


Post a reply to this announcement if you see something that needs to be added or modified. After the schedule has been updated, your post will be deleted.
Last edited by Peter Pletanek on Fri May 27, 2011 5:49 pm, edited 153 times in total.

Peter Pletanek
Posts: 264
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 12:38 pm
Location: Munich, Germany

calendar 2011 modification history

Post by Peter Pletanek » Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:27 pm

modification history

24-Oct-2010 creation of the 2011 slalom contest calendar
26-Oct-2010 add British Open Slalom Championships 2011 and The 6 th BATZ ISLAND SLALOM 2011 (as part Brittany Championship)
01-Nov-2010 add Grenoble and State Games of Oregon
09-Dec-2010 add Spanish Outlaw series 2011 and Dutch Championships 2011
14-Dec-2010 add BCN Extreme, The Texas Sizzler, cleanup
16-Dec-2010 add/change Date for Desaxé WorldRide 2011, cleanup
19-Dec-2010 add Czech Cup series 2011 (seven competitions)
20-Dec-2010 Mapping Sanctions Level to well-tried system, cleanup
21-Dec-2010 add German Open Slalom, cleanup
03-Jan-2011 add Hog Hill Outlaw Slalom & Freeride, cleanup
04-Jan-2011 add Latvia series 2011 (ten competitions), cleanup
07-Jan-2011 add Slalom St.Louis, 8th Annual Dovercourt Open, World Championships of Slalom Skateboarding - 2011 _TENTATIVE, cleanup
09-Jan-2011 cleanup
11-Jan-2011 add Wiggle War
18-Jan-2011 add Vigneron Winter Cup, change State Games of Oregon --> requested Status PRIME, Fix date on possible Worlds 2011 in Canada, typo corrections, cleanup
23-Jan-2011 Fix the possible number of Major, Main, Prime status pro region (Corky/Steve Pederson confirmation), delete Hradec Kralove from 2011 calendar, cleanup
30-Jan-2011 add URL/link for the 2011 ISSA Contest Sanction Application and 2011 ISSA Contest Sanction Status Guide
01-Feb 2011 BASIC Status for BCN Extreme, add La Costa Boys Open, cleanup
02-Feb 2011 add Antrim Can / Am International, cleanup
07-Feb 2011 new Date for The Dutch Championships 2011 (change by F.Badenes), PRIME Status for 2011 State Games of Oregon, MAIN Status for The Texas Sizzler --> North American status marshals decision (info from Jonathan Harms), add Parilly Slalom Cup and Callot Island slalom (as part of the IST 2011), PRIME Status for Policka, cleanup
09-Feb 2011 add The Rush 2011
10-Feb 2011 add first Skateboard Slalom Open Day, Milan, Italy, cleanup
14-Feb 2011 MAIN Status for The Dutch Championships 2011 - 5th Amsterdam Slalom Series, cleanup
15-Feb 2011 PRIME Status for Wiggle War, moved The Dutch Championships 2011 to the right place in the calendar, cleanup
17-Feb 2011 MAJOR Status for the European Championship, Desaxé WorldRide 2011, 1-2-3 July 2011, add Format for The Rush 2011, add Glastonbury Ales Love Monkey/NASS Open Slalom Championships
21-Feb 2011 change Status from BASIC to PLAIN for Vigneron Winter Cup, because announcement to late
24-Feb 2011 add forum for the Worlds 2011, change PRIME to MAIN candidate for Czech Hall Championship - Czech Cup – 6th contest, cleanup
19-Mar 2011 add Thrasheville Mountain Skate Festival May 27-29, 2011, change dates for Outlawslalom #10 (from 13-Mar to 20-Mar), Czech Cup – 1st contest - Prachatice (from 14-15 May to 30 April 01 May, Czech Cup – 2st contest - Prague (from 27-28 May to 28-29 May), set MAIN Status for Antrim Can / Am International, add Airflow Slalom Brunch 30 (PRIME) April - 1 May 2011 and Over 80 Cones (PRIME) 24 September, add NEWRIDER LONGSKATE TOUR race#2 on 25 March, cleanup
21-Mar 2011 add Stará Kolena, Masters/Legends Survivorship, 25-26.June 2011, Bozi Dar, Czech Republic
29-Mar-2011 Change date for Bloody Bones Contest - Czech Cup from 11-12-June to 11-June (now one day event, but very good one -> organisation, race tracks etc.), add Callot Island slalom on 1-August, add Website for the Worlds 2011 -> http://worldslalomskateboarding.com/, add five Brasil events
04-April add sign-up link and website for the State Games of Oregon, MAIN Status for British Open Slalom Championships 2011, MAIN Status for Gints Gailitis memorial cup (former Riga championships) and extend Date from 18 June to 18-19 June, PRIME Status for Baltic sea cup (change Date from 20 August to 23 July), PRIME Status for Baltic championships (change Date from 9-10 July to 9 July)
05-April set BASIC Status for Latvia cup - 1st contest, Latvia cup – 2nd contest, Latvian championships – 8th contest
06-April PRIME Status for The Rush, PRIME Status for Glastonbury Ales Love Monkey NASS Open Slalom Championships, BASIC Status for Hog Hill open season, add Turn or Burn - head to head, change German Open Slalom from MAIN candidate to PRIME candidate, optical corrections for sanction forms URL's, clean up
07-April MAIN Status for Slalom St. Louis
09-April MAIN Status for 8th Annual Dovercourt Open
10-April Add SuomiCup (four competitions in Finland)
12-April actualisation of Latvia events (BASIC Status, Dates, Names), optical tune up, cleanup
13-April add Cone Fest Six and assign PRIME Status for this event
14-April upgrade Status from BASIC to PRIME for first Skateboard Slalom Open Day on 15 May 2011, update sequence (by Date) for MAIN, PRIME events at the top, clean up
16-April add Derby Day "Running of the Cones" Outlaw
19-April add PRESQU ISLAND SLALOM PERHARIDY 2011 on 02-July (as part Brittany Championship) STATUS=BASIC
29-Apr add Czech Championships STATUS=BASIC, delete Thrasheville Mountain Skate Festival
27-May Cancellation of BCN Extreme - Slalom @ 4-5 June 2011, change Date for Bloody Bones Contest - Czech Cup – 3rd contest – Havlickuv Brod from 11 June 2011 to 03 September 2011
09-Juni add Tri-State Tight Slalom Showdown and SuomiCup Vantaa
15-Juni Because huge inquiry, upgrading Status from plain to basic for Stará Kolena 2011
04-Juli add three Brasil events, Spain's Outlawslalom #14 postponed after summer vacation, changed date from 11-Juni to 09-July for Tri-State Tight Slalom Throwdown, La Costa Boys Open change Name to Oceanside Open and set MAIN Status, add three Finland Races
26-Juli add SUPERSKATE OPEN DAY, add Tri-State Hybrid Hoedown, change date for Spain's Outlawslalom #14
01.August add The Molene Island SLALOM 2011, Postponed and location change Latvian championships 2011 – 9th contest from 6.August to 27-28 August, postponed Riga Extreme – 10th contest from 27 August to 10 September
07-August PRIME Status for SuomiCup Open Finnish Championships, Change Slalom Type for SUPERSKATE OPEN DAY, Change date for SuomiCup Vantaa from 21 to 20 August
06-September add COLDSTREAM PARK SLALOM RACE, SIECK ISLAND SLALOM 2011 (as part Brittany Championship), Hogtoberfest Freeride & Slalom
17-September add Sanctionform for Hogtoberfest Freeride & Slalom on 15-16 October, delete Olomouc Contest - Czech Cup – 5th contest on 17 September
17-September add MAIN Status and Sanctionform for European Indoor Championships of Slalom Skateboarding 2011 (former Czech Hall Championship - Czech Cup – 6th contest), shortened Date from 11-12-13 November to 12-13 November
19-September change the Date for Over 80 Cones from 24.September to 25.September, because organizer mistake
03-October subsequent add of NEWRIDER LONGSKATE TOUR race#4, NEWRIDER LONGSKATE TOUR race#7, Swedish Championships --> all Status PLAIN, add Antrim Jam 2011 Status BASIC
05-October add 2011 KHRT Outlaw Slalom #2 ISSA Status BASIC, subsequent add of FestiGliss - Finals of French Championships '11 ISSA Status PLAIN
18-October add Kerestat Wood Cup 2011 on 20 NOVEMBER 2011, ROSCOFF, France
21-October add Pirates Slalom 2011 on 06 November 2011 in Paris
28-October Antrim Jam has officially been moved to Sunday 30.October, same times. 202 location, contact Dave Kirkpatrick for directions, add Sainte anne island slalom 2011 Status PLAIN
02-November Antrim Jam 2011 (on 30.October) has been CANCELED, because snow
19-November added 6th Annual Workin' Off The Turkey, added Shiver and Wiggle TS and Cookout
05-December added TXO SLM
12-December Date correction for batz island slalom (old Date 26th december new Date is the 30 december)

15-January 2012 Shiver and Wiggle TS and Cookout moved from 2011 to 2012
Last edited by Peter Pletanek on Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 pm, edited 52 times in total.

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